Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 587: Towards a new era of the world, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

Marin Vandor.

While they were still in a stalemate, the Gate of Justice continued to flood into warships, and each warship was full of ninjas, samurai, and pirates.

“That’s… the Beast Pirate Group and the BIG·MOM Pirate Group!”

A group of revolutionary troops responsible for guarding the periphery watched this scene with horror. In their line of sight, the entire Marin Vandor was surrounded by densely packed warships.

The coalition forces finally arrived at Malin Vandor.

This coalition of more than 100,000 people has become an overwhelming force.

Whether it was the White Beard Pirates who wanted to retreat, the Revolutionary Army, or the rest of the Redhead Pirates, they were completely surrounded and captured by this coalition.

This coalition force also shocked the navy.

This is to avoid any disturbance in Marin Vando by those in the Navy who are still loyal to the Warring States Period and Karp.

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With the advent of this coalition army, everyone knows in their hearts that they have been defeated in this war. Perhaps when Naru Uehara showed invincible power, they were already defeated…

It’s just that the arrival of the coalition forces became the last straw that overwhelmed them.

This also means that the Akatsuki organization is not just the strong, they also have a large army, and it is a force that is well-reserved.

“Forget it, it’s over here…”

Gol D. Roger, the newly resurrected One Piece, returned his bold smile on his face: “The story of the pirate… will end eventually!”

Ten days later.

The war that shook the world is over long ago.

During this period, the news papers of the entire world were once sold out, because everything in that war was enough to make headlines and shock everyone in the world.

Two things are undoubtedly the most shocking…

First, the world government was destroyed by the Akatsuki organization, and the world has since entered the era of Akatsuki; second, the One Piece King Gore D·Roger was resurrected by Akatsuki’s leader.

This means that no one can take away the Great Secret Treasure earlier than One Piece.

As announced by Akatsuki, the era of great pirates initiated by Gore D. Roger has ended, and there is no need for pirates in this world.

Just in exchange…

Xiao created a new model.

Any pirate group that has not directly or indirectly caused huge losses to all parts of the world can go to Malin Vandor to appeal for cancellation of the reward and register as a sailing group.

Each adventure group has even been strictly classified.

Every year, the Akatsuki organization conducts an assessment. After a strict assessment, every elite member of the sailing group will be accepted as a full member of Akatsuki.

Every official member of Akatsuki has the right to vote in the World Conference.

This kind of affair is naturally opposed by many countries joining the world government. If this is the case, only the strong can have the right to speak. What should the kings of these countries do?

Many countries on the sea do not recognize Akatsuki’s continued rule from the world government, and there are even some small countries who want to emulate the twenty kings who established the world government…

These countries are so funny…

Because the original Four Emperors Pirate Group has all registered as an S-class sailing group after the announcement of this policy, and the replacements for the white beard are Marco and Portcas D·Ace.

Whitebeard Edward Newgate is missing.

No one knows his whereabouts. Some people speculate that he was imprisoned by the Akatsuki organization in Impelton, and some speculate that he may have passed away.

There are also speculations that he might want to maintain his last dignity as a pirate…

After all, as a remnant of the old age…

From now on, it seems that no matter how you think about it, it is unacceptable to get out of the pirate identity that you have used for a lifetime.

No matter what…

They are all in the past.

No matter how many people are optimistic or not optimistic about Akatsuki’s rule, they must face Akatsuki’s rule, which has already surrendered two superpowers of the four emperors, and has also received all the troops left by the world government. !

Marin Vandor.

Akatsuki organized a plenary meeting.

A group of Akatsuki members are here. This meeting includes all the powerful people who have dominance in this world. Many people were hostile to them even ten days ago.

However, Akatsuki does not care about all this…

The members of Akatsuki don’t care about these former enemies, because they know each other very well who is the winner and who is the conquered.

As the naval marshal and naval hero, the Warring States of Buddha and Karp also have their own positions. They both wore a black robe of auspicious clouds casually.

Actually for the Navy…

The object of their allegiance does not matter.

What’s more, the Akatsuki organization does not seem to be that evil now. It is said that the policies and systems they implement in the country are much more advanced than other countries…

And what it really says…

The world government, an organization established by the Draco people, is already bad at its roots. Even if the Akatsuki organization is bad, how bad can it be?

