The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 112: City of Rain

ad 1897, the summer of Griffin, is destined to be remembered by many people.

Whether it is the first year of the eternal Holy War, the first year that the sea races entered the stage of history, the year of the birth of the rain capital, Felohy, is remembered by future generations, after all, it happened in this year There are too many big facts.

From the beginning, including me, everyone underestimated the sea tribe, and underestimated the Storm Queen and Water Elemental God behind it.

The first priority for making accurate judgments is to obtain comprehensive and truthful information. The residents on the ground know too little about the sea tribe. At the beginning of the sea invasion, even the most brilliant strategists could only Make conservative judgments based on past experience and history.

“It should be only a small-scale war, or even a war. It’s just an attack on coastal cities. After all, they can’t go ashore at all, nor can they occupy our land. Can they kill surface lifeforms? Even if it is won? This kind of war is meaningless. As long as the sea people are still intelligent creature, as long as our living space still cannot overlap, they cannot go ashore, we cannot enter the water, and there is no sense in a comprehensive war and a war of aggression between each other. , Even less likely. “

Wars between nations and nations are often in the interests. Whether it is the struggle for living space, the struggle for land and resources, or simply for the hatred of the leadership and the popular hearts and minds of the military, the war is possible. An outbreak, but if the war is doomed to have insufficient gains, or if the payout is obviously greater than the return, then the possibility of this meaningless war outbreak is indeed low and can be ignored.

“The sea people can’t expect to be on the ground for a long time. They are just the cannon fodder that was pushed ashore by the evil **** Storm Queen, as long as it is delayed. They will retire sooner or later.

And in this world. Even the divine resolution. It can’t be absolute. The gods accept the beliefs of all races, and protect their followers according to their God’s Domain and God’s Obligation. But they forced everyone to invest in a war that killed 100% but was doomed to nothing. I am afraid that Yang Fengyin violated It is good, it is possible to directly abandon the belief of that **** and find a new god.

After all. This is not an absolute world completely ruled by monotheism. Many gods are originally mortals. The distance between gods and mortals is not so far. Gods need the support of mortals’ beliefs, and weak mortal races also need the protection of gods.

This is also the fundamental reason for Auland Empire to make negative delay decisions. When the royal think tanks patted their chests and used their lives to guarantee the offensive of the Hai tribe, they would sooner or later decline, it was just the opening of Holy War.

Since the think tanks have repeatedly emphasized the lack of ambition of the sea tribe, the real precaution is the time of the Chaos evil **** who forced it ashore. Most of the Auland executives ignored the immediate threats, but remained ambitious and devoted their energy to the calculation of the same family (subordinate countries).

But actually. Because some sea races can go ashore, and almost no surface race can enter the water, the intelligence of the two sides is not equal, and Trishes who has left the sea for already for several months, let alone know that due to the recovery of Water Elemental God, the entire sea world already has turned upside down The change.

I’m afraid we have to talk about the living environment of the Hai people.

In fact, although the ocean is extremely wide, there seems to be endless resources and living space. Even if the sea clan’s combat power is generally not low, the sea clan’s life is actually harder and more miserable than the ground race.

Deep ocean is extremely dangerous. Not to mention the deadly low temperature and water pressure, those inestimable marine monsters are the true masters of the ocean. They can only live in the shallow waters of the continental shelf. The space where the sea people can live is really limited.

The limited space of existence has made them face a very real problem-food is always insufficient.

Countless Fish group under the ocean? But in fact, it ’s extremely unreliable to eat and hunt by the sky. There are many Fish group, but most of them have owners. As mentioned earlier, the deep sea ca n’t go, but in fact, the fishery resources in the shallow sea are extremely limited. After becoming a joke, after hunting alone is not enough to maintain daily life, in order to maintain sufficient fishery resources around the settlement, herding Fish group already has become the only option, and herder and fishermen have a long tradition.

Fishery resources determine the number of members of the Hai ethnic group, and the number and strength of the Hai ethnic group determine how much land they can own for their tribe Fish group Growing, herbivorous Fish group Chasing seaweed and seaweed, flesh Fish group Chase hunting other Fish group As with surface grazing, underwater artificial grazing will still reach the local natural balance and be destroyed. Fish group After negative growth, migration is inevitable.

The life of Fish group and the sea people will consume the basic resources of that area. The larger the tribe, the shorter the migration cycle. In a sense, they and the Centaur general nomadic group, but the Centaur is cattle and sheep. , Chasing water plants, while they graze Fish group, chasing tides.

