There’s an Evil Spirit Here Chapter 66: Bone, the fastest update, here are the latest chapters of evil spirits!

Fang Zhengqiang supported his weak spirit and immediately set off for the ancestral hall of Gujing Village.

When traveling in the daytime, figure out all this.

However, when Fang Zheng came to the village ancestral hall for the second time, it turned out that there were villagers in the ancestral hall, and it was temporarily impossible to enter the ancestral hall.

It was deadlocked for a while.

Just when Fang Zheng discovered the important clue of the dry well, the veteran Zhang Jianming went to persuade the village chief and made a major breakthrough.

The village chief agreed to Zhang Jianming’s proposal to mobilize the villagers to clean up the mountain road.

When everyone heard the exciting news in the temporary WeChat group, everyone couldn’t help but admire Zhang Jianming.

“Chief Zhang, how do you persuade the village chief? Great!” Someone is in the group @张建明.

Zhang Jianming replied in text: “I just made a simple sentence. Instead of letting the villagers sit back and think about it, it is better to find something for the villagers to do and divert their attention.”

“Moreover, opening up the outside world can also transfer the villagers to a safe place. No one knows whether the next mudslide and landslide will threaten Gujing Village.”

I don’t know what Zhang Jianming’s words have worked. The village chief quickly mobilized the villagers. In the afternoon, a group of people carried various tools to the mudslide and landslide site, preparing to clear the way down the mountain.

Even the stranded tourists have spontaneously joined the team to clean up the mountain road and actively carried out self-help.

Fang Zheng couldn’t find a chance to sneak into the ancestral hall of the village, so he could only join the team to clean up the mudslide.

But when Fang Zheng rushed to the meeting place, his terrible expression made Zhang Jianming, who didn’t know the truth, mistakenly take Fang Zheng as a patient, and let Fang Zheng and the female anchor Xiao Yuer stay in the village to recuperate. .

Founder originally wanted to explain a few more words, but Zhang Jianming didn’t give Fang Zheng the time to explain, so he took other people directly out of the village to clean up the mountain road.

The world is dark, and another day ends.

After searching for a day, the village chief did not find the missing person.

At this moment, the villagers also returned home early, the doors and windows were closed, and a rooster continued to hang on the door.

It’s just these roosters, after tossing all night last night, they were a little dull and listless.

Huang Sisi is one of a pair of young couples among stranded tourists. She and her boyfriend are both self-driving travel enthusiasts, and the two will always go out for self-driving tours together during holidays.

However, Huang Sisi and her boyfriend stayed separately in the homes of two villagers. Huang Sisi is a little girl with some traditional thoughts. Before the two were married, she didn’t want to sleep with her boyfriend too early.

Girls are relatively courageous. The weird things that have happened in Gujing Village in the past two days have been one after another. Even Huang Sisi has been nervous recently.

I always feel that there is a person hidden under the bed, closet, and bathroom, and my heart is so fluffy that at night, she dare not go to the bathroom alone… but the more afraid, the more often Huang Sisi wants to go to the bathroom.


The lights in the bathroom turned on, driving away the darkness instantly, and suddenly became a bit piercingly bright, and Huang Sisi entered the bathroom tremblingly, a little timid and scared.

I don’t know if it’s suspicious. When Huang Sisi enters the bathroom, she always feels the illusion that she is frightened. This frightening feeling comes from outside the window behind the bathroom curtain!

It’s like…Outside the invisible window, there seems to be a figure standing there…

Huang Sisi paled with fright, regretting that she was thinking wildly, she frightened herself… She hurried to the toilet, just wanted to leave the bathroom as soon as possible, but at this moment, ticking!

There was a crisp sound of water drops falling on the ground, and it was incomparably clear to Huang Sisi’s ears in the quiet, cold, quiet and dark dark night.