Not to mention that Xiao organization seems to be doing pretty well…

If the Warring States Period of Buddha knew about the power of Akatsuki and the claims of Akatsuki, maybe he would not mind working for this organization…

This also proves that they are not trying to turn this world into an amusement park for pirates, on the contrary, it seems that they want to manage this world well.

This is normal…

The winner may not want their world to become chaotic.

The only troublesome thing is that no one knows the character of the leader of Akatsuki Uehara, because he is kind of like that kind of guy who wants to do whatever he wants…

And the mind seems to be a little bit small…

While the Buddha’s Warring States was thinking about it, Kaido sat down beside the Warring States, and the Three Plagues and a few of his men sat behind him.

Kaido stared at the chair in the conference room, and seemed to speak unintentionally: “Marshal of the Warring States Period, consider forming an alliance with us… We have an issue. Lingling has agreed, at least in our meeting. With ten votes…”


Kapp, who was sitting next to him, heard Kaido’s words and couldn’t help but laughed: “Hahaha…what is the situation of the alliance…I always feel that something went wrong!”

It’s weird…

A great pirate once came to find a navy marshal to form an alliance with a navy hero. This is really **** confusing!


Zhan Guo helped his glasses, glanced at the Pharmacist’s Pocket and Qing Pheasant who were sitting not far away, and whispered: “Kaido, we only have two votes. With so many people, it seems There is no special effect…”

“Huh, it seems that you still don’t understand Akatsuki’s situation. It’s a waste…”

Kaido slowly stood up and left here, led his subordinates to change positions, and returned to BIG·MOM.


As Akatsuki’s meeting began, the Warring States of Buddha finally understood how important his and Karp’s two votes were, even if it was a difference of one vote, something might happen…

“The first issue is the opinion on the handling of the East China Sea. So far, no member of the East China Sea has expressed surrender to Xiang Xiao… This weakest sea should be completely destroyed and used to warn other sea areas… They do not have any Value, the probability of birth of the strong is very low…”

“We think we can directly set off a tsunami of thousands of meters and sweep the entire East China Sea. This is the quickest way…”


Carp was crazy to hear it.

What the **** is this devil meeting!

Why the first thing to do is to destroy his hometown, there are even noses and eyes, it sounds like a thousand-meter tsunami is a bit weird…


It doesn’t seem to be that complicated.

BIG·MOM alone can do it!

The Warring States of the Buddha and Karp watched as a group of guys wearing auspicious clouds and black robes voted for or abstained, as if it didn’t matter, there were even a few guys wearing hats with the words “earth and thunder” encouraging others People voted yes…

This is really maddening…

Fortunately, there are many abstentions in Akatsuki’s organization, and with the help of Pharmacist, this issue was not passed by one vote…

In this kind of meeting…

One vote is very important, not to mention that there are two votes for Sengoku and Karp!

“Don’t come to Akatsuki’s meeting unpreparedly.”

After a long meeting ended, the pharmacist watched the Buddha’s Warring States period and said softly: “This meeting can determine the fate of the entire world at any time. If you don’t pay attention, there will be a devastating disaster. Your Lord Marshal and Ka Mr. Pu will follow us from now on…”


Sengoku’s expression is a bit ugly.

Before Akatsuki ruled the world, he was the puppet of Yakushidou; after Akatsuki ruled the world, he was also the puppet of Yakushidou…

What the hell…

Didn’t you join Akatsuki for nothing?

Just as the Warring States period was about to talk to the pharmacist, the sky suddenly darkened. It was clear that it was still day, but it turned into night in an instant…

“It’s about to start.”

Yakashito slowly closed his eyes and whispered: “From this moment on, the two worlds will be connected; from this moment on, Lord Naraku will become an omniscient god!”


The expression of the Warring States Period is weird.

Fortunately, the night did not last too long. After about a few minutes, the sun fell on the sea again.

The whole world panicked for a while and it was over.

No one knows what happened.

Only Anilu, who is still on the moon in the original universe, looked at the empty side of the moon and scratched his head ignorantly. Who can tell him where his hometown has gone?

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