Siren, the mermaid’s song and talent that calls for Fish group, looks extremely magical, but the tool formed in the grazing Fish group is not much different from the shepherd’s flute and whistle. The response to their call can only be themselves Fish group and Ocean Partners.

Grazing Fish group sounds fantastic and beautiful, but it is actually a chore. Chasing the tides and plants requires rich experience, and the danger of migration is extremely great. No one knows that the next migration point will You will not encounter sea monsters or hostile tribes. If you are unlucky, you will suffer heavy losses for several consecutive migrations, and it is time for the tribes to understand the dispersal.

The nomadic race’s inherently aggressive nature has made many tribes part-time mercenaries and even robbers themselves. But on the other hand, the tribal nomadic way of living is destined to lead to a relatively centralized feudal country. It will not be born, as long as the number of tribes reaches a certain level, in order to compete for survival space and limited resources, it will inevitably be split.

There are no nations. There is no limit to even the land. How can a feudal country based on land sub-encapsulation be born? Several large and medium-sized assembly points in the shallow water have limited the number of resident tribes. Rotation, only the most powerful tribe can get a more comfortable life after tribal competition victory.

No one can guarantee that after the next migration, they will die tragically due to an irresistible disaster. A relatively stable settlement life is the desire of the sea people from the bottom of their hearts. It is also the root cause of their jealousy and even hatred of the ground race.

“Why the weak and weak ground creature has a happy and stable daily life. But we don’t even know where tomorrow is.”

Speaking of this. Since there are interests and reasons for the war, it is necessary to let the extremely realistic sea clan fight for cannon fodder for this purpose. The benefits already given by Water Elemental God Aylos and Storm Queen are obvious.

A state capital, a pedal city that leads to the new world, a holy place in the minds of all the sea people, and when the country is determined, it is a kingdom, a kingdom belonging to the sea people themselves.

Sea people can’t do without water. Can not go ashore for a long time, but if there is continuous rain on that land, and there is always water standing several meters deep on the ground? Then, the Hai people can live freely in water city, and only need to keep some dry areas outside the city as farmland, and enslave the ground race as farmers. The surface kingdom belonging to the Hai people may be born.

It’s incredible? But in this world of magic and true gods, everything is possible, and storm and thunderstorm Correct God’s Obligation, the sea **** of shelter Storm Queen, and Water Elemental God Aylos are super experts playing water. Only they can build a rain city of autonomous circulation.

In the original “History”, the revived ancient Elemental God was the first world wave ssexistence. Each of them is almost true existence, which obviously exceeds the processing ability of the “player”, so the all-powerful “administrator” God arranged a series of plot kills, so that these unlucky eggs just woke up died tragically among the aborigines and “fate choices” “Hero”, let its subordinate element creature become “heroes” hand training monster.

There is still a difference between the real world and the imitation of a virtual game. In this world, there is no super **** named “Game Manager”. If the rookies who are only a few levels or a dozen levels really meet Just now resurrection‘s weak ancient god, I am afraid it is not the lucky God of Tutu who preached, but tonic with the body and soul.

Therefore, except for the Fire Elemental God that is still unlucky at home, all released Elemental Gods have started to recover from the long dormant period of already. How could they have been lonely and forgotten by the turbulent situation, and they will not take the existence, they will inevitably be shot Change everything, some plots on the Raiders are wrong from the beginning, “History” and “Fate” derailed from the beginning.

Before completely changing the great interests of themselves and their grandchildren, the attack of the sea clan already was not a trifle in “history”, it was a comprehensive war and a war of extinction that neglected the other’s determination. And the powerful Auland Empire, still dreaming of the super empire, did not find the catastrophic disaster already at the door.

At this time, a grand ceremony is being held on the ground. In fact, a festival is also held underwater, and the scale is even larger.

Somewhere on the bottom of the river in Kagersi city, under the cover of magic fog, already is a busy scene.

Hundreds of sea tribe elites have no complaints and guards. Numerous powerful sea races gather here. Pride impertinent Naga royal family has a Humility smile on their faces. The vocal hood and the chain that binds the action, even the Sea Giant, Pride‘s bloodthirsty, let go of their rust-anchor weapons, and tried to lower their heads to disguise humility.

And the strong can lower their heads, only the stronger and the supreme existence.

