Detective From the Future Chapter 524: Reason

Han Bin took out another file, “Where is Jiang Huawen? How did he die?”

“Similar to Li Yuan’s situation, they were all stunned with electric batons and then killed.”

“Aren’t you at work that day?”

“I rushed to Gaocheng to kill him during my lunch break.”

Han Bin turned around habitually, “Be more specific.”

“Yesterday at noon, I called a taxi in advance. After work at 12 o’clock, I drove to Gaocheng by car. I arrived in Gaocheng in about forty minutes and found Jiang Huawen’s home.” /

“I stepped on a little bit before, knowing the specific address of Jiang Huawen’s house, called the door of his house, and stunned him directly. Then I tied him with a rope, opened the gas tank, and took it away. His watch.”

“After that, I took a taxi and returned to the Water Resources Bureau. You should already know the next thing.”

The circumstances of the case described by Hong Xin this time, obviously did not have the details of the murder of Li Yuan, and she did not give any clues to moving Jiang Huawen to the bedroom. At the same time, there is another point that Zhao Chunlian went home to cook at noon. Left and right home.

According to Hong Xin’s statement, he arrived at Jiang’s house around 12:40, which is simply impossible.

Hong Xin is lying. As for the purpose of lying, it is likely to be a cover for her accomplices.

Han Bin did not puncture her, and continued to ask, “Why did you kill Li Yuan and Jiang Huawen?”

“They **** it.”

“Why the hell?”

“They were ungrateful, and Chen Shaoyan rescued them. Not only did they not know the gratitude, but they were always on guard against the Chen family. It was too chilling.” Hong Xin said.

“You can’t convince me for this reason.” Han Bin said.

Hong Xin snorted, “Do you believe it or not.”

Han Bin stretched out two fingers, “I now give you two choices. First, I will explain the case honestly. Second, I will investigate by myself. I believe this incident must be related to your daughter’s death. Related.”

Hong Xin sighed, “Is it because I tell you the truth, so you won’t bother me and talk about my daughter anymore.”

Han Bin said sincerely, “I know you don’t want to think about it, but as a policeman, I have an obligation to investigate this matter. As long as you truthfully explain it, I will not deliberately pick up your scar.”

Hong Xin was silent for a long time, “Once, I only say it once, don’t mention it to me again in the future.”

“The premise is that you don’t lie.” Han Bin said.

Hong Xin took a deep breath and murmured, “I’m like this, what’s the point of lying.”

“In fact, for the past ten years, I have been guilty of Chen Shaoyan. If it weren’t for me, he would not die. In a sense, I am the same as Li Yuan and Jiang Han, and even worse than them.”

“Back then, Chen Shaoyan and I were dating by the river. At that time, I was very young. Not long after I started working, I was full of vigor and vitality. That was our third date. I can see that Chen Shaoyan I like me very much.”

“I have a good impression of him. He is a middle school teacher, he is very honest, his job is relatively stable, his home is also local, and everything is pretty good. If normal development continues, maybe the two of us may be possible Will get married.”

“That day, he asked me to come out to play. I suggested that I want to go for a walk by the river. The weather was fine that day and there was a small wind. I wore a beige skirt. He also praised my skirt for being beautiful. Suddenly, the two of us heard the call for help and ran over to see that two children fell into the river.”

“At that time, Chen Shaoyan didn’t plan to jump into the river to save people, but instead stood by and shouted.” Hong Xin closed her eyes and seemed to try hard to recall that year.

Twelve years ago, Gaocheng City, beside the Moon River.

Two children fell into the river, and a group of young men and women stood on the bank. They were Hong Xin and Chen Shaoyan when they were young.

The young Hong Xin showed an anxious expression, and asked Chen Shaoyan to the side, “Can you swim?”

Chen Shaoyan hesitated, “I will.”

Hong Xin urged, “Then what are you doing in a daze, hurry down to the river to save people!”

