Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 678: Am I such a stingy person?, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

Aizan waved the Zanpaku Knife back!

In the cell, electric flint!

In this small space, the golden and iron clash of the Mirage Zanpaku Sword in the hands of Naru Uehara and the Mirror Flower Water Moon Zanpaku Sword in the hands of Aizen Soyousuke are endless!

This battle looks extremely dangerous!

Every time Uehara Naruko swipes a knife, there is a white cloud floating out, and every white cloud is gestating danger in it. Once it is touched, it may turn into a mirage!

Even the current Aizen Soyousuke did not dare to be careless, only relying on his instant step to dodge, and sometimes in the blind spot of Uehara’s line of sight, he shot the white clouds to pieces!

“A meaningless battle.”

Aizome Soyousuke’s figure flickered behind Uehara Naraku again, and his voice was as gentle as spring water: “Even when fighting with me, he is always merciful… Naraku, there is nothing on your sword. Power.”


Uehara Naraku wielded the Zanpaku Knife and struck Aizen Soyousuke’s chest, with a rare touch of determination on his face: “Captain…Don’t underestimate people!”


Aizome Soyousuke’s mouth was filled with a smile, and he stood quietly, watching Uehara Naraku’s Zanpaku Sword approaching his chest and dodges to avoid it.

After avoiding one slash after another, he calmly continued: “Then… please tell me, why call a defector the captain?

The reason for the battle is to bring me back to Seireitei?

You should know…


If it’s just victory or defeat, it won’t make me have any thoughts of change. Only by getting the collapsed jade in Kuchaki Rukia and letting me become another dimensional existence, maybe I will be as you wish. Back to this decadent world…


Aizan Soyousuke’s voice paused slowly, and the corners of his mouth became more smiling, as if he was talking to himself, “Of course…why do you think I will also be with you? What about fighting meaningless… Naraku?”


Uehara Naraku’s attack stopped abruptly.

The next moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Kuchiki Rukia!

Behind the young girl Grim Reaper, I don’t know when there was an illusory Aizen Soyousuke. He was raising his hand to take out a luminous sphere from Kuchiki Rukia’s body…

That is…

The collapsed jade hidden in Rukia’s body!

I don’t know when Ai Ran Soyousuke released Kyoka Shuiyue’s 卍jie!

Perhaps when they had not yet fought, Aizen Soyousuke had already completed the swastika. The battle between him and Uehara Naraku attracted everyone’s attention, but he took advantage of the mirror image of the mirror flower and water moon to capture Rukia Kuchiki. Bengyu in the body!

Aizome Soyousuke never engages in meaningless battles.

Aizan’s purpose has never been to show the gap between them, Naruto Uhara, he just wants to take away the broken jade from Rukia Kuchiki!

“Come back!”

Uehara Naraku rushed up towards the blue dyed water and moon mirror image!

However, the illusory Aizen turned his head slightly like a **** and glanced at Uehara Naraku, a flash of contempt flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he wielded a transparent Zanpaku knife and made a slash!

This slash is just blocking…

The next moment, the illusory Lan Ran Soyousuke quietly turned over and returned to the main body holding the Bengyu, and after handing the Bengyu to the main body, he returned to the mirror flower water and moon on his own!

“I thought I needed to kill her to take out Bengyu…”

Aran Soyousuke looked at the light ball in his hand, and a little sigh appeared in his eyes: “I didn’t expect it to be so simple…This should be the collapsed jade made by Urahara.”


Uehara Nairo gritted his teeth and watched this scene. He still turned around and reached out to support Rukia Kuchiki, and reached out and pushed the girl’s shoulder.


Kuchiki Rukia looks okay.

Uehara Naraku withdrew her palm and dropped Kuchiki Rukia to the ground, the sound of the heavy object falling a little dull.

Kuchaki Rukia tried her best to turn her head and look at Uehara Naraku. The horror in Aizen Soyousuke’s eyes gradually disappeared, and she was full of speechlessness to Uehara Naraku: “Hey, a little lighter…”

This guy…

Can’t it be lighter!

Uehara Naraku didn’t have any thoughts to deal with Kuchiki Rukia. He held the mirage tightly in his hand and slashed towards Aizen Soyousuke: “Back!”

A vast slash is full of his anger!

The corners of Lan Ranzunyousuke’s mouth still smiled, his sleeves closed Bengyu away, and he waved his hand at Duankong to stop the slash, and Shunbu was about to disappear before everyone’s eyes!

