Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 1386: Xiandu

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-six chapters of Xiandu

Ning Qi took Li Kunxin, and the three of Baicheng followed the old ghost through one teleportation array after another. It took more than three months to reach the nearest city to Xiandu, “Young Phoenix City”. ‘.

“The 533 Teleportation Array… This Lumen Immortal Dynasty is really terrifying. If you don’t have the status of a listed alchemist, you can get a 10% discount. Dangdang Teleportation Array will cost hundreds of thousands. Lumen Fairy Coins…”

Ning Qi already understands the value of Lumen Immortal Coins, which is about ten to twenty times higher than Azure Dragon Crystal, because this place is different from Azure Dragon Continent. Some things will be very expensive, but some things, But it is cheaper than the Azure Dragon Continent. For example, the pill, because of the Alchemist Alliance, the price of the same pill here is slightly cheaper than that of the Azure Dragon Continent.

At the beginning, in the desert domain, a lower-grade artifact of a slightly higher quality had to be sold for more than 200 desert coins, which is equivalent to more than 70 Azure Dragon Crystals. Here, only ten Lumen Immortal Coins are needed. You can buy it, like the little second in a teahouse, you can get three Lumen fairy coins a month’s salary, and you can earn a low-grade magic weapon in three or four months!

But the Alliance of Alchemists is rich and oily. The average Dantong’s monthly salary is 50 Lumen Immortal Coins, plus some extra income, should earn 200 Lumen Immortal Coins. The problem is, as for listed alchemists like Baicheng, their income is ten times or even dozens of times stronger!

“Well, come to Xiandu, you will have to go in for the Lumen cents earned in a few months.”

Mo Yu shook his head and sighed.

“So I advised you to stay in Daan City before, why do you want to come together?”

Aya Fei covered her mouth and smiled.

“This time the Beixuan brothers came to Xiandu for the assessment. If they succeed, they will be our immediate boss. How can I not come?”

Mo Yu laughed.

When Baicheng heard the words, Chao Ningqi smiled and said: “Brother Beixuan, if you really become the ruler of Daan City, remember to give us more fairy herbs every month. Don’t be stingy like the old man. All immortal herbs over ten thousand years old were kept privately for research on Wanshou Dan…”

“Boy, I’m still here, you are looking for a fight!”

The old man couldn’t help but scolded.

Baicheng rolled his eyes.

Ning Qi smiled without saying a word. He is not in charge now, so naturally it is not good to promise Baicheng anything.

“Hey, I didn’t think of coming out, so I owed a debt…”

Li Kunxin followed behind Ning Qi’s buttocks, and followed everyone flying towards the fairy capital, but his heart was very bitter. The Lumen fairy coins that he was sitting in the teleportation array this time were made with the help of the old man, totaling more than five thousand. Lumen Immortal Coins, if it weren’t for the name of the Alchemist Alliance, which could be discounted, it would be more than 50,000.

Although the value of five thousand Lumen Immortal Coins is converted into Azure Dragon Crystal, it is probably between 50,000 and 100,000, but the point is that Azure Dragon Crystal is not worth a penny here!

“I’m almost in Xiandu, walk on the ground.”

The old man said suddenly.

When everyone heard this, they landed one after another. Besides them, there were many monks walking in the same direction with them nearby.

“Little friend Beixuan, this is the first time you have come to Xiandu. I have a few rules to tell you. In Xiandu, you are not allowed to fight without authorization, otherwise no matter who is in charge, you will be pushed out and beheaded to show the public. .”

“Besides, it is best not to have disputes with officials of the Immortal Dynasty. Our Alchemist Alliance is here, and we must always give the other side a bit of face. If it is a small dispute, if it is a big dispute, remember to step back. , Lest the face of Lumen Zhenxian will not come to Taiwan.”

“Xiandu is divided into outer, middle, inner, and three realms. The inner realm is the place where true immortals practice, and the place where hundreds of officials worship. The land, our Alchemist Alliance in Xiandu, is the most prosperous place in the Central Region. As for the Outer Region, it is a place for ordinary monks and ordinary people to stay.”

Ning Qi and Li Kunxin listened carefully to Gui Lao’s explanation, and kept in mind the important points in his words.

Not long after, everyone saw a huge city a hundred feet high above the ground. The huge city faced them, and there was a long stairway. The monks came and went in and out, standing on both sides. The defending sergeant is responsible for verifying the identity of those who enter and leave.

“Oh! It turned out to be in charge of Daan City, please come in.”

When the sergeant of the defending city saw the token presented by the old man, he smiled slightly, and no longer looked at Baicheng and others, and easily put them into Xiandu.

Ning Qi turned to look at the monks who followed them, but they were strictly searched.

“They are afraid that someone will bring things from other places to Xiandu for sale. Price control is very strict here. If we are not listed alchemists of the Alchemist Alliance, we will be like them.”

The old ghost Chao Ning Qi smiled, a hint of pride flashed in his eyes.

“It looks like this identity is really useful.”

Ning Qi said inwardly.

Following Gui Lao into the Outer Realm of Xiandu, and then came to a teleportation formation. From there, I entered the inner realm, and all the teleportation formations were used in the Xiandu. Ning Qi couldn’t imagine how big this immortal was really?

“As expected to be the immortal capital of the Lumen Immortal Dynasty, from this glance, they are all monks of the Dharma Realm!”

Li Kunxin stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

Even though he was in Tibet, he already felt that there were many monks in the Dharma realm. When he arrived in Da’an City, two or three of the ten people were Dharma realm monks, but when he saw that they were all Dharma realm. When I was a monk, the shock in my heart was beyond words.

Fortunately, there are not too many monks in the late stage of the Dharma Phase Realm, and half-step Dzogchen and Dzogchen monks are also rare. Among the hundreds of people, he only saw one or two.

If you don’t count his identity as a cultivator in the Azure Dragon Continent, he is not considered the bottom role here, but compared with the identity of the Azure Dragon Continent, it’s a far cry from tens of thousands of miles. After all, he is in the Azure Dragon Continent. He is a master on the Blue Dragon List, and only a hundred monks in the Seven Wonderlands have entered the Blue Dragon List, which is already considered the top existence of the Pyramid.

Following the old ghost to the most prosperous place, Ning Qi saw an extremely tall building with a plaque on it that read: Alchemist Alliance.

Compared with the dilapidated courtyard in Da’an City, the Alchemist Alliance here is really luxurious. The lower level is like a big shopping mall, full of various elixirs, and many monks come in and out. Choose the medicinal medicine you need at the counter.

There was a young monk inside who seemed to be helping lead the way. After seeing the old ghost, his complexion changed slightly and he turned and left.

“Da’an City is in charge, I would like to see Danzun Langya, please let me know.”

Guilao led everyone to the top of the first floor, where there were two monks standing bored.

Without waiting for the two monks to speak, an angry shout suddenly came from above: “I said the three of you don’t understand human words? Master has no time to see you. Come up again, don’t blame me for being polite! “

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