Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 205: Let them see the horror of Akatsuki! (Fourth! Xie Gongzi Qianji is rewarded!), the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

Outside Akatsuki’s base.

After Dedara and Feiduan had a fight with the two stinky mouths, the members of the two teams rushed to their destinations.

Didala was a little bit aggrieved. He looked at the members of the second team on foot, grinning and mocking: “Huh, a bunch of trash, when they arrive in the kingdom of thunder, we will have caught one tail long ago. Up!”

After finishing talking, he threw down an ugly clay doll, patted his palm, and laughed: “Oh! C2·Dragon! Hey, take a look at my masterpiece of art, let’s fly directly to Go to Shayin Village!”


The three of them glanced at the ugly clay dragon in a word.

After Uehara Naraku was silent for a while, he spoke softly: “I also found a psychic contract at the base of Osamaru two years ago. Let me come!”

Red Sand Scorpion and Nagato cast their expectant glances.

Only Deidara became irritable and waved her fist: “Hey, hey, Uehara, do you look down on my art? This is a masterpiece that I spent a long time…”

Uehara Naraku also ignored Dedara, just closed her palms, and 10,000 points of natural energy and Chakra energy were instantly deducted!

Uehara Naraku earnestly formed a set of psychic seals: “Psychic art!”

A huge psychic spell appeared under the palm of Uehara Naraku!

Just as the red sand scorpion and Nagato eagerly hope that Uehara Naraku can channel out some domineering psychic beast, and as a result, nothing appears on the mantra…


Didara slapped his thigh and laughed wildly: “What! Hearing the name so powerful, I thought it was something amazing…”

A huge shadow suddenly covered them.

Didara’s smile suddenly stagnated, and he slowly raised his head to look at a terrifying-looking dragon that suddenly flew into the air for unknown time!

The body of this ancient dragon is like a beast with limbs, but a pair of wings gives it the ability to fly in the air.

Just the size, the ancient dragon is even larger than the outer golem.

What’s more daunting is the huge chakra on it…

In everyone’s perception, the ancient dragon was so majestic that people did not dare to provoke a little thought. This was the first time they had seen such a plethora of psychic beasts in Chakra.

On the head of the ancient dragon, a pair of hideous horns grow strangely, and the blue light in the mouth seems to spit out a blue flame at any time…

If this ancient dragon can play a role in actual combat, it probably won’t have any psychic beasts in this ninja world as its opponent.

The scorpion of the red sand slowly turned his head to look at Naraku Uehara, and slowly said: “Uehara, is that your psychic beast?”

To tell the truth, at this moment, the Red Sand Scorpion really has the urge to make Uehara Naraku’s psychic beast its own puppet!

Follow the public account: Book Friends Base Camp, pay cash and coins when you follow!

Unfortunately, it is easier to turn your face.

The scorpion of the red sand owes the favor of Naru Uehara!

“Should be my psychic beast, right?”

Nairo Uehara raised her eyebrows, looked at the ancient dragon flying above her head, and waved her palm at it.

The ancient dragon seemed to have noticed Uehara’s movements, spread its wings and glide in the air for a while, and stopped quickly in front of Uehara Naraku!

At the moment the ancient dragon fell, the strong wind brought by the high-speed movement blew everyone’s bodies, so that they had to use chakras to absorb the soles of their feet to stand still.


The ancient dragon stood on all fours and roared into the sky!

The huge sound wave overturned the surrounding woods almost instantly!

The thick and powerful tail behind it shook, and the tail slammed Dedara’s clay dragon to pieces!

It’s over!

Uehara Naraku: “…”

Red Sand Scorpion: “…”

Nagato: “…”

The three people trembled in their hearts at the same time. After seeing the clay dragon being smashed by a tail, they subconsciously turned their heads to look at Dedara, the owner of the clay dragon.

According to what they know about Deidara, if someone dares to destroy his artwork, this little golden retriever will probably go crazy!

Especially the Scorpion of Red Sand, he knows how good Deidara is to his clay dragon. It was handcrafted by Deidara, and he would repair and add to the clay dragon from time to time. You can say This is one of Deidara’s favorite artworks.

Now this hand-made clay dragon is smashed to pieces by the ancient dragon’s tail… Deidara’s mood can be imagined.

The scorpion of the red sand looked at the dull-faced companion, and the urn voice persuaded: “Didala, the task is important, everything will be there…”

Didala laughed so furiously, a terrifying smile appeared on his face, and he finally laughed like irrational: “Hehehehehahahahaha… the **** dares to destroy my art. Ah ah ah ah!”

Didara rushed to the ancient dragon in front of him frantically, rushed to its toes, and hit it with a punch and kick!

This is simply tickling the ancient dragon.

