Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 345: This guy has done a lot of evil!, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

Most of Xiao’s leaders are not good at speaking.

In other words, Xiao’s leader is not good at giving decent speeches. Once they become villains, their compulsion is still quite high.

From the Yahiko era, through the Nagato era, and now into the Uehara era, almost all of Akatsuki’s three generations of leaders are idiots.

After Uehara Naraku’s speech, all the ninjas present were bitter but helpless. They had to admit that what Uehara Naraku said was correct.

This is an unavoidable war.

Therefore, these people around them may be the ninjas who accompanied them in the final stages of their lives. After they died in battle, they were able to pass their last words to their relatives and friends or the only people who could entrust them to their younger generations.

Even if they hate the people around them, it’s useless. The Ninja Alliance has become inevitable, and no matter how it is, it is impossible to change.

“It looks like everyone should understand the facts!”

Uehara Naraku looked down at the tens of thousands of ninjas present, and said loudly: “If you don’t want to have a person to collect your corpses, then you can get along with me obediently and peacefully, and show your attitude toward your past friends, understand? ?”


Almost 80,000 ninjas are silent.

The next moment, the entire ninja coalition assembly point became a sea of ​​curse. Everyone didn’t care about venting their anger at the people who had old grievances around them, and just buried their heads and cursed Uehara Naraku.


“This bastard…”

“Ahatsuki, it’s really not a good thing!”

“I really don’t understand why Wuying asked him to be our captain!”

“There is an inexplicable feeling that with such a guy as our commander, the hope of victory in this war is even slimmer!”

It’s just that after they finished cursing Uehara Naraku, they quickly apologized to the teammates next to them. The conversation was full of sadness for the rest of their lives.

Fortunately, they also have a common language.

As long as you scold Captain Uehara, we can become good friends.

Although it was not particularly good from the point of view of the process, from the point of view of the results, Uehara Naraku did fulfill his duties as the captain of the Ninja Allied Forces and firmly united the seven to eighty thousand ninja troops here.


Uehara Naraku glanced at everyone present, and said in a deep voice: “The surprise attack troops will set off first! The rest of the combat troops quickly follow!”

“ red envelopes] Follow the public.. Public account [Book Friends Base Draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

The captains of the five combat troops looked at each other helplessly, and flew down in front of their troops, leading them to the location of Oshemaru.

There is also news from the intelligence forces.

The first batch of enemies who reincarnated from the filthy soil appeared within their range of perception, and that person was also rushing towards the assembly point of the Ninja Allied Forces!

Uehara Naraku was also listening to the news of the intelligence forces. After learning that the first batch of ninjas appeared to sniper them, he curiously asked: “Who was the first batch of ninja troops?”

“There is only one person…”

When Hyuga Hinata said this, her voice was very solemn: “The enemy is Konoha’s S-rank rebel, the former member of Akatsuki Uchiha Itachi!”

“I see.”

Uehara Naraku immediately issued his order: “Now send the message to Jiraiya immediately, let him lead the first special operations team to rush over, I will immediately send him some reinforcements to help him quickly seal Uchiha Itachi! “

After finishing speaking, Uehara Naraku again said in a deep voice: “Order all the troops to move forward, don’t worry about Uchiha Itachi, don’t waste time, don’t stop the advance of the 70,000 ninja allied forces just because Uchiha Itachi alone!”

“Yes, Lord Uehara!”

Hinata Hinata seriously agreed.

The other side.

Jilaiya and the First Special Operations Squad received the order, and immediately rushed to the forefront of the Ninja Allied Forces to clear out Uchiha Itachi.

Their special operations team has added the Rabbi of the eight-tailed man who has just returned. If you want to solve Uchiha Itachi, there will be no problem.

What’s more, Uehara Naraku will send them reinforcements.

According to Jilaiyas, this is actually unnecessary.

Even if Uchiha Itachi’s combat effectiveness is amazing, but for their first special combat team, there is really no pressure. Both Susano and Amaterasu have a solution, and Yuedu can only hurt one person. …

After Uchiha Itachi, the first batch of Dirty Combat Troops, was surrounded by everyone from Jiraiya and the First Special Operations Squad, he immediately opened his own kaleidoscope to write about!


“Be careful…”

When Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth to remind him, his mouth suddenly spit out a black crow, and a kaleidoscope writing wheel was loaded in the crow’s eye socket!

This scene surprised everyone present!

Even Jilai thought they had been illusioned.

Uchiha Itachi stopped his attack, and his will was restored.

The crow hidden in Uzumaki Naruto’s belly is loaded with the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes of other gods left by Shishui, which is used to deal with Uchiha Sasuke’s technique.

When the crow sees Uchiha’s pupil power, it will come out and use the technique of transcribing the seal in the other gods. The effect of the technique is to make people loyal to Konoha.

Now, this technique has changed Uchiha Itachi’s will.

“Finally, it still did not exceed those people’s expectations?”

After Uchiha Itachi woke up, instead of showing a trace of excitement, he was full of despair, because he knew that this was controlled by Yakushidou and others behind the scenes!

The next second, the S-rank rebel who was reincarnated from the dirty soil immediately reacted and said loudly: “Master Jilaiya, Naruto, Mr. Kai, please stop temporarily, I have something to do with you…”


A ecstasy chain struck Uchiha Itachi’s body suddenly!

This ecstasy chain emerged strangely from the depths of a forest in the distance. Obviously, the person who shot it was very tricky and was waiting for this moment of opportunity!

“This is…”

Uchiha Itachi’s complexion changed drastically. He had already sensed the horror on this ecstasy chain. This ability was specifically aimed at the soul, and it happened to be very targeted at his ninja reincarnating from the dirty land!

