Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 463: Pharmaceutical Pocket: Akatsuki has jumped out, at least don’t worry about them hiding in the dark, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

Marin Vandor.

The pharmacist came back from the new world.

Except for General Aka Dog who took the initiative to stay at the G1 branch base to guard, Lieutenant General Karp, Lieutenant General Crane and Yakushidou rushed back to Malin Vando.

When they returned to this navy headquarters, news about the new generation of naval wise generals was spread all over the sea.

At the time when Sasuke Uchiha was acting recklessly in the New World, the genius and wise general was born, and he commanded the navy to defeat the White Beard Pirates and repelled the White Beard Pirates of Uchiha Sasuke. Strong character.

The pharmacist became a well-known figure in the entire sea overnight, and became the youngest lieutenant admiral and the youngest staff officer of the navy headquarters in history.

Marin Vando, the navy headquarters, didn’t spread the news about Pharmacist’s pocket. A group of high-ranking naval officers sat together to discuss the follow-up matters with the White Beard Pirates, and the sudden emergence of Akatsuki and Uchiha Itachi.

The pharmacist sat next to Lieutenant General Crane, slowly pushed his glasses, and said softly: “I think that after the lessons of this joint encirclement and suppression, Sasuke Uchiha is unlikely to continue to commit danger, and we There was a direct battle…”

“Where’s the white beard…”

The Marshal of the Warring States Period sat on his seat, looked at the new staff officer in the medicine master, and asked in a deep voice: “I know that guy very well, even if that guy is getting older and dragging the sick body. Still have the power to fight the entire world!”

“From now on, it is basically impossible.”

The pharmacist shook his head, pushed his glasses, picked up a document, and whispered: “The White Beard Pirate Group is known as the strongest pirate group in the world, but the White Beard Group has been The number of dispatches is decreasing…”

When Pharmacist talked about this, his voice gradually lowered: “In the past few years, except for the possibility of destroying the entire Whitebeard Pirates war, Whitebeard Edward Newgate has almost never taken action, which means His body has declined beyond our expectations…”

The pharmacist slowly closed his palms, and a touch of confidence gradually emerged on his face: “It’s just that the white beard shows up too many times, and most of them rely on his reputation to let others collapse on their own. We will get used to it. Sexually think that the white beard shots very frequently…”


Every senior navy present frowned involuntarily.

I have to say that what the pharmacist said is very reasonable. When these high-ranking navy think carefully about the memories, they slowly remembered some things that were not right at the time.

The Warring States Marshal frowned and slowly nodded and said: “Yes, three years ago, when the position of the four emperors was not completely settled, the Whitebeard Pirates were occupied in a war Powerful advantage…

At that time, as long as White Beard blocked BIG·MOM, the White Beard Pirates might occupy Totland, but White Beard did not take action…

Originally, we thought that White Beard was the friendship when he was spared by the Rocks Pirates, but now it seems that his strength has long been unable to support his long battle…”


The pharmacist pushed his glasses around and continued to explain in a soft voice: “This is true. The last time White Beard made a move, it should have been a battle between the White Beard Pirates and the Spades Pirates.

Some coincidence is that Whitebeard forcibly recruited Portgas D. Ace and Sasuke Uchiha in this battle, and they also chose to join. This is in the battle among pirates of the same level. , Is incredible.

We have all seen Uchiha Sasuke’s combat power now. He is absolutely qualified to challenge Whitebeard, but he did not choose to betray Whitebeard.

In the six months since Uchiha Sasuke joined the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard never made another move. Even if it encountered the invasion of the Four Emperor Kaido, it was also dispatched by the supernova Uchiha Sasuke, which almost Violated the frequency of his shots. “

The pharmacist put down the documents in his hand and said calmly: “The strongest man in the world has identified Portcas D. Ace or Sasuke Uchiha as the successor of the White Beard Pirates. .

I think Whitebeard will only leave his limited life and power at the most critical moment. He will only want to let the Whitebeard Pirates pass from his hands to successors during his lifetime…

The strongest power that is about to extinguish the lamp of life can’t just be used to fight for a breath, and it will never be shot because we defeated Uchiha Sasuke.

Of course, just in case, we should send warships to monitor and restore the naval combat power of the G1 branch base as soon as possible to avoid accidents. “


All the navy leaders present fell silent.

To be honest, they probably shouldn’t have come to this meeting.

Except for the last sentence, basically not many people understand what the above said. There is a lot of mess. Is this the way of chatting between navy staff and navy wise generals?

Lieutenant General Crane clearly understood. A kind smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She raised her head and glanced at the Warring States Period, and whispered, “Warring States, how did Xiaodou say it?”


Sengoku nodded slowly, took a deep breath, looked at the pharmacist’s pocket and said: “Very good, cautious and logical. If it weren’t for his intelligence information collection, we would have overlooked a problem, Bai The aging of the beard has reached a level that is seriously underestimated by us, but unfortunately we did not seize the opportunity to let him find his heir…”

“No, I can’t say that exactly.”

Yao Shidou turned his head and glanced at the Marshal of the Warring States Period, and said in a low voice: “Even if Baibeard’s body has reached an irreversible point due to aging and disease, his power may still be devastating!

What’s more, there is Uchiha Sasuke, we can obviously see it, but Uchiha Sasuke’s power also has the strength to aspire to the four emperors…”


Sengoku Marshal’s face was full of relief, he looked at the medicine master pocket and slowly nodded and said: “However, we also found a new generation successor…

Buy staff, I will apply to Commander Air, except for CP0, I will give you all the intelligence of the world government, and apply for you to mobilize the power of the entire CP organization. “


The pharmacist pushed his glasses around.

