There’s an Evil Spirit Here Chapter 623: There is…, the fastest update, here are the latest chapters of evil spirits!

The director’s narrative is quick, but clear.

It turned out that after eating the soil of the gods, the two men began to undress and fold their clothes neatly, just as if they had been wicked.

But at a critical moment, the video picture suddenly went dark and nothing was captured.

Until the person disappeared, the crew reported the crime and the police found the mobile phone, they knew that it was because the mobile phone was not put in place, it tipped over, and the camera happened to be crushed.

This table of dinner ended hastily, and everyone didn’t want to eat this meal again.

Before dispersing, the director repeatedly reminded everyone that Siam is a religious country. Do not discuss religious beliefs in Siam to avoid unnecessary trouble for the crew. At the same time, don’t enter any temples in Siam. Don’t enter any Buddhist temples or witch temples. Everyone feels relieved to finish filming and return to the country safely.

Actually, the director has already said the above exhortation to others in the audience. Today, I am mainly talking to Fang Zheng, who naturally understands what the director means.

If the director knows, Fang Zheng has already been to the Ba Su Ke Sanctuary of Truth, and the main reason why Fang Zheng came to Southeast Asia this time is related to Buddha statues. I wonder what the director would think?

Maybe it broke Fang Zheng’s leg?

Continue while filming?

Then interrupt and continue?

Finally, the director gave a few more filming tasks. The most important thing is that the city has been chaotic for the past two days, and filming is temporarily unavailable. The director intends to take this opportunity to give everyone who has been nervous and busy filming a few days away to relax. .

After two days of calming down in the city, take the follow-up shots.

Fortunately, in the past few days of re-shooting, everything went well, even if it was delayed for two days, there was still too much time.

In the past two days, all the energy of the crew will be devoted to the editing, soundtrack, and post-production of the pilot trailer. At the same time, with domestic resources, they will be ready to spread it out in all major channels.

When Fang Zheng came out of the private room, the local tyrant Dong learned that the pilot trailer would be released in China within these two days. He was so excited that he even temporarily forgot the fact that he went to the mobile phone store to get his Apai mobile phone. NS.

“Fangfang, I’m looking forward to it now. You will be edited in the pilot trailer. What will it look like? Hahaha, when the pilot trailer is released, Fangfang will become famous soon. In the future, your screen name can also be changed, and you can change it to “I am a big star.”

Because Founder’s screen name was changed to “I’m really a big star”, his screen name will naturally be changed to “I’m really a big star’s iron buddy.”

The head is iron, old iron.

Fang Zheng Haha: “Grabbing the female audience is equivalent to grasping the big domestic movie cake. Maybe in order to attract fans and open up the domestic market, the leading trailer might be edited as an action movie of Chengdu’s ethical youth idol domestic love?” /

“Huh?” The local tyrant Dong was a little embarrassed.

Fang Zheng didn’t get too entangled in this issue, but changed the topic: “Typical tyrant, don’t you plan to go to the mobile phone shop to get your mobile phone?”

The local tyrant Dong was reminded of this, and he patted his forehead with his hand, and finally remembered the incident.

Then hurriedly called a three-wheeled green leather electric, went out with Fang Zheng, and went straight to the mobile phone shop.

In Southeast Asia, the electric three-wheeled vehicle is the magical tool of urban traffic. It is also known as the three great vehicles of Asia with the domestic donkey and Asan’s motorcycle.

Because they can always see stitches.

The process of fetching the phone went smoothly, until they returned to the hotel, they turned on the Apai phone to check it.

The first is to check the address book, the second is the photo album, the third is the SMS and social software, and the fourth is to check each APP to find clues.

Nothing was found in the recent contacts in the address book.

Then open the album.

As a result, I saw a recently recorded video in the album. Looking at the date and time, it happened to be shortly after Apai sent them a text message last night.

The cover is pitch black, as if looking at the abyss, and the entire video lasts for several minutes.

Fangzheng clicked on the video. The light in the video was very dark. It seemed to be recorded at night, and the lights were not turned on. Apai’s mobile phone is just a brand-name mobile phone, the pixels are not high, and the pixels taken in a dim environment are even darker and blurry, but it is still faintly discernible, the legs of the bed, the edge of the bed, and the outline of the floor and the room.

Being able to see the legs of the bed means that Apai was hiding under the bed and recorded this video! !

The camera is facing the direction of the door.

Fang Zheng squinted his eyes and tried to identify the furnishings in the room. He finally recognized that this was Apai’s bedroom.

I just don’t understand why Apai hides under the bed? Is it escaping from something that scares him?

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the camera was always facing the door. Except for the occasional slight shaking because of fear of shaking, the camera of the phone never left the direction of the door.

The repressive darkness in the lens, the dimly lit bedroom, the quiet, quiet air, all these details seem to be telling the fear and fear in Apai’s heart at that time.

When the video was halfway through, it was originally extremely quiet, just like in the video of a dark barren house in the old forest deep in the mountains, suddenly there was the sound of clicking, clicking, and clicking footsteps.

The sound of footsteps went all the way to the door and stood still. The door was silent and quiet. Suddenly, there were a few light clicks, and in the invisible darkness, it seemed that someone outside the door was twisting the doorknob.

But the doorknob has been dead from the bedroom, and the people outside could not open it.

The doorknob twisted his hands a few times, tap, tap, tap, and the sound of footsteps gradually moved away, and some slight movements could be heard vaguely, as if the people outside the door had not given up and were still searching for Apai’s house.

Apai was still lying under the bed without daring to move.

When there was still one third of the video left, the disappeared footsteps appeared outside the door again, click, click, and the doorknob twisted.

This time I still failed to open the door, and the sound of footsteps outside the door disappeared again, as if they were looking for Apai in other places again, and the two of them seemed to be playing a game of catching and hiding.

In the video, I seemed to hear A Pai’s breath, and one can imagine how tense A Pai’s spirit was at the time.

But Apai just exhaled, suddenly!

Crunch! !

On the bed board above Apai’s head, there was a sudden sound of something turning over, and it seemed to be the sound of something moving… Suddenly, the video went dark.

The video is interrupted here.

“Why did I break here? What on earth is Apai’s bed? Is it related to Apai’s disappearance? Apai still has a lot of clues that he didn’t tell us!” Watching the interrupted video, local tyrant Tokyu road.

Fangzheng thought for a while, and then figured out some answers: “In the screen recording mode, the phone screen will always be on. It should be Apai who took the initiative to turn off the phone to avoid exposing the location in the dark.”

Next, look at the album again. There are no other clues. Fang Zheng began to look at other clues in Apai’s phone, hoping to find out who the footsteps that appeared at Apai’s house belonged to?

What was the last thing that appeared in the bedroom?

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