Detective From the Future Chapter 550: Motivation

   The arrest operation went smoothly.

Wen Guanghui and Ye Ping were taken to the interrogation room because they couldn’t eat the Bawang meal.

   As for farming, the two of them will have no chance in a short time.

   The two were taken to different rooms and interrogated separately.

   Han Bin and Zhao Ming are in charge of interrogating Wen Guanghui.

   Wen Guanghui sits on a chair and keeps moving his wrists. It seems that he is not used to the feeling of wearing handcuffs. “Comrade police, are you making a mistake? I am the reporter. What are you doing with me?”

  Han Bin glanced at him, holding a teacup in his hand, blowing the floating tea leaves, and said without hesitation, “Since we have caught you, we have enough evidence. Don’t use your cleverness.” Challenge someone else’s career.”

   Wen Guanghui shrugged, “Police Officer Han, I really don’t understand what you mean, and I’m not smart, otherwise I won’t be stolen.”

  ”Moreover, I respect the profession of police very much. After something happens, the first thing I think of is to call the police.”

   Han Bin drank two sips of tea, put down the tea cup, “You don’t think of the police as soon as something happens, but you think of calling a false police from the beginning.”

   Wen Guanghui said, “I didn’t report to the fake police. My room was indeed stolen, and evidence was left. Didn’t your police investigate it?”

   Han Bin asked back, “What is your so-called evidence? Incomplete shoe prints?”

  ”You are investigating the case. It should be clearer than me.”

   Han Bin stared at the other person’s expression and slowly said, “Jin Haochong has already recruited and took the initiative to confess you. It was you who contacted him and asked him to come to the resort to steal things from your house. At the same time, in order to avoid the police suspecting that you reported a false case, Jin Haochong deliberately left some evidence at the scene to prove that a suspect was indeed there.”

   “At the same time, you also told Jin Haochong not to expose himself, and it is best to plant it on the resort staff.”

  ”Jin Haochong is a habitual offender. He is no stranger to the crime scene. He stole the resort security’s shoes ahead of time, wore the security’s shoes and went to the end, and deliberately left footprints in an attempt to plant the security on the security.”

  ”Unfortunately, the police found the suspicious point, Jin Haochong exposed and confessed you. With his testimony, you can’t escape.”

   Wen Guanghui looked a little irritable, scratching his hair, “You believe in Jin Haochong so much, maybe he deliberately planted it on me in order to avoid guilt.”

  ”You really don’t shed tears if you don’t see the coffin, you don’t give up if you don’t see the Yellow River!” Han Bin snorted, “You keep using Ye Ping’s father’s phone number to contact him, how do you explain?”

   Wen Guanghui’s eyes flickered, “What Ye Ping’s father’s phone number, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  ”You don’t know, and Ye Ping doesn’t know? You think she will carry it down for you, is it possible?” Han Bin asked back.

  Han Bin also doesn’t know whether Ye Ping was involved in this case, but whether Ye Ping knew it or not, he would not help Wen Guanghui carry it through.

  The reason is very simple. If Wen Guanghui is the mastermind, it can only be regarded as a false report. Although it will be handled by the police in accordance with the law, the nature is far less serious than the crime of burglary.

   But if Wen Guanghui does not admit to being involved in this case, then this case is a burglary, and both Ye Ping and Jin Haochong may go to jail.

   Neither Ye Ping nor Jin Haochong can bear Wen Guanghui.

   Wen Guanghui rubbed his stomach, “I’m hungry, can I have some food first.”

   Han Bin ordered, “Make him instant noodles.”

   Wen Guanghui suddenly lost his appetite, “Forget it, give me a cigarette.”

   Zhao Ming lit a cigarette and handed it to Wen Guanghui who was opposite.

  ”DaDa…” Wen Guanghui took a few sips, flicked the soot, and sighed, “Yes, I found Jin Haochong, and I let him steal the things.”

   “How did you find Jin Hao Chong?”

  ”Introduced through a friend.”

   “What’s your friend’s name?”

   “Li Lao Liu.”

  ”Da Ming.”

   “Li Jiahai.”

  ”How do you usually contact Jin Haochong?”

   “Ye Ping’s father has an idle mobile phone number, I will use it.”

   Han Bin wrote down in the notebook, “That phone number was prepared for this case.”


  ”Then why use Ye Ping’s father’s mobile phone number?”

   “I owe some debts and I am restricted from spending. Sometimes it is not convenient, so I just use someone else’s mobile phone number.”

  ”What about the phone card?”

   “In my phone, card 2 is.”

   Zhao Ming took out the other party’s cell phone and dialed his cell phone with the card number 2. After a while, the cell phone was connected, and it was indeed Ye Ping’s father’s cell phone number.

   After some inquiries, Han Bin can already be sure that this is indeed a self-directed and acted burglary.

   “Did Ye Ping participate in this case?”

   Wen Guanghui shook his head, “No, the more people you know, the easier it is for bad things, and women don’t carry things.”

   Han Bin knocked on the table, “Why do you want to do this?”

   Wen Guanghui shook his head, “There is no reason, I just want to find some excitement.”

   “Bang!” Zhao Ming slapped the table and scolded, “Take the police to stimulate, the criminal police team was all upset by you, I really think it can’t cure you.”