After the Sengoku Marshal nodded, he spoke softly and continued: “Do you have any information about the pirate named Uchiha Itachi?”


Yakashi shook his head, then hesitated and said: “But I learned part of the information about the organization behind Uchiha Itachi from the mouth of General Akadog… This organization calls itself Akatsuki, and they use the name of justice. .”

This is a bit of a joke.

The entire Navy estimated that no one knew Akatsuki’s intelligence better than Yakushidou, but he still used the name of Akagi to present Akatsuki’s intelligence.

Speaking of this, the pharmacist pushed his glasses around and continued softly: “It is said that the members of this organization dare not call the leader of the organization by the name… They will all use God or that adult instead. His title.”

“God… I’ll go back and ask the five old stars!”

The Sengoku Marshal slowly clenched his fists, and said solemnly: “Saved the pirate from the cholera world, Sasuke Uchiha…Do you dare to use justice in the name of execution?”

“No specific information.”

The pharmacist shook his head, with a serious look on his face: “In any case, we all know that this unknown organization has emerged, at least we don’t have to worry about this unknown enemy who may have been hiding in the dark. Up.”

After speaking, the pharmacist habitually pushed his glasses.

Well, this is a bit nonsense.

When everyone thought that the Akatsuki organization had surfaced, the members of the Akatsuki organization hid even deeper.

However, all the high-ranking naval officers present, including the Warring States Marshal, nodded in command. They also felt that what Yakushi said was reasonable, and that an Akatsuki organization that jumped out was better than an organization that had always been hidden.

The Warring States Period is very satisfied with the performance of Pharmacist Duo’s first implementation of his duties as a staff member.

The sentence is not very nice…

Even if the Warring States is now kicked from the position of admiral, and replaced by someone who can understand the words of the pharmacist, it feels like he can sit in the position of admiral.

Now the Warring States period feels that he only needs to make corresponding decisions or give corresponding orders according to the words of the pharmacist. It is enough to do the same. You don’t need to think of breaking your head as before and can’t figure out how to deal with it…

No need to think about it.

Because the pharmacist is very right.

“Let’s do this first!”

Exchange good books, follow the vx public account. [Book Friends Base Camp]. Pay attention now and receive cash red envelopes!

Sengoku glanced at everyone present, and whispered softly: “Issued Uchiha Itachi’s reward order, and according to the staff member, dispatched warships to monitor the movement of the Whitebeard Pirates…”


Everyone nodded.

After the meeting was over, Lieutenant General Crane sat in front of the Warring States period with a smile on his face almost uncontrollable: “How about Xiaodou, can I be my successor…”

“Much better than us.”

Buddha Warring States nodded and sighed: “It’s a pity… his power is a pity after all… but his wisdom is more important than power, and we can at least worry about a little less in the future. “

Just as they were here to praise the pharmacist’s pocket.

After leaving the office, Yakushitou met another admiral of the navy headquarters who had rushed back to Malin Vando, the Green Pheasant.

Because the yellow ape is recovering from injuries in the holy place Mariagioa, and the red dog suppresses the G1 branch of the New World, the green pheasant has to rush back to Malin Vando.

“Um…have you become a lieutenant admiral?”

The corners of the green pheasant’s eyes trembled slightly. He glanced at the pharmacist’s pocket and whispered: “The speed of promotion is really fast…”

The green pheasant can’t help but think of his best friend Smogg, who was guarded by Rogue Town. The guy’s credit has been promoted long ago, but he is still stuck in the colonel’s position because of his temper…

The undercover pharmacist has climbed to the lieutenant general!

“General Kuzan, don’t say that…”

Lieutenant General Taotu walked beside them, patted Doudou on the shoulder, and said seriously: “Xiaodou has done a great job… Sister He has been complimenting you since she came back, but I have never seen it before. Sister He keeps complimenting someone!”


The green pheasant couldn’t help scratching his head.

In such a short period of time, I got into the upper ranks of the Navy…

Moreover, the pharmacist’s pocket is also in the position of the navy staff who can access any secrets. This guy called the pharmacist’s pocket is especially valued by Uehara Naraku!

Of course… The pharmacist worked hard enough by himself.

After all, not everyone can be like a pharmacist pocket, working hard to prepare the most suitable identity for himself, a life experience that is most easily trusted and lowered suspense, and the one who can be the highest in the navy the fastest without being Suspect position…

The pharmacist takes this guy…

No, I should say… the entire Akatsuki organization…

Everyone must not underestimate it!

After the green pheasant scratched his head, he glanced at the pharmacist’s pocket and slowly said: “Hey, our new staff, after the guy Uchiha Sasuke is defeated by your strategy, where will that guy escape? ?”

“It should be Kaido’s sea area…”

The pharmacist pushed his glasses around and raised his head to look at the blue pheasant. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “After all, Sasuke Uchiha will not bow his head easily.

After suffering such a big loss, he will not continue to trouble the navy for the time being… But the Kaido Pirates, which invaded the White Beard Pirates before, will definitely become his catharsis. “

When Pharmacist talked about this, he smiled and continued: “What’s more, I was also trying to chase and intercept as much as possible, and drive him toward Kaido’s waters…”

The most important thing is…

That was an order from Lord Naraku!

Just when Uchiha Itachi was resurrected, even if Uchiha Sasuke was for his brother, he would never defy this order!

It is true.

Sasuke Uchiha, Portcas D. Ace, Marshall D. Titch, and Itachi Uchiha finally escaped the navy’s pursuit, and they can finally get to know each other.

“I am Uchiha Itachi.”

Uchiha Itachi looked at Ace and Titch, bending over at them with a serious face: “My brother has been taken care of by both of you during this period of time.”

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