Tick…the second sound of water drops falling, and into Huang Sisi’s ears, the third sound of water drops…

As soon as there was a wind and grass, Huang Sisi immediately listened carefully. The sound of water droplets came from outside the window. Could it be rain?

Huang Sisi was afraid of getting cold, but couldn’t help curiosity. After the cat’s waist came to the curtain carefully, I thought I only opened a gap quietly and took a peek at whether it was really raining outside the window, maybe not What will happen?

Quietly, Huang Sisi opened a gap… Phew, suddenly there was a cold night breeze, and gently pushed open the curtains. Huang Sisi saw that the bathroom window was not closed tightly, leaving a little gap. The wind was just Blow in from the gap.

Behind the curtains, Huang Sisi only exposed one eye and looked out the window. In this look, he only saw a dark rural night without light pollution. It was invisible black. She didn’t see anything, Huang Sisi. With a relaxed tone, he quickly closed the windows and locked them again.

The next day.

When the first white fish belly appeared in the sky, the noisy sound broke the tranquility of the morning again.

Someone went missing again last night! !

A dozen people were missing this time, six or seven times the number of missing yesterday.

One of the missing persons was a girl among the stranded tourists. When Founder knew about this, everyone in the group was comforting the girl’s boyfriend.

Fang Zheng also knew the names of the young couple. The girl’s name is Huang Sisi, the boyfriend’s name is Lin Weicheng, and the two are self-driving travel enthusiasts. Originally, they had already arranged an engagement for the eighth month of the lunar calendar, but Huang Sisi was alive and missing.

Lin Weicheng seemed to be crazy, looking for Huang Sisi in a hurry.

There have been people missing for two consecutive nights, and a series of strange events have deeply irritated everyone in the village. Panic enveloped and everyone began to risk themselves.

The matter of opening up the mountain road has reached an urgent need.

After discussing with the village chief, Zhang Jianming, a veteran, decided that Zhang Jianming, Zhao Tai, and Chen Zhiyong, the three veterans, brought Lin Weicheng, together to assist the village chief in searching for the missing person.

I want to see people in life, and corpses in death, so many big living people can’t just disappear for no reason.

At this time, the whole village was mobilized and divided into two groups. One group continued to search for the missing person, and the other continued to open up the mountain road. It was the time when the village was the most empty.

Fang Zheng, who was regarded as a “patient” by Zhang Jianming, quietly lurked to the village ancestral hall again. This time, the ancestral hall was locked with a thick iron chain, and no one was there.

Fang Zheng was immediately happy and went over the wall to sneak into the ancestral hall. However, Fang Zheng searched the entire ancestral hall and found no dry wells.

Don’t talk about the dry wells, the terrain in the ancestral hall is repaired and flat, and I haven’t even seen a well.

Fangzheng searched back and forth two more times, but he couldn’t find the shadow of half of the well water. For a while, he stood in the ancestral hall and looked at the ancestral hall carefully.

“Aunt Zhou mentioned that the ancient well was sealed. Does it mean that the ancient well was flattened and destroyed? Or did the ancient well have been there all the time, but was deliberately covered by the layer of soil on the feet?”

At this moment, the group of people responsible for clearing the mountain road accidentally discovered an incomplete human skeleton in the mudslide.

When Zhang Jianming and others got the news, they went to the scene immediately. They didn’t expect Zhang Jianming to say something astonishing: “This corpse seems to be a long time old, at least it has been dead for more than ten years. It is a woman’s bone.” /

“And this woman did not die normally. There were blunt gouge marks the size of a bowl on the back of the skull. There were many fractures and cracks in the bones of the body. It should be that she had suffered violent injuries during her lifetime, causing death, and then Someone randomly found a place in the mountains to bury the body. As a result, in a mudslide not long ago, the bones of this woman were washed out along with the mudslide.”

This is a murder case!

Unfortunately, the time of death is too long. Even if there is something that can prove his identity, he is already rotten.

Who is this woman’s bones?

Who killed her and was buried in the mountains?

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