The next moment, a red giant appeared!

Suzano’s skeleton quickly enveloped Uchiha Itachi’s body, and also helped him block the ecstasy chain attack, and managed to make him escape temporarily.

Just as Uchiha Itachi breathed a sigh of relief and planned to quickly mention the news of Yakushito and others to Jilaiya and others, a curse suddenly appeared on the ground!

The scope of this incantation is extremely wide!

When Uchiha Itachi raised his head suddenly when he was surprised, he sensed that a huge chakra was flying towards them at great speed!

“Hero…Here comes!”

There was a dull scream!

A tall stone statue hit the ground, smashing Uchiha Itachi’s Susano directly into the air, and then the tall stone statue hit the red Susano with a punch!

The next moment, the gargoyle slammed a punch at the red Susa, and a crack was struck in Susa’s body… This tall stone statue suddenly appeared and launched an attack, even Uchiha Itachi did not react to!

No, or he knows!

Unfortunately, there is no power to resist!

“What the **** is this…”

Uchiha Itachi’s face was ugly, and Susano, who was manipulating himself, was about to pull out his ten-fist sword, and sealed the horrible stone statue in front of him in the ten-fist sword.

The red Suzano was almost suddenly pulled by the arm by the tall colossus, and the next moment he was torn to pieces by the colossus!

“No way…”

Itachi Uchiha immediately turned his head and looked at Jiraiya and the others, just watching them stand still one by one and surely not moving, a flash of despair flashed in Uchiha’s heart.

“Destroy the other gods first before saying…”

Perhaps because it is about to reach the real end, Uchiha Itachi is very sober, he does not know what is happening now, but he can confirm that this is definitely a conspiracy by Uehara Naraku, Yakushidou and others.

So Uchiha Itachi struggled to be hit by this colossus, and also released Amaterasu towards the crow that was equipped with the kaleidoscope of other gods, and burned the crow to ashes!

Just as Uchiha Itachi was planning to release Moon Reading again, and wanted to use all the opportunities in the Moon Reading space to be controlled by him to tell Uzumaki Naruto the truth, a huge fist hit Uchiha Itachi out of thin air. !


The Colossus of Justice smashed Uchiha’s body to ashes with a fist!

Just as Uchiha Itachi’s body was gradually recovering, that ecstasy chain appeared again, and it suddenly hooked Uchiha’s body!

A weird green figure flew over the chain. In Uchiha Itachi’s despair, the green figure suddenly threw out a lantern conveying pain and wailing, and the lantern contained Uchiha Itachi’s soul.

The reincarnated corpse in the dirty soil on the ground lost the support of the soul and quickly shattered, revealing a deadly painful Baijue. Obviously, this is the sacrifice of the resurrected Uchiha Itachi from the dirty soil.

When the battle here ended, everyone present had not reacted for a long time. Everyone’s eyes could not help but looked at the tall colossus and the green monster figure.

The next second, the two figures turned into a cloud of smoke.

They are the absolute trump cards used by Uehara Naruto against Uchiha Itachi. The justice colossus, Galio, is mainly used to destroy his Susano Nogo; the prisoner’s hammer of the soul lock code is used to trap Uchi. The soul of Bo Itachi.

“I sent you reinforcements for Uchiha Itachi. Have you got rid of him?”

Uehara Naraku’s voice appeared beside them, urging in a hurry: “Your Excellency Jiraiya, if Uchiha Itachi is solved, move forward quickly, and the second batch of ninjas reincarnated from the dirty land has arrived!”

After finishing speaking, Uehara Naraku urged again: “According to the news from the Sensing Troops, the number and personnel arrangement of the second batch of Dirty Ninjas are far more than imagined! And they were divided into five troops, facing each other. Our combat troops!”


After Jilai accepted it, he immediately left with Naruto Uzumaki and others. Unexpectedly, Naruto Uzumaki just stood there in a daze.

“What’s wrong, Naruto?”

“No…it’s okay…”

Naruto Uzumaki’s eyes flashed with surprise, he shook his head and whispered softly, “I just feel that Uchiha Itachi seems to have no harm to us… the look in his eyes just now… is weird, I can’t tell. Weird…”


Jilai also patted Uzumaki Naruto on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: “The second batch of ninja sniping coalition forces has arrived. We need our support there. Let’s rush over!”


Naruto Uzumaki nodded hastily, setting aside the matter of Uchiha Itachi.

As the First Special Operations Squad rushed to the front line, news came from the surprise attack troops that they had to retreat with heavy casualties. The leader of the surprise attack troops, Kankuro, also successfully brought back the enemy’s intelligence to the coalition forces.

“The **** of Dashewan!”

“That **** organized all the dirty ninjas according to Ninja Village, and those dirty ninjas were also organized into a ninja coalition by him…”

Kankuro covered his wounds, and explained in a deep voice the situation after they encountered the enemy: “Every dirty ninja from Ninja Village was gathered together. What we met was the Shayin dirty earth army led by our father Rosha. , Everyone was defeated by them…”

As a member of the surprise force, Sai said with a solemn expression next to him: “And I have surveyed in the air. Compared with our Konoha Unholy Ninja Army, the Sandy Unholy Ninja Army is nothing to mention. …”

“Asshole, is it time to compare!”

Kankuro couldn’t help but glared at Sai.


There was a worrisome expression on Sai’s face, and he spoke with a heavy voice: “I’m telling the truth…”

One list appeared in the pen of the intelligence forces, and the news was rushed to the combat forces that were about to come into contact in front of them. The army of ninjas from the Dirty Reincarnation is really amazing!

Even when Uehara Naraku got the list, the whole person couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief: “This guy…does a lot of evil!”

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