The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 181: Lan tribe

The war in the north is still going on. The war is almost two months from the day of the onslaught. already, already on the permafrost in the north is full of blood, including human as the master and unsolicited Beastfolk. And Elf.

“Win Siluweir in ten days, Northland in one month, San Antonio in three months!”

For Beastfolk, no one would mention the rhetoric already left when the raid went smoothly. The chiefs did not expect that human would be so stubborn.

The abnormal surprise of the initial raid stunned their horizons. The bluntness of the Siluweir executives made them more optimistic that the war would end soon.

In order to dismantle the resistance of human as soon as possible, they chose to carry out the genocidal genocide on the fiercely resisting cities, chose to send the wolf cavalry to kill the village, and chose the scorched earth tactics. This decision, now already has proved to be the most stupid Decision.

The slaughter knife did not destroy the fighting spirit of the northern people. On the contrary, the sorrow of the same people and the tragic situation after the slaughter aroused the blood and Wrath of the Lan people.

“You can watch the girl who just passed through the door is insulted to death? The elderly father was directly hanged because the occupants were planning to save some rations? Are the babies inserted into the spear by the beasts because of crying? All this It ’s all happening! You are still not men, even men. I picked up the sword to fight to the end. Afraid of a bird, it ’s a big deal, and is it harder to endure than living with humiliation now? ”

After the tragedy of the occupied and slaughtered areas spread, the anger buried in my heart was finally ignited. Even without the call of the lord and king, the Lan people decided to spare their lives to protect their families and people.

“Arashi Willpower never yields” may just be a slogan. The Lan people have never been conquered by foreigners for thousands of years, but it is an iron falcon. In the face of the butcher knife with blood and tears, the Lan people and their ancestors generally did not bow their heads, and the **** nature carved in the blood for thousands of years was activated instead.

The young husband, Emma, ​​kisses her newly married wife, and takes a dull hatchet to join the militia with no guarantees and combat effectiveness, just for the future children do not have to worry about fear, and do not have to be plugged in one day spear‘s show off.

The elderly veterans are holding spear to the front. Maybe they are already old and physically weak. Retired for many years, but their wisdom and experience will allow those recruits to avoid the most dangerous traps and grow rapidly in continuous wars. They did not carry the coffin into battle as the veteran of Legend, but they were not sure that they could go back alive .

“……. If the old experience can keep a few guys alive, it will be very satisfying. If I dragged my hind legs, please don’t hesitate. Abandon me directly, I will let those beasts Zizi knows what the veteran’s ambition is! “

If the Red Maple Line and An Thun are the two beacons that bring hope, then the countless resistance organizations and self-organized militia are the boundless wildfires of Ebara, when the star fire is ignited. It will be difficult to extinguish.

“Afraid of a bird? It’s a big deal, it’s more humiliating to live like this.” This may be rough, but it speaks of the flesh of this northern nation like a hob.

“Damn, it’s all resistance groups and guerrillas! Those guys are crazy!”

Only Beastfolk soldiers placed orders in their occupied cities. Can not go back to their own camp, the powerful wolf knight is also disappearing into a system.

The militias without heavy swords learned to use the terrain to ambush their opponents in battle. Using bait to slay the beast, that vengeful slaughter not only did not deter Lan people, but also made the flames of hatred burn.

“They are crazy! Have you ever seen a cut-off head staring at you? Do you see a beggar who lost his legs will suddenly hug your leg and let his accomplice stab you with you? Do you wear them? They are just a bunch of irrational lunatics! “

Afraid, the warlike Beastfolk is afraid, and Beastfolk, who regards death as glory, is afraid. In the face of those **** red eyes who are crazy with the invaders, they are afraid under the stare of those immortal death!

Beastfolk finally knew why those fragile human would block their race for thousands of years, and hurried their powerful ancestors back to the extreme north plateau numerous times.

“… It can’t be consumed this way, we must put out the opponent’s determination to resist, and we will hit the opponent with one punch.”

Beastfolk gave up the strategic plan of steady and steady phasing out, abandoned those peripheral cities, and concentrated all their power on fighting two “lighthouses”.

So, Antuen, the capital of the Siluweir kingdom, was in a hurry, and the Red Maple Line of Defense of the human Alliance Headquarters pressed the battle …. The chiefs knew that without pulling out these two nails, I am afraid this war will never end.

“Antoun surrendered, King Femmel surrendered!”

After the news spread, after horror and disbelief, it was extremely painful and wept, and the whole country cried.

An old veteran lost his son, grandson, and son-in-law in this war. He didn’t shed tears, and when he mentioned his family who died in battle, he often smiled proudly with a beard.

“They are good. They didn’t lose my old Felly’s face. They fell down, so this old guy continued to top me. When I fell down, my granddaughter and daughter would also top it! I just If you do n’t believe it, you ca n’t drive away those wild beasts! ”

But when the news spread, he cried, crying like a child. He was paralyzed on the ground, trembling with trembling fingers at the north.

