Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 1308: Victory under 1 elbow

The higher the purity of the spirit, the stronger the attack power of the spirit burst.

The purity of the aura created by Lin Yuan is higher than that of the five-star creator. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the purest artificial aura in the world.

The extremely pure aura brought together a little burst of power, allowing Lin Yuan to directly smash the mountains under his feet and in front of him.

Lin Yuan frequently swiped his right fist in the face of the mountain peaks rising up all over him.

Under Lin Yuan’s right fist, no mountain rising from the ground can bother Lin Yuan.

While Lin Yuan swung his right punch to break the mountain peak, Lin Yuan suddenly felt a huge repulsive force coming from the mountain in front of him.

This repulsive force prevented Lin Yuan from continuing to bombard the mountain with his right fist.

But the repulsion from the mountain is not difficult to reach Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan only needs to lift his foot to kick up a piece of rubble, first cast a spiritual explosion bombardment on the rubble.

Using the stone as the node, the power of the quintessence explosion and the repulsive force of the mountain cancel each other out.

Then hit the right punch on the mountain again.

In terms of Lin Yuan’s skills, these are just tricks that can be easily captured.

Because the earth element on the island has entered an extremely active state.

As the Jingzhelong turns the water element into the earth element, the area of ​​the island has a tendency to faintly expand.

At this time, the twenty-eight dark crows had already flown in front of Zhen Yuefeng, hovering and hit Zhen Yuekui’s body.

Every dark crow’s impact can smash dozens of mountain ghosts outside Zhen Yuekui, and bless a withered mark on the outermost mountain ghosts.

Each generation of a blight mark will be accompanied by the disappearance of a dark crow.

At the same time, these generated blight marks will not disappear as the shadows of the mountains are crushed by the dark crows.

Instead, it will automatically attach to the phantom of the mountains on the next level.

As the fourteen dark crows disappear, the withering effect that can be generated by collecting the fourteen withering marks is triggered.

The withering effect directly caused Zhenyue’s body to wither all the phantoms of the mountains stacked on top of her body.

The shadows of the withered mountains are like the cry of the earth, splashing with rotten dust.

Anhe was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly commanded the Jingzhe Longyu envoy to split the image of the Jingzhe on top of the remaining fourteen dark crows.

Also, let the Shocking Dragon use the skill Shocking Change as quickly as possible, and strive to feed back a large amount of vitality to the Shocking Dragon’s body through the attack of the Dark Crow.

At the same time, Anhe also made Jingzhefenglong’s exclusive characteristics to attract the earth to emit the strongest repulsive force.

Then order the Jingzhelong to use the skill Dragon Body Liberation, and gather all the energy in the body on the dragon horns.

Be ready to use the power of the whole body to bombard the remaining dark crows after the image of the startling sting is crushed by the dark crows at any time.

Anhe’s approach is obviously to abandon the Thrilling Dragon.

Use the Shocking Dragon as a shield to block the attacks of the Dark Crows for Zhen Yuekui.

Anhe’s approach is quite right. After all, Zhen Yuekui, who is a diamond-level tenth fantasy and five changes, has a much better overall strength than a diamond-level tenth fantasy and four changes Jingzhelong.

Although Jingzheqionglong is better at attacking than Zhenyuekui, Zhenyuekui’s skills, Jianshan and Jiuzhen, are no weaker than Jingzheqiong’s attack.

But Ankh obviously underestimated the power of the Dark Crows withering to strike the fourteen remaining Dark Crows.

A dark crow slammed into the image of the horrified sting that spawned by the dragon, and directly smashed the small half of the image of horrified sting to pieces.

However, at this time, the Jingzhelong behind the Jingzhe’s image is fully exerting its exclusive characteristics to attract the ground.

The huge repulsive force exploded with the Jingzhelong as the origin, pushing everything in the opposite direction of the Jingzhelong.

The strong repulsive force even compacted the land of the island three meters down.

This huge repulsion undoubtedly affected the remaining thirteen dark crows.

But at the price of paying three more dark crows, the image of the startled sting was completely shattered.

The remaining ten dark crows attacked directly at the Frightening Dragon.

Seeing this, the Jingzhelong dragon didn’t immediately liberate the dragon’s body and beat out the cohesive blow on the dragon’s horns.

Instead, he took the initiative to greet the remaining Dark Crows with the vitality fed back to him by the image of the startling sting.

Only when the four dark crows hit the body of the Jingzhelong, the Jingzhelong released the dragon’s body with a single blow.

The terrifying white light collided with the five dark crows, causing a violent explosion.

In the end, the severely injured Fright Sting Dragon fell from mid-air to the ground under his own control.

Three dark crows emerged from the smoke from the explosion.

Under normal circumstances, these three dark crows should have hit the Jingzhefenglong.

However, since Lin Yuan and Anhe are only competing, there is no need to harm the life of each other’s spiritual creatures.

The dark crows that were shot were all controlled by Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan let out a sigh of shock.

Looking at the three remaining dark crows, Anhe quickly raised his hand, and Anhe summoned an ocher lizard nearly 20 meters long and 10 meters high.

This khaki lizard has a thick layer of crystalline armor on its back.

Obviously, the spirit creature Anhexin summoned has a very strong defensive ability.

However, after Anhe summoned the lizard, there was no time to give any instructions to the lizard.

The lizard had to use its body files to attack the three dark crows that Zhenyuefeng.

At this time, Lin Yuan took a deep breath, and the few punches he had just played through the spirit burst left only one-half of the aura content in Lin Yuan’s body~ IndoMTL.com~ as a C-level aura professional , In the battle with the B-level Reiki professional, the spiritual power is really not enough.

Lin Yuan silently applied a Xiaohei’s ability to instill spirits, and then Lin Yuan stepped forward, raised his right fist, and ran straight towards Zhen Yuekui.

Three dark crows blasted on the lizard spirit summoned by Anhe, and only two dark crows severely wounded the huge lizard.

Just as the lizard met the two dark crows, the third dark crow was about to crash into the lizard.

The third dark crow changed its direction and ran across the monitor lizard towards Ankh.

When Anhe saw this, he had to order Zhen Yuekui to stand in front of him.

At this time, Lin Yuan, who was nearby, stepped forward and slammed his right fist on the back of the seriously injured giant lizard.

After that, Lin Yuan jumped high with the back of the giant lizard as a node, and injected most of the aura in his body into his right fist.

Swipe the right fist again and hit Zhen Yuekui, who was defending the last dark crow with all his strength.

After the punch, Lin Yuan unloaded his strength, turned over and fell behind An He.

At the moment of landing, Lin Yuan’s left elbow touched An He’s temple cleanly.

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The strong wind brought by the elbow blew up the broken hair on Anhe’s forehead, making Anhe sweat all over.

The monitor lizard spirit summoned by An Hexin fell to the ground after being hit by Lin Yuan.

Although Zhen Yuekui was hit hard by Lin Yuan’s punch, he was far from severely injured.

The one who really hurt Zhen Yuekui was the attack of the last dark crow.

But I really want to say that Zhen Yuekui still has the power to fight, but An He has already lost this battle.

Because Anhe’s life is tied under Lin Yuan’s elbow at this time.

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