However, a figure leaped in from the window!

A jet-black Reiatsu turned into a slash and slashed towards Aizen Soyousuke!

“The crescent moon is in the sky!”

Ichigo Kurosaki’s voice is full of anger!

Aizan Soyousuke’s mirror image took down the scene of Bengyu. He just happened to see it clearly, and this blow also contained Kurosaki Ichigo’s anger!

Aan Ran Soyousuke calmly stretched out his fingers, and stopped the black slash, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “The young man in trouble…Is it finally here?”

Ichigo Kurosaki’s face is full of anger!

Since he and his friends sneaked into Seireitei, they have encountered powerful enemies constantly, which made him have to spend some time practicing…

During this time, Kurosaki Ichigo also completed his own swastika!

Crescent Moon Sky Chong is Kurosaki Ichigo’s most convenient ability, but I didn’t expect that it would be easily blocked by Aizen Soyousuke!

Even the enemy only used one finger!

However, this didn’t make Kurosaki Ichigo’s heart fearful. On the contrary, his fighting spirit grew stronger: “Asshole… I don’t know what you took from Rukia… But… now take that. Things are back!”

“Sorry, I can’t do it.”

Aizome Soyousuke slowly shook his head, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth: “It’s really good… Your growth is in line with my expectations… It is more in line with my expectations than Naraku… But I still look forward to our expectations. Meet next time.”

Whether it is Naraku Uehara or Ichigo Kurosaki, they are the opponents Aizen Soyousuke wants to cultivate. In Aizen Soyousuke’s view, these two young guys have unlimited possibilities.

Uehara Naraku possesses the spiritual power and the Zanpaku Sword accumulated by the patriarchs of the Uehara clan, which can enable Aizen Soyousuke to see whether the time has accumulated to the limit of the **** of death…

Ichigo Kurosaki possesses the fusion power of Shinigami, Quincy, and Netherworld, which is another way Aizen Soyousuke expected…

They will meet.

But it shouldn’t be now.

Because Ai Ran himself also knows his shortcomings, he needs Bengyu to make up for his shortcomings and allow himself to be further evolved!


Aizome Soyousuke’s eyes looked at Uehara Naraku, and then at Kurosaki Ichigo. Perhaps in the future, these two little guys can be regarded as his audience on the throne.

“Goodbye, Naraku, Kurosaki Ichigo.”

Aizan Soyousuke waved his hand, and suddenly released a thunder cannon!

The huge beam of light lifted up a large swath of smoke!

When Uehara Naraku and Kurosaki Ichigo simultaneously resisted Thunder Roar, Aizen Soyousuke’s figure has disappeared in this cell.

Uehara Naruko leaped to the window, looking for Aizen Soyousuke, but found no trace at all.

“That guy… escaped?”

Ichigo Kurosaki jumped to Uehara Naraku’s side, and asked in a deep voice, “What did he take from Rukia?”

“It is said to be an object called Bengyu…”

Uehara Naraku’s face was full of sadness, and he slowly shook his head and said: “I once heard Mr. Toma mentioned that Bengyu is an extremely dangerous item…it will give the **** of death power beyond the limit… It seems that Mr. Urahara put the broken jade in Rukia’s body.”

“Forget it.”

Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head. He didn’t know what was going on with Aizen Soyousuke. He only cared about Kuchiki Rukia’s condition.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Rukia.

Kurosaki Ichigo fell by Kuchiki Rukia’s side, reaching out to pick up Rukia’s body, and wanted to take her out of the cell.

“Don’t take her away.”

Uehara Naraku stopped Kurosaki Ichigo, and said softly: “Now Captain Aizen is here, this matter is far more serious than she shared the power of the **** of death with you. She should be charged It will be washed away soon.”


“Forget it.”

Uehara Naraku looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a vigilant face, and waved her hand helplessly. His face was full of frustration and helplessness: “Whatever you want… I will help Renji and the others heal… If you want to take Ruki away If Ya, please feel free!”

“Thanks a lot!”

Kurosaki Ichigo picked up Rukia on his back and was about to turn around and leave here.

When he just walked to the door of the cell, he seemed to think of something, and couldn’t help turning his head and saying: “By the way, where is Ishida’s father?”

They sneaked into Seireitei this time, not only to rescue Kuchiki Rukia, but also to rescue Ishida Uryu’s father Ishida Ryugen.

“Are you talking about Mr. Ishida Ryugen?”

