Way of Heaven Chapter 2: World Fragments

   Supreme! Vast! Stalwart! sacred!

  The world is his body, the rule is his power, and the concept is his authority.

  ? His will is the highest and only rule in this world! Mu Yuan, as the Dao of Heaven, in the metaworld, he can suppress all enemies, and he is an invincible existence.

  ? In the following time, Mu Yuan completely absorbed the information in the inheritance of the heavenly path and knew the specific situation of the metaworld.

  The Metaverse has only taken shape in a few months. It can only be called the seed of the world, not even a small world.

   During this period of time, it has continuously endured the impact of the air of nothingness, and at the same time it has absorbed several smaller world seeds, merged with each other, and became what it is now.

   There are two ways to become a small world.

   The first type is that the world seed must meet three conditions: it has a complete rule of Yin and Yang and the five elements, the world space is stable, and there is the will of heaven to operate, after which the world seed can begin to be upgraded to a small world.

   The first two conditions require Metaverse to slowly devour other world fragments in the void, and obtain the complete Yin-Yang five-element rules. Then the world space will naturally be extremely stable, of course, provided that it is not destroyed by the air of void.

   And the will of heaven wants to be born, only the rules of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements are complete, the fragments of the world evolve on their own, and when they are upgraded to a small world, they are derived from the power and origin of the world’s rules.

   But now because of Mu Yuan’s soul, it has become the heavenly way of this metaworld by mistake, allowing the fragments of the world to have the potential of a small world ahead of time.

   The second is that there is only one rule in the world seed, and it is constantly growing, and it will never merge and absorb other rules.

   In this way, when this rule grows to a certain extent, a unique will of heaven is born, and it can also be upgraded to a small world.

   But because this kind of world has only one rule, the space is far less stable than the small world created by the first method, and it is more likely to be destroyed by the emptiness.


   In the void, the force of the void evolves matter, energy, rules, etc., and the matter collides and merges, gradually expanding the volume, forming a piece of continental world.

   At the same time, matter attracts rules, rules attach to matter, matter contains energy, and energy is transformed into matter.

  The energy and rules evolve to give birth to the consciousness of heaven, and the edge of the material will also produce crystal walls to resist the air of nothingness and maintain the existence of the world. If the crystal walls are not strong enough, the world will be destroyed by the force of nothingness and return to the starting point…

   Many factors combine to form the world. But this is just the beginning. If the yin and yang and the five elements in the world are unstable and the power of the world is chaotic, then the world itself may be destroyed from the inside!

   Therefore, the world seed must absorb the rules of the five elements of yin and yang in the void. After the five elements of yin and yang are complete, the world is stable, and the embryo of the will of heaven is fully grown before it can truly become a small world.

   Thinking of this, Mu Yuan looked at the surrounding volcanoes that had stopped erupting because of the aura from his body. “Originally, this world has evolved completely. Just wait for the birth of creatures to collect the origin and let the world step by step. Growing up, I never thought that the current world is just a semi-finished product, and even the small world has not reached it.”

  ”But if the world is allowed to evolve the Yin-Yang and Five Elements, it will take me how many years to become a small world.” Mu Yuan couldn’t help but smile when he thought of this.

  ”Let it develop freely. During this long period of time, there are too many variables. Perhaps the world may have been destroyed countless times by the flow of void.

  Since I have become the Dao of Heaven, let this process be shortened and actively seek out seeds that swallow other worlds. “

   Although Mu Yuan was only a science and engineering student on earth, as a senior bookworm, he was deeply touched by the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, and the five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.

   The power of the rules in the “metaworld” includes the rules of fire and the rules of soil. It is precisely because of the power of these two rules that the environment of the Metaverse is like a magma hell.

  ”Fire generates soil and earth generates gold. Next, we need to evolve the rules for absorbing gold”

   Mu Yuan looked out of the world through the thick crystal walls, as if there was only “metaworld” in the endless emptiness.

   But Mu Yuan knows that there are countless times more worlds than Hengsha in the boundless emptiness. There are endless multi-dimensional worlds and universes, but the distance between the world and the world is too far, only that end sits endlessly. The power of detachment above the nothingness can easily travel from one world to another and cross the nothingness.

   If you don’t know the space coordinates of one world, then one world may not be able to meet the other world from birth to destruction!

  ”Nothingness, heavens and worlds, one day I will become the strongest way of heaven!”

   Infinite fighting spirit rose in Mu Yuan’s heart, “The first step now is to make the Metaverse’s Yin Yang and Five Elements rules truly complete and evolve everything.”


   Mu Yuan has controlled the Metaverse to walk in the void in one direction for half a month. During this half month, besides nothingness or nothingness around him, he has not found any other matter and power of rules.