   Wen Guanghui sighed, “I…recognize the mistake and change it later.”

   Han Bin is not satisfied with this explanation. There are many ways to find excitement. This is not the reason for the crime.

  Han Bin stared sharply at the other party, “I ask you again, why do you want to direct and perform the burglary?”

   Wen Guanghui shrugged, “I said it all, just for excitement.”

   Han Bin closed the notebook, “It seems that you still don’t want to be honest.”

   Wen Guanghui rubbed his nose with his finger, “You can’t help me if you don’t believe me. I’m such a person, and my life is too dull, so I want to find some excitement.”

  Han Bin glanced at his watch, and said to Zhao Ming on the side, “It’s getting late, let’s have dinner.”

   Wen Guanghui swallowed, “Comrade police, can you bring me some food, I will pay for it myself.”

   “No need to spend money, our police station will not starve prisoners, enough instant noodles.” Han Bin said.

   Wen Guanghui said, “I don’t want to eat instant noodles, can you pack a meal for me at the resort.”

   Han Bin was too lazy to care about him, and went straight out of the interrogation room.

Zhao Ming on the side of    snorted, “If you don’t cooperate with the police investigation, there are still a lot of demands. Just stay with you. Go in, you can’t even eat instant noodles.”

   Suddenly, Wen Guanghui’s face turned very ugly.


   After leaving the interrogation room, Han Bin took out a pack of cigarettes and handed one to Zhao Ming.

   Zhao Ming hurriedly took out the lighter and lit Han Bin first.

   The two smoked and talked.

   “Brother Bin, the reason why Wen Guanghui, the old boy, directed and acted himself, did he want to blackmail the resort.”

  Han Bin also has speculations in this regard, but the problem now is that Wen Guanghui has not contacted the resort to make a claim, and they have no evidence at all.

  ”Wait, Li Hui and Tian Li may have new clues.”

   The two finished smoking a cigarette in the corridor, and Li Hui and Zhao Ming also walked out of the interrogation room next to them.

   Li Hui chuckled, “Yeah, you guys are pretty fast, did Wen Guanghui confess?”

   Han Bin waved his hand, “I’m almost starving to death. I’m going to eat and talk while walking.”

   The four rushed to the restaurant in the shuttle bus, but because there was a driver in the bus, they didn’t discuss the case.

   After arriving at the restaurant, the person in charge of the restaurant personally received him and handed Han Bin and others a menu.

  Han Bin took a look. There are many dishes on the menu, and the prices are similar to those in restaurants in the city.

   The person in charge of this resort will come.

  After ordering the dishes, the waiter brought tea and then left.

   Han Bin and others began to discuss the case.

   Han Bin first explained the situation of Wen Guanghui in the interrogation.

   Li Hui finished listening, smash it, smash it, “This kid is really tough.”

   Han Bin was about to ask about Ye Ping’s interrogation. Several waiters came over with their plates.

  The several dishes are all delicious and delicious, and there are a lot of dishes.

   Everyone ate for a while and pad their stomachs before Li Hui wiped his mouth and smiled, “The chef at the resort is very skilled. This plate of flavored eggplant is really authentic. I haven’t eaten it in many years. I remember before. There is a restaurant in Quancheng that makes this taste. Since I left Quancheng, I have never had such an authentic one.”

  Han Bin knew which restaurant he was talking about, and nodded, “It is indeed the flavor. Everyone will taste it. This dish is very good.”

   Li Hui turned around and started talking about the case, “Binzi, you guessed it, I also think that Wen Guanghui’s self-directed and self-acted case has other purposes behind this case~ Han Bin took a sip of almonds Lu, he did not fully believe Wen Guanghui’s words, “Did Ye Ping participate in this case? “

   “She said she had never participated.” Li Hui said.

   Han Bin replied, “This is consistent with Wen Guanghui’s confession.”

  ”However, Ye Ping provided a clue. I think it may be Wen Guanghui’s motive for committing the crime.”

   “What clue?”

  ”According to Ye Ping’s account, a few kilometers away from Laishan Hot Spring Resort, there is also a Sakura Hot Spring Resort. Because the distance is not too far, the two resorts have always been in competition, and Wen Guanghui invested in Sakura in the name of his mother. Hot spring resort, he came to Laishan hot spring resort is probably to make trouble.” Li Hui said.

  The successive thefts in the resort will definitely affect the reputation of the resort. Once the incident spreads, the guests feel that Laishan Hot Spring Resort is unsafe and will definitely choose other places to travel.

   While the Sakura Hot Spring Resort is not far away, it is also under the banner of hot springs, which will surely share a lot of passengers.

  Han Bin also thinks this possibility is very high, because of the influence of yi, the tourism industry has suffered great losses, and many travel companies have closed down.

   Take Laishan Hot Spring Resort as an example, even a 40% discount coupon was issued. Now the resort is no longer to make money, but to survive.

The situation of    Sakura Hot Spring Resort is not necessarily better than that of Laishan Hot Spring Resort, and it is likely to be on the verge of bankruptcy. That’s why Wen Guanghui made such a desperate move.

   After all, the big market is like this now, no one can change it.

  Dead fellow Daoist is not dead poor Dao.


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