“My son, why did you die for this country like Bastard, it is worth our hard work. You are too worthless to die.”

This is why Roland will be so angry. When the people of this country did not fall, why did the king, the guardian, fall?

At least, that year’s Roland. Even if it turns into a dead bone, it still turns into a vengeful undead. Return from **** and fulfill your oath of protection as king.

This unyielding war spirit is also the story of the twin stars, which will be remembered by the Lan people. This is a nation that never gives up. They only recognize the king who never gives up!

“Pseudo-king Femmel! He doesn’t deserve to be king at all!”

When the news of surrender came, although this anger and doubt were passed on among the people, but in a sense. Beastfolk has indeed achieved their purpose, severely hit the integrity of this nation.

For a moment, there was a lot less resistance, and Femmel’s surrender represented the first time in the history of the King of Mist room to yield. This is like a heavy punch, and it hits the backbone of this nation severely.

“Kacha!” This spine, called National Unyielding Willpower, screamed. It seems to be broken, and at the same time screams are sent out, as well as the backbone and resistance of all Lan people, but fortunately …

“The first king Roland appeared, and he executed Fimmel Cassau on the spot, and declared that the surrender was invalid. He handed the throne to the former crown prince’s only daughter Glina. Cassow Princess! The King of Mist room did not yield, our banner It hasn’t fallen yet! The battle of Antun is still going on, and our king is still fighting. “

Fortunately, the emergence of Roland rekindled the flame of resistance. And burned him more vigorously, while he vowed. But it opened a new charter for this nation.

“…. We Lan people never like war, we swore never to initiate war!”

Old Ferry, who held the enemy’s cliff, shouted this vow. He learned that his daughter and granddaughter already took a step first, but this time, he did not shed tears, and he nodded proudly again. .

“Killed two beasts before dying? Good job, deserved to be my old Ferley’s breed, you go first, I’ll be right away. We’ve made an appointment, goodbye in heaven!”

“… But if the war still comes, we must let the intruders know the sharpness of our sword!”

At this time, Emma already is a qualified soldier. In writing a letter to his wife, he wrote so, and when his comrades took inventory of his relic and sent it to him, He already fulfilled this vow.

“We do n’t like war and are not wary. At this point, we declare God of Law as the state religion. The declaration will never proactively provoke war, but if war is really unavoidable, we will do everything we can, vow Keep your home! We promise to keep our tribe on the top of the North! “

The short declaration has engraved new traces in this nation, not only Siluweir, the nearby East Mist, but also the descendants of the Lan people, and they have repeatedly announced this vow.

“…. We will do everything to protect our homeland! We promise to keep our tribe on top of the North!”

One hundred and seventy-four knights rode on the young ice horror. With the persuasion of their predecessor Lion King, those young hatchlings already signed a new covenant with the young knights. Under the banner of the battle, the new generation of Aurora Knight already completed the final training. Today is the day when they are young and rushed to the battlefield to support their families.

Under the watchful eye of the family, under the leadership of the undead predecessors of the Aurora Knight regiment, a silver warhorse began to float and travel. The young knight’s face was still immature, but the arm holding the gun was as firm as a rock Their eyes looked towards the distant sky, where their relatives were bleeding blood, and they already could not wait to end this war.

“Let them see what the strongest air riding team in the entire continent looks like! Let them see, the pride of our Lan people!”

When they enter the battlefield, they are destined to become the new focus of the northern battlefield. There is no doubt that the pride Aurora Knight of the Lan people will ignite a higher flame.

And when all the declarations became one, when the vow of “Never War” turned into the Willpower sword that shocked the gods, the Lan people’s declaration finally got a response.

“U, God of Law Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One), declaration, sheltering the Lan people.”

When the holy silver light on the cloud fell, this time, the Lan people finally had a true **** to protect themselves, and with the increase of believers, Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One) finally completed a sharp change and obtained a new God’s Obligation-Northland Patron saint.

“When the owner of this land still adheres to the principle of no war, I will protect him forever. I bless him, bless him never to be conquered, bless him …”

The light path leading down, from then on, the soul of the Lan people will belong to God’s Domain of Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One), and the warrior sacrificed for the people will become Heroic Spirit. No true **** can take the soul of the Lan people from Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One), no!

Ask me why I’m so sure? That’s because …

Roland, that big rock is too difficult to deal with!”

“You guys hold me up, I have more important things here, did you say that? By the way … bless him bless him to rise to the top with victory, bless him to rank Heroic Spirit after death Temple! May the scales of justice stand forever on the north! “

My voice resonates with the voice of heaven. After so many sacrifices, we have finally taken this step!

“U, the law and the patron saint of the Northland Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One), vow to expel all the invaders! Disagree? Come to war!”

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