   During this period, Mu Yuan also learned more about the authority of the heavenly way and how to use it.

   One is that Mu Yuan is more comfortable in controlling the rules of the world and the power of the world.

   The second is how to absorb the rules of other worlds and the power of the world to strengthen oneself.

   In addition, Mu Yuan also used the origin of the world to create a clone, allowing it to step out of the crystal wall to get closer to nothingness, wanting to find out how terrifying nothingness is.

   The avatar just left the crystal wall and persisted for less than a quarter of an hour, and then perished and destroyed under the power of the void, and the ray of world will in the body was also obliterated!

   This made Mu Yuan feel distressed. After all, he deliberately consumed ten drops of World Origin to make that clone. Its demise made Mu Yuan, a small business now, like digging a piece of meat in his heart!

   But this also allowed Mu Yuan to realize that the danger of nothingness is not as calm as he can see. It is like a beast with its mouth wide open waiting for its prey to be delivered to the door. Once it comes in contact with it, it will be devoured and destroyed!

   If it were not for the protection of the indestructible world crystal wall in the Metaverse, Mu Yuan and the Metaverse would have been destroyed and returned to nothingness.


  ”Well, according to the time rule in memory, half a year has passed. It doesn’t happen that there is no seed of the world in this direction, right”

   Mu Yuan was depressed. He wanted to move forward in a firm direction, looking forward to encountering the seeds of the world that could just swallow and absorb the rules of gold.

   But this result was also expected by Mu Yuan. After all, the nihility was too big. Comparing the universe with the nihility in Mu Yuan’s previous life is like comparing the atom to the universe, or even bigger!

   This also caused Mu Yuan to have not encountered the same kind for so long

   Suddenly, “Huh, is this?” Mu Yuan moved to the edge of the world.

   Mu Yuan Tiandao’s will enveloped the crystal wall of the world, feeling a moment of meditation, and said with joy on his face: “Energy fluctuations! There are energy fluctuations.”

   The normal energy transmission in the void will gradually weaken until it disappears, but now Mu Yuan actually feels a slight energy fluctuation in his own world, which shows that there is a world seed or a real world nearby.

  If someone else feels this fluctuation, they may think it is an illusion. But Mu Yuan, as the heavenly way of this realm, is extremely sensitive, and he can also perceive the little movement happening here!

  ”This fluctuation is weak, but it shows that there must be seeds of the world around.” Mu Yuan exclaimed.

   Unexpectedly, destiny gave him another hope when he wanted to change the direction to explore the void. What a bright future!

   Mu Yuan instantly changed the direction of the metaworld movement, using the world origin in the heavenly space, regardless of the consumption of the origin, to control the metaworld to move quickly in the direction of the wave, breaking the emptiness along the way.

  ”It has been half a year, and finally encountered other world seeds. I wonder if there are world seeds with golden rules.”

   thought in his heart, Mu Yuan finally saw the magnificent side ahead after half an hour.

   Boom boom boom! !

   Thousands of large and small world seeds are revolving around a world species that is about ten times larger than the Metaverse ~ IndoMTL.com~ forming a gorgeous, huge vortex!

   From time to time, world seeds are crushed into the center of the whirlpool. They will also collide with each other during the rotation, and the weak will be swallowed and assimilated by the strong!

   The aftermath of each collision is comparable to the destructive power of a huge star. In this process, small pieces of the world caused by the impact are swallowed and destroyed under the force of nothingness, and returned to nothingness!

  ”This red one is the seed of the world containing the rules of fire!”

  ”This black is the seed of the rule of water in the world.”

  ”There are rules of wood and rules of yang!”

  ”This is the rule of gold and the rule of soil!”


   Mu Yuan looked at the world seeds flying and colliding in this space, which contained all the power of the rules of Yin and Yang and the five elements. His heart was hot, and his saliva was about to flow out, but he had no body…

   Numerous world seeds are flying around the largest fragment in the middle. From time to time, world fragments reach a certain distance, and are drawn by huge gravity to collide with the largest fragment!

   At the same time, they will also collide with each other in the dance.

   Mu Yuan stared at the biggest seed of the world, and said in surprise: “This world has the power of four rules, and it is about to become a real small world.”

  The four powers of the rules are not all the rules of Yin and Yang and the five elements, they are the power of the four rules of fire, earth, gold, and yin.

   So they cannot make the world stable and produce a complete world energy cycle system, but it is not far off. But now that Mu Yuan discovered that it would never become a real small world…

   Mu Yuan took a deep breath, smiled and said: “Maybe I can be promoted to a small world here!”

  The growing world seed: “……(ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻”

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