Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 712: A man who likes to tweet!, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

A military base.

Gathered the eyes of countless people.

Washington, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Nick Fury stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director’s office and issued orders to the military base far away in Arkansas to remind them to prepare quickly.

“Be alert now!”

“Field staff scattered! Search for any suspicious personnel!”

“In an hour, I will be at the Arkansas base!”

Although Nick Fury didn’t know why Ivan Vanke and Tony Stark wanted to fight there, or why Hydra chose that military base…but at this time, the war on alert can’t go wrong!

Also, Nick Fury has ordered the S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter planes to come and pick him up, and he himself will rush to the Arkansas military base immediately to avoid any mistakes.

“Yes, Sir.”

The commander of the military base took the order seriously.

Then the commander wanted to contact Alexander Pierce…

After all, the commander’s true allegiance is the Hydra, or the entire Arkansas military base is a member of the Hydra. What else needs to be hidden?

This is their backup training base for Hydra!

When the commander of the military base contacted Alexander Pierce, Pierce was thinking that the military commander and the members of the entire base could die heroically in the forthcoming war.

Pierce feels that the counterfeiters are looking at their Hydras. At this time, a Hydra base that is likely to have been exposed is irrelevant…

Especially this base is just a logistics training office.

“Follow Fury’s orders!”

Alexander Pierce pressed his phone and pressed his finger on the desk little by little: “I don’t want anyone to be exposed at this time. This will kill a lot of people… Colonel Wim, do you understand what I mean?”

“Yes, we will pay attention to hiding.”

The commander’s face is very firm.


Pierce couldn’t help but swear!

Now that the entire Arkansas base has probably been exposed, what is the use of hiding at this time? The most important thing now is to eliminate the evidence!

No matter what, you must first stabilize Nick Fury, so that Nick Fury cannot doubt that something is wrong with S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D.!

“Now you immediately destroy all the information on the Hydra in the base…Nick Fury is likely to thoroughly investigate the Arkansas base. No information can be missed.”

Alexander Pierce paced back and forth in his office, pressing his forehead with one hand: “Before Nick Fury rushes to the Arkansas base, get ready to start the self-destruct procedure. Once he finds out that there are nine heads in SHIELD Snake’s spy…”


The commander squeezed the receiver in his hand, slowly raised his head to look at the Yanyun appearing in the air, and swallowed his saliva: “We may not be late…”

“Sir, a surprise attack by an unknown high-speed flying object!”

A person in charge of the radar display reports loudly!

The commander glanced at a group of red dots on the radar display and screamed desperately: “Enemy attack! Everyone is on guard immediately and returns to their position!!”


A cluster missile is inserted into this military base!

The violent explosion sounded through the entire base, and the shock wave instantly swept everything around, and the smoke and dust also flooded the entire base!

A tall steel suit leaped into the air and landed on the top of this military base, and two lashes glowing with electric light suddenly came out of his hand!

A whip directly cut through the roof of this base like a sharp blade!

It is Ivan Vanke!

Along with Ivan Vanke’s first dispatch, armed machines fell from the sky, and barrels and machine guns were aimed at this military base!

Hundreds of machine guns tore through the defenses of the base in an instant!

This kind of steel machine cluster raid operations that have surpassed half an era. Before they had enough firepower to solve aerial raids, they had completely lost their fighter…

They never thought about how a military base in a safe zone in the middle of the United States might face such a terrorist attack!

In less than ten minutes.

Ivan Vanke led hundreds of armed machines to destroy all the resistance forces in the entire military base. This was originally his long-planned battle plan!

The only use of this military base is to ask for help from a nearby air force base and army base.

Hundreds of kilometers away.

A tank battalion at the army base has already moved here.

Two F22 Raptor fighters from the air force base skyrocketed to support the attacked S.H.I.E.L.D. base, but the two fighters were destroyed by two lasers on the way.

The military became a mess in an instant.

The Department of Defense in Washington immediately summoned all the generals to discuss whether to destroy the Arkansas base directly with missiles and destroy the S.H.I.E.L.D. members and the enemy together…

Nick Fury definitely disagrees.

Nick Fury claimed that Iron Man Tony Stark had rushed to the Arkansas military base to support; the military also sent Tony Stark’s friend Lieutenant Colonel Rod to assist in the fight wearing his newly armed war machine.

Moreover, Nick Fury himself rushed to the Arkansas base in a Quinn fighter. He wanted to investigate the secret behind this incident…

In fact, there is no need for him to investigate himself.

Because after Tony Stark and Rod contacted, they both arrived at the Arkansas military base in ruins. They saw rows of armed robots and the steel suit worn by Ivan Vanke.

The bodies of these steel weapons are all printed with the same exquisite pattern.

Whether it is Tony Stark or Rod, they are very familiar with those patterns. It is the LOGO of Hanmer Industries, and both of them are a little speechless.

“Is Justin Hammer crazy?”

Lieutenant Colonel Rod in Gears of War twitched his mouth and couldn’t help but sneered, “Or is he a fool? The military can’t install steel suits for terrorists attacking military bases.” Weapons…wait, how did he do it?”

“Because of Ivan Vanke…”

Tony Stark’s bright red steel suit floated in the air, looking at the rows of armed robots on the ground, a flash of anxiety flashed in his eyes: “That idiot Justin Hammer has the courage to collude with Hydra. …”

Regardless of the outcome of their battle…

Justin Hammer’s treason is definitely inevitable!

Unless Hydra helps him solve this problem.