After a farce, everyone jumped on the ancient dragon one after another. Deidara seemed to have given a lot of face, and stepped on the dragon’s legs with closed eyes and sleeves and climbed onto the ancient dragon.

Didala sat on the ancient dragon and pouted nonchalantly: “Huh, Uehara, this doesn’t mean I forgive you. It is unforgivable to destroy my artwork! I just do it for Bifei. Duan that **** completes our task faster!”


Nairo Uehara turned his head and glanced at the red sand scorpion and Nagato, then reached out and knocked on the head of the ancient dragon: “Let’s go!”


After a roar, the ancient dragon leaped into the air!

Just as its huge body was falling, a pair of huge wings spread out, slowly flapped, and flew in the air with it!

This is still a bounce takeoff!

Fortunately, all the people present were ninjas, who could be attached to the ancient dragon with chakras, so they were not thrown down by the ancient dragon.

After the takeoff was successful, the ancient dragon began to flap its wings and soared, flying quickly across the mountains and rivers towards Shayin Village.

Didala stood on the head of the ancient dragon, spread his arms and laughed wildly against the wind: “Hahahahaha…Sooner or later I will squeeze such a great art!”


Uehara Naraku, Red Sand Scorpion, and Nagato looked at each other, too lazy to pay attention to the golden retriever neuropathy standing on top of the dragon’s head!

The scorpion of the red sand was silent for a while, and then suddenly asked: “Uehara, where does such a psychic beast live, I want to grab one and be a puppet…”

Who doesn’t want to have such a handsome psychic beast?

The Scorpion of Red Sand really wants to be such a giant puppet, and there is no need to take Deidara’s clay giant bird every time in the future.

“Cough cough cough…”

Nagato coughed violently a few times, and said with some embarrassment: “Well, I can modify it to make it stronger.”

The group of psychic beasts in the beast road were all transformed by Nagato himself.

Nagato also has a unique interest in biotechnology.

Nairo Uehara glanced at them and shook his head speechlessly: “No, I don’t know where the psychic contract I found in the base of Oshemaru was lost. After all, I usually don’t have to fight. Of the spirit beast.”

Anyway, Dashewan is half dead.

It doesn’t matter if you throw all the black pot on him.

Listening to Uehara Naraku’s words, the red sand scorpion and Nagato shook their heads regretfully.

Although the ancient dragon hasn’t experienced a battle yet, it’s enough to exert tremendous power even if it’s just hand-to-hand combat, let alone its fast flying speed.

In the early morning, they set off from the Xiao organization base.

In the evening, they had already arrived at a height of 10,000 meters outside Shayin Village.

The Red Sand Scorpion looked down at the Shayin Village in the distance, and said: “I remember that a few spies were deployed in Shayin Village, and their status should not be considered low. I will summon them now and let them take them directly. Let’s go in!”

Red Sand Scorpion deployed two spies in Shayin Village. One is Yura and the other is Maki. Both of them are Shinobu, and Maki has even become a high-level man.

However, after the Red Sand Scorpion operated for a while, he suddenly said in embarrassment, “Huh? Has the technique of submerged brain manipulation been removed? Sure enough, how could the mother-in-law not notice the submerged brain manipulation after taking power back then? Sand…”


Na Uehara stood beside her, looking at the sky speechlessly.

If I remember correctly, when he used the identity of Shimura Danzo to trade with Erazo, he betrayed a red sand scorpion spy.

Apparently Chiyo and Eilao Zang attached great importance to this, and should have conducted a test on all the Shinnins in the village, and helped both Maki and Yura to release the control of the Shakusha.

Didara immediately proposed: “Why don’t we fly in! Anyway, there are no powerful ninjas in Sandyakura…”

The Red Sand Scorpion shook his head and said: “The outer defenses are all equipped with crossbows. If there is something in the air, it will cause the village to be wary…”

“Uh, it doesn’t matter!”

Nai Uehara spread her hands and looked at the ancient dragon below her and said: “It should be completely immune to those little things. We might as well attack directly and defeat Shayin Village and capture the little guy Gaara.”

“Not bad.”

Nagato nodded beside him.

Uehara Naraku and Nagato are powerful, and they even have the ability to defeat the sand hidden village with one person. Naturally, they don’t want to waste time here.

What’s more, they also have powerful psychic beasts like ancient dragons!

Nagato did not continue to ask for opinions, but just looked at Uehara Naraku and said softly: “Uehara, act directly!”


Nairo Uehara looked at the small sandy hidden village on the ground in the distance, patted the body of the ancient dragon, and said in a deep voice: “Let’s go, let me see your power and let those guys see it. , Akatsuki’s horror!”


The ancient dragon fiercely roared to the sky!

The next moment, the giant dragon flapped its wings and flew towards Shayin Village, crossed the outer defense line of Shayin Village, and cast a shadow in Shayin Village!

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