Chen Shaoyan showed a tangled look, looked at the child falling into the river, and looked at Hong Xin on the side. He didn’t want to go down to the river, and he was afraid that the girl next to him would be disappointed.

He likes this girl very much and doesn’t want to leave her a cowardly impression.

Hong Xin stomped straight anxiously, and pushed Chen Shaoyan, “Don’t be stunned, these two children are drowning, how pitiful.”

Chen Shaoyan sighed. He still didn’t want the girl next to him to be disappointed. He gritted his teeth and jumped directly into the river, but it was one thing to know how to swim, and it was another thing to go to the river to save people.

As soon as Chen Shaoyan approached Li Yuan who fell into the water, the other party hugged Chen Shaoyan like an octopus. Chen Shaoyan was caught by one of his arms and swimming very hard. He shouted loudly, but Li at the time Yuan was only eleven years old and was already terrified, only knowing that he was holding Chen Shaoyan tightly.

Chen Shaoyan finally pushed the girl to the shore.

Hong Xin took the girl and pointed to Jiang Han in the river, “Over there, the little boy is about to be washed away!”

Chen Shaoyan swam into the river again before he had time to catch his breath.

When he was halfway through the swim, he was already a little regretful. Why did he want to be strong? He could not take such a risk. Is it worth taking such a big risk for a woman?

What if you die? Who will take care of your own parents? Do you want to swim back?

Chen Shaoyan had the idea of ​​shrinking, but due to inertia, he finally didn’t have the courage to face Hong Xin’s disappointed eyes, gritted his teeth and continued to swim towards Jiang Han, but he felt that his limbs were getting heavier and heavier.

Jiang Han is exactly the same as Li Yuan, even hugging tighter than Li Yuan. Chen Shaoyan felt that she was suffocating. After exhausting her milk, she swam to the river with Jiang Han. Jiang Han was rescued by Hong Xin. shore.

At this time, Chen Shaoyan had already lost his strength, and a rapid rushed in. He was swept away by the river and he could no longer float.

Seeing this scene, Hong Xin was dumbfounded, and hurriedly shouted, “Chen Shaoyan, Chen Shaoyan!”

Hong Xin in the interrogation room also yelled, and the two figures seemed to overlap.

The roar interrupted the memory, Hong Xin opened her eyes and cried,

“I was still thinking about how this man is like this. Once he has no responsibility, he obviously knows how to swim. He can’t save him when he sees the child fall into the river, and he is even a little disappointed in him.”

“Chen Shaoyan was afraid that I would be disappointed, so he went down to the river to save people because of me. He rescued two elementary school students and drowned himself.”

“I was… stupid, I didn’t expect it to be like this. What made me dumbfounded was that after the parents of the two elementary school students came, without a word of thanks, they took the children away, and my heart was cold. .”

“Why is this happening, did I do it wrong?”

“Later, Chen Shaoyan’s parents also came. I will never forget the sad expressions and heart-piercing cry of his parents. I was scared. I was afraid they would blame me. I didn’t dare to comfort them. , I’m leaving too.”

“I knew I was doing it wrong, but I didn’t know what to do. I was still young and I couldn’t cope with that kind of scene. I can’t figure out how Chen Shaoyan could die so easily. He obviously knows how to swim…” /

Hong Xin cried, but the expression on her face eased, and her previous hostility was gone.

Han Bin picked up the tissue on the table and handed it to the other party.

“What happened later, you should have known. I became a hero who did justice to me. I was commended by the unit and encouraged by my colleagues, but I still couldn’t pass the hurdle in my heart. I know very well that if it weren’t for me, Chen Shaoyan would not go to the river to save people. , Will not die, I killed him.”

“I seized an opportunity and transferred from Gaocheng to the city. I met my husband. Work and life went smoothly. I tried to forget about Gaocheng, the death of Chen Shaoyan, and then my daughter. I was born, that was the best time in my life.”