Tony Stark knows very well that, in addition to ending their family’s grievances in this battle between Ivan Vanke and him, there are also reasons why Hydra is pushing it in secret.

The terrorist organization hidden in the dark…

I want to select the strongest steel suit technology through this fight!


The fierce fire pierced the night sky instantly!

Ivan Vanke drove his steel suit and led hundreds of armed machines towards the Iron Man and War Machine in the air, and suddenly launched a fierce attack!

“Rhodes, be careful!”

Tony Stark quickly raised his height, the legs of the steel suit were slightly lifted, and tiny bombs flew out, destroying seven or eight armed robots one after another!

“Don’t worry about me, my firepower is stronger than you!”

Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes is driving his latest armed war machine, pouring fierce firepower toward the ground, and he is loaded with large-caliber machine guns and grenades!

One after another armed robots fell in his attack…

These armed robots are just consumables for Ivan Vanke, purely to reduce the ammunition and energy of Tony Stark and Rhode.

Ivan Vanke himself looked up at the firefight for a long time. He held two arcing lashes tightly in his hands and a toothpick in the corner of his mouth.

“Are you going to treat me as an abandoned son…”

“In your organization, it is really miserable that there is no use value…you demons, never thought that I would defeat Tony Stark?”

“Hehehehe…you are just a pawn…”

Bai Jue’s body slowly fell off Ivan Vanke’s body, and quickly dived into the ground, and continued to ask with a smile: “Hehehehe…the chess pieces and the official members are different, but if If you want to be resurrected, we don’t mind taking your soul away…”

“Oh, it’s unnecessary.”

Ivan Vanke shook his head, manipulated his steel suit and slowly clenched the arc whip in his hand, and his voice suddenly became gloomy: “Tony Stark… just end it here. !”

With the sound of the guns gradually subsiding.

Tony Stark and Rod destroyed all the armed machines and stood in front of Ivan Vanke. The two looked at the Hanmer Industry logo on Ivan Vanke in a word.

“Justin Hammer is such an idiot…”

“I think so too…”

“That idiot should have been cheated…”

“Even if he was deceived, he can only explain his stupidity…”

Tony Stark shook his head, and quickly asked Jarvis to dial Uehara Naraku’s phone, and told Uehara Naraku to immediately rush to Hanmer Industries to avoid the disappearance of the evidence.

This matter must have nothing to do with Hanmer Industries.

Regardless of whether there is sufficient evidence, as the most suspected Hanmer Industries, neither S.H.I.E.L.D. nor the military can easily let him go.

Unless Justin Hammer can take out the steel suit to atone for his crimes, just without the help of Ivan Vanke, it is impossible for Justin Hammer to make it…


Tony Stark and Naru Uehara talked on the phone without anyone else: “Hammer Industries and Hydra may be in collusion. It’s better to go faster or find the whereabouts of Hydra. I suspect that Hydra might be able to Destroy all evidence…”

“At ease.”

Nara Uehara quickly calmed down after a panic, and quietly explained: “I have notified Agent Romanoff and Director Fury.

Tony, be careful on your side. It’s best not to fight forcibly. Director Fury should have mobilized support and will be there soon…”

“No, no, no support is needed.”

Tony Stark quietly hung up the phone.

“What an idiot…”

Ivan Vanke looked at Tony Stark and Rod contemptuously, then glanced at the Hanmer Industries logo on his arm armor, and slowly closed his eyes.

Even a smart scientist like Tony Stark is absolutely impossible to imagine all the riots and battles that happened tonight…

The real purpose…

Just for one thing.

People deliberately searched the head of Hanmer Industries.

As long as they find the head of Hanmer Industries, they will discover the truth about the collusion between Justin Hammer and Alexander Pierce, Ivan Vanke and others.

As for the other side.

At the time when S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were in an emergency operation to surround Hanmer Industries.

Justin Hammer didn’t know anything about it. He was still sitting in his office, tapping his mobile phone with his fingers, a little tangled in his heart.

Since Ivan Vanke proposed to test drive the steel suit tonight, Justin Hammer has no need to comply with the so-called sealing ban.

Justin Hammer is thinking about whether to tweet…

Is it announced now?

Or wait until the press conference?

Or wait until he announces it at the Stark Industry Fair?

Justin Hammer picked up his mobile phone and looked at a photo on the phone, feeling a little bit scratchy in his heart.

That is a group photo.

In the middle is a steel suit with the Hanmer Industries LOGO painted on it.

On the left is the smiling Justin Hammer himself, and on the right is Minister Alexander Pierce, standing on both sides and giving thumbs up at the same time.

This photo was proposed by Justin Hammer as a commemorative photo taken to celebrate the success of Hanmer Industries in producing its own steel suit.

In Justin Hammer’s view, this photo is his future life and wealth code.

“Forget it, just post one?”

“If you don’t tweet for so long, let’s post a few more!”

Hammer Industries has produced a stronger steel suit, so Justin Hanmer finally couldn’t help but announce to the world that he has surpassed Tony Stark!

Justin Hammer rubbed his palms in excitement, and quickly edited new tweets with various photos.

“The stronger Iron Man! [Photo]”

“Hammer Industries’ new steel suit is coming! [Photo]”

“A new era of peace has arrived! [Photo]”

“Hammer Industries reports to the United States and allies! [Photo]”

“Thanks to my new friend, Minister Alexander Pierce of the World Security Council, he will be my forever and ever friend! [Photo]”

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