Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 1: Naraku Uehara, the fastest update starts with Naruto to do the latest chapters behind the scenes!

In the dark cave.

The sound of water droplets is sparse and endless.

Suddenly the sound of water splashing from footsteps appeared, echoing in this secluded cave, and a man and a woman hidden in this cave suddenly became vigilant.

“Payne, someone is coming!”

The woman frowned her brows, her palms instantly turned into sheets of origami, and the chakra attached to them looked unusually sharp, and her voice was a bit calm: “Except for the two of us, only Madara Kazumi knows here… it’s them. Already?”

“No, it’s a strange ninja.”

The man raised his head, looking at the entrance of the cave with a pair of weird eyes, looking at the figure that appeared, his voice sounded a bit cold and ruthless: “Xiao Nan, go kill him!”

Even if they abandoned the first generation of Akatsuki’s ideas because of the death of their old friend twelve years ago, it does not mean that they would like to see the place where the old friend once lived was entered by strangers.

Kill a strange ninja who has set foot in this undefiled land, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, there is no burden in his heart.

They are used to killing.

“Excuse me, is this the base of Akatsuki?”

When they didn’t wait for any movement, the figure that appeared in the cave took the lead to speak to a man and a woman standing in the cave: “I’m Uehara’s son, Uehara Naraku. He was 12 years ago. , Told my mother that he joined an organization named Akatsuki and wanted to follow Master Yahiko, but he never came back since then.”


The woman’s motion of waving the paper shuriken stopped, and the expression on the man’s face was a little stiff, and they heard a strange name.

No, or rather, familiar.

At least for women, it’s still familiar.

Because that ninja named Uehara Hatsu, in order to protect her, eventually died by the enemy’s sword, it was a meaningless sacrifice.

As the figure at the entrance of the cave gradually walked in, a man and a woman could clearly see what the people were.

This is a teenager who can even wear a ninja’s forehead. He is wearing a wide sleeved robe. Obviously, this dress is a bit big for his age.

The uniforms of the first generation of Akatsuki now seem to be a bit crude, because at that time Akatsuki was really too poor.

However, it is still involuntarily missed.

“Are you the son of Uehara Nochu?”

The man rolled his weird eyes and stared at the boy in front of him closely. He looked at the boy and his father who looked quite similar to his father, and said in a deep voice: “There has never been this person in our organization, you can go. !”


The woman opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, when she looked up at the man next to her as if she was begging, only to see the man shook his head slightly.

The woman bit her lip and fell silent after all.

The young man held a kunai tightly in his hand, seeming to pretend to be calm, but when he stopped and wanted to turn around and leave, he inadvertently saw the looks of the man and woman. Suddenly put Kuwu Wu away, and took out his own pocket.

The man and the woman in the cave looked at each other, their expressions were a little surprised, and when they became more vigilant, the boy took out a photo.


The boy lowered his head and looked at the photo.

He looked up again, looking at the man, looking at the woman.

Then, the young man held up the photo at them, and said softly: “Excuse me, are you Mr. Nan and Mr. Yahiko?”


The man and woman fell silent.

That photo was the only photo taken by the first generation of Akatsuki. It lacked a lot of latecomers. At that time, because everyone thought Akatsuki was a peace organization, they did not pay much attention to the information of the members, so many people sent it to Own family.

And the Yahiko mentioned by this boy was the first leader of Akatsuki’s organization, and it was also the source of the two people’s mood becoming more and more depressed.

The man and Yahiko look exactly the same, because the man’s body was originally Yahiko’s corpse, and he was made into a powerful puppet.

The man behind the puppet is the red-haired boy in the photo.

“Master Yahiko hasn’t changed much.”

The young man opened his mouth and said: “Although Xiao Nan is a bit older, he can still see the outline of his youth…”


The woman’s face darkened.

The man calmly stared at the young man in front of him, and suddenly he said: “Your father is dead. He died in battle twelve years ago. Now I have forgotten his name. The weak is not worthy of being People remember it.”


A panic flashed across the woman’s face!

In any case, she did not expect that men would tell the truth in such a straightforward manner, at least this is after their old friends!

The boy’s face drooped, and he forcibly retorted: “Since you don’t remember the name, why did you say he died in the battle?”


The man looked at the appearance of the young man, and said in a cold voice: “Twelve years ago, only two people in the entire Akatsuki organization survived.”

“…He can survive!”

The woman suddenly said aloud, and continued to add: “If it weren’t for me, many people would have survived.”


The man by her side seemed to want to say something to comfort her, but he finally stopped looking at the woman’s low face.

“I see.”

The young man’s expression closed in an instant, and he waved his hand indifferently: “Since he died twelve years ago, then I won’t blame him.”

After speaking, the boy turned and left.

However, Uehara Naraku has not taken two steps yet, a strange gravitational pull pulled him back, and the man suddenly grabbed his collar with his palm!

“Although your father does not have much powerful power, he is also a ninja worthy of admiration. Do you have no feelings for him?”

“Payne, let him go!”

The woman stretched out her palm anxiously and grabbed the man’s arm, trying to get him to loosen the boy’s collar.

Nairo Uehara tugged at Payne’s palm, looked up at the man’s weird eyes, and a touch of mockery flashed across her face: “I’m so sorry, I was only born twelve years ago, except for this one at home. I don’t have any impression of him with this photo or this dress.”

From his mouth, the image of a man who abandons his wife and son jumps out.

Anyway, the ninja named Uehara Hatsu left his wife and newborn son after giving birth to follow an inexplicable Akatsuki organization. It sounds a bit weird.

“…I’m sorry.”

The woman muttered an apology next to her.

Xiao Nan’s eyes are moist. Twelve years ago, they were only fifteen years old, and they couldn’t understand how much sacrifice the group of ninjas who followed them paid.

Now they know the tip of the iceberg below.

“There is no need to apologize, it is his choice.”

The boy shook his head, pulled away the man’s hand, and whispered softly: “I came to find Akatsuki’s base, just because before my mother died, I always wanted to know about him.”

Xiao Nan looked at the boy and said nervously: “Your parents have passed away, so where are you…where are you going now?”

“Of course I went to join Hanzo-sama!”

Nai Uehara spread out her hands and explained: “In the past few months, I have been a wandering ninja, inquiring about Akatsuki’s news and father’s traces… Now I have my wish, of course I will go to Hanzo-sama and be a formal Ninja.”


Payne and Xiao Nan looked at each other. A descendant of the first generation of Akatsuki members is going to go to his murderer?

This kid named Naraku Uehara doesn’t know the truth. How can people who know the truth, especially Xiao Nan, tolerate this happening?

“No way.”

Xiao Nan reached out and grabbed his shoulders and squatted in front of him, with a cold expression: “Your father Uehara has joined Akatsuki, so his child is also a member of the organization!”

“Your organization… why is it a bit like an MLM den!”

Nairo Uehara looked at Xiaonan and Payne back and forth, couldn’t help blinking his eyes, and subconsciously spit out.


He finally achieved his true purpose.

There was a tink in the brain of Uehara Naraku. Side mission: Join an organization (1/1), the mission has been completed, reward: [Galio the Justice Colossus] psychic contract.

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