“For my husband, for my daughter, I want to live well. I tried my best to forget everything in Gaocheng and cut everything from Gaocheng. I was really happy during that time.” Hong Xin cried and laughed, looking very strange,

“Until three years ago, someone ruined my life!”

“I remember very clearly that that day, I rode an electric car to pick up my daughter from school. We drove normally. A car ran through a red light and hit my electric car. My daughter was hit and seriously injured… Later , After all, there is no rescue.”

Hong Xin’s eyes were red. “Later I learned that the nasty driver drunk driving. He was a murderer. He killed my daughter.”

“Where is that driver now?”

“Hehe, where is he, he is at home, he is chic, as if nothing has happened. He is the most **** thing.”

“Drunk driving hit someone to death, didn’t he go to jail?”

“No, the police let him go!” Hong Xin shouted.

“Why did you let him go?”

Hong Xin sneered and asked, “Why? I also want to know why, you are also a policeman, why would you tell me?”

Han Bin wrote in his notebook, “What does this matter have to do with you killing Li Yuan and Jiang Han?”

“This incident hit me too hard. Since then, I have been thinking about it. I think of Gao Chengcheng and the dead Chen Shaoyan. All my misfortune seems to have started from there.”

“I was thinking, if I didn’t let Chen Shaoyan go down the river, maybe none of this would happen, and I wouldn’t be as painful as I am now. I think this is God’s retribution for me.”

“In the summer of 2018, on the day of Chen Shaoyan’s death, I went to the Moon River again and went to the place where Chen Shaoyan died. I wanted to see it. I also thought about jumping off for a hundred. I owe Chen Shaoyan’s life. .”

“When I got there, I remembered a lot of things. Just when I wanted to jump off, I saw an old woman. She was very old, very thin, and struggling to walk. She was just like me. Standing by the river, right where Chen Shaoyan fell into the water.”

“I was shocked suddenly. I recognized her. She is Chen Shaoyan’s mother, Cai Jing. She is at least ten years older than her actual age. My first thought was to run away. Face her.”

“Girl, are you Shaoyan’s girlfriend?”


“I slowly turned around and found Cai Jing was staring at me.”

“I didn’t expect her to remember.”

“I want to escape, but I can’t move my feet anymore.”

“The two of us chatted. At first, I was full of guilt for her. She didn’t treat me as an outsider. She still regarded me as Chen Shaoyan’s girlfriend. She told me a lot, saying that she missed Chen Shaoyan very much. Go and see him.”

“Talking and chatting, I found that my feelings for her are not pitiful, but pity for the same disease. Yes, we all have the experience of sending white-haired people to black-haired people. Her today is my tomorrow.”

“Cai Jing’s husband and son are dead. She is helpless and no one takes care of her. I am moved with compassion. I want to take care of her. I regard her as my future self. I don’t know why Pity or self-pity.”

“For the past two years, I have been taking care of Cai Jing. There are too many similarities between the two of us, and some of her emotions have also affected me. When I was packing her things, I found that she had a diary on it. Wrote a lot about killing methods.”

“She is going to kill Jiang Han and Li Yuan.”

“At first I was asked if she was going to kill?”

“She cried and said that she wanted to take revenge a long time ago, but she hasn’t taken any action. She hates her cowardice…”

“Later, she had a physical problem and she couldn’t get revenge at all. She was really pitiful, and she didn’t even have the ability to take revenge. I think I might be like her in the future…”

“I want revenge, I want revenge for her, but also for myself…”

Han Bin asked, “Who is your enemy?”

Hong Xin seemed to be possessed by a demon, showing a hideous look, “It’s the **** who killed my daughter, he must not die!”

Han Bin asked coldly, “What does your husband think? Does he know this.”

“My husband loves his daughter the most, he can’t wait to cut that person a thousand times!”

Han Bin raised his eyebrows and guessed, “Just now, the reason you lied to the police was to buy time for your husband to avenge your daughter?”

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