Uehara Naruko was surprised for a second, and shook his head and said: “I don’t know where he was locked up…maybe he has been killed…maybe elsewhere…”

Speaking of this, Uehara Naraku suddenly raised his head to look at Kurosaki Ichigo, and continued softly: “By the way, there is one more thing… your friend may not be as simple as you thought… There are many secrets in Kiroshi’s body… Maybe he sneaked into Seireing Palace not just to save his father, right?”

“What do you mean?”

“The ancestors of Quincy Killer have been hidden in Seoring Palace.”

Uehara Naraku’s face was full of solemnity, and he explained in a deep voice: “A thousand years ago, the ancestor friend of Quincy Habach tried to destroy all the world including the present.

Thousands of years ago, Yu Habach started a battle in the corpse world. Yu Habach was stopped by our captain, Mr. Shigekuni Yamamoto and two senior officers of our clan, but Yu Habach was still alive and used it secretly. With his descendants making chaos in the world.

In order to make this world unbalanced, the Quincy Masters began to massacre Xu and completely wiped out Xu’s spirit son hundreds of years ago, almost throwing the world, the world of Xu and the world of corpses into chaos…

Not long ago, our clan got news that Youhabach has reappeared in this world, and has been guiding his descendants of the Quincy clan…”

Speaking of this, Uehara Nana dropped a potent medicine: “If I’m not mistaken, your friend wants to come to Seireitei, perhaps not to save Rukia, but to meet friends. Habach, a dangerous man, gets the power of the Quincy from him…”

“Hey, stop talking nonsense!”

Kurosaki Ichigo quickly shook his head, and said with an unhappy face: “Ishida is not the kind of person you are talking about… I’m leaving now!”

The words fell, Kurosaki Ichigo led Rukia across the window, dashed and fled into the streets of Seireitei, to meet his friends.

Naruto Uehara stood by the window looking at his figure, calmly raised her fingers, and made a strange smile at the corner of her mouth.

The other side of the Seireitei.

Ishida Yulong is in a great crisis.

Compared with other people’s routes, Ishida Yulong has hardly gone smoothly!

There are always countless gods of death behind him chasing him along the way, so that he has no time to save Rukia and Ishida Ryuxian!

Just when Ishida Yulong was most dangerous, a black shadow appeared beside Ishida Yulong, grabbed Ishida Yulong’s arm, and caught him in the shadows!

“This is…”

Ishida Yulong’s face is full of surprise.

On a tall throne, a dark figure sat on it, and his voice was a little somber: “Are you a pure-blooded descendant? No, it turned out to be a mixed-blood that survived. It’s really rare…”

This dark shadow stood up slowly, looking down at Ishida Uryu, a little arrogantly said: “A few death gods can drive you into a desperate situation… Ishida Uryu…”

“Do you know me?”

“Of course.”

The shadow in the dark slowly solidified.

A tall man appeared in front of Ishida Uryu, and the urn asked: “Ishida Uryu, do you know where your blood came from…”


Ishida Yulong’s brows gradually frowned.

While Ishida Uryu was in the shadows communicating with the man who rescued him, the death gods who were hunting down in Seorei Tei stopped.

In the corner of the street in Seireitei.

The Reaper squad who chased Yulong Ishida stopped in place.

Because Ishida Yulong suddenly disappeared here, they couldn’t even detect his location through perception. How could they chase him down?

The group of death gods looked at each other and nodded to each other!

In the next moment, the eyes of each **** of death suddenly became a little absent, as if controlled by someone.

Uehara Inner City.

Thousands of hands raised his fingers, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he stretched out immediately: “You can inform the eldest brother and Madara… as long as Ishida Yulong appears, you will be able to find your friends. Habach’s whereabouts.”

“Then leave it to you.”

Uehara Naraku’s voice appeared in Senshoujian’s brain, and his voice was a little playful with a smile: “Until Captain Aizen merges with Bengyu, don’t let your friend Habacher disturb us… completely solve him. “

After Naraku Uehara gave his instructions, he added: “Oh, yes, let Ishida Uryu carry the darkness on his back!

Let me think about his personality, a pure-blood descendant of a quintessentially unscrupulous quintessential force. In the name of saving people, let him infiltrate the Seireitei. In fact, he never cared about his friends. , Just to get strength from one’s ancestors…”


Thousands of hands fell silent.

In this way, can the little guy Ishida Yulong have friends?

After Qianshou thought for a while, as if thinking of something, he sighed and said: “Did you treat him like this… because that kid scolded you?”

“Am I such a stingy person?”

“…not like.”

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