On the huge altar carved in colorful coral rock, there are a large, a small and two precious jade finely carved thrones, one of which is suspended, and the other one is made of a snow-white ice beauty, her form Half a man, half a fish, with a human body in the upper body, but dragging a long tail like a sea dragon.

Although she looks petite and beautiful compared to the huge altar, she is still taller than the most powerful Sea Giant. It looks far more luxurious and beautiful than the mermaid named by the royal family of the sea. If you look closely, this one with scales and The water-like beauty of the tail is a bit transparent, and it is really made of water.

“Get started.”

The sound of Water Elemental God Aylos is inexplicably weak in the sound of coldness. It is not loud, but it sounds in the ears of all the sea people at the same time. This is not magic, but just the river water is conveying the Willpower of their kings. Here is underwater, yes In her world, she has endless power and supreme power.

As the Willpower of Aylos was conveyed, the ceremony officially started.

With Aylos‘s white jade-like fingers, the void door is opened on the other side. It is the water element realm. That’s the home of Aylos. It is her kingdom.

Countless elements of water are coming out, but just after they boarded the altar, they turned into pure water in a dangling, while the nourished coral altar slowly glowed.

Medium-sized water elements, water element warlords, water element elders, and ancient water elements, one by one, the powerful existence are actively converted into tributes, and the elements creature never fear life and death. Death is only a channel for them to return to their own world.

On the other side, the sea dwellers in black robes went up to the altar. They are the priests of Storm Queen with the emblem of the storm. They can attract storms and set off waves to devour ships. They have always had a high status and prestige in all tribes.

At this time, the high status of them is just doing the same thing-walking up to the altar, picking up the ritual dagger, inserting their own heart, and then falling down with satisfaction.

After these respected priests of the storm fell one by one, on the other empty throne, there was a ghost in already. She is just the size of an ordinary person, and the Aylos is far from one side. But when any sea tribe saw her, they must lower their proud heads in trembling.

As a Chaos evil god, although not well-known on the surface, but like her evil **** colleagues, Storm Queen is also happy to receive believers’ blood sacrifices, and her Willpower, as early as already came.

“Souls and other souls will enter our God’s Domain, and other deeds will be sung by future generations.”

God Avatar with words of praise and praise, so that more priests in black robes can quickly walk to the altar and compete for the opportunity to consecrate in front of the true God.

As the sacrifices fell, the ghosts of Storm Queen became more real, and with the advent of the true **** Avatar, powerful storms and thunders began to appear in the air above the river.

Like Aylos, in appearance and shape, Storm Queen with blue skin also has the characteristics of the sea tribe, and when she gradually turned into a substance, the impatient goddess already could not wait to start the catastrophe of the ground creature.

Kagersi city? From then on, only the King city of the sea tribe, and Filoxi, the capital of the rain. Our people, go and take your dream kingdom with your own hands.”

The Willpower of the gods was conveyed in the storm. The next moment, the majestic true **** Avatar picked up a ritual dagger and inserted his own heart. When this Avatar Willpower returned to the body, the already was black. The storm Divine Strength turned into a tornado hurricane!

The self-sacrifice of the storm true **** Avatar, I am afraid that the strength of the body will go back a long way, but the gift of Holy War just opened, is destined to give Order gods a headache.

At this moment, the top of the numerous tornado hurricane already reaches the sky, the new natural cycle already is being constructed, and the Willpower of the Water Elemental God is issued by already.

“I conferred the name of the city of rain on the city of Ferox, in this city, the rain never stops, and the edge of Hongtao is always with us, and the people of the rain will become the dependent of the water.”

In the face of endless storms, in the presence of the true power of God, the boundaries between water and heaven are broken, countless Hong Taos are rolled up into the sky to form new rain, and a new natural cycle already is formed, and strangely, the entire city The flood is rising, while the flood of harbor area flooded by already is receding.

Soon, when all the floods were kept at one edge (about one meter), the rainstorm was much smaller, and the pale Aylos, with the help of the water element grand duke, returned through the space door and returned the water element realm. , Excessive consumption is destined to go to sleep again.

“According to the Empress of the Storm Willpower, take our capital!”

The silent cabbage sea dragons surfaced, Sea Giant picked up their heavy anchors, and Naga began preparing their spells.

“Ha, finally it’s started.”

On the river, 9-Headed Dragon Huang Hydra, who had been long enough to walk into the city for the first time, started to shake the whole city.

The sudden rising flood broke the barrier, and the rain and the flood reaching the waist made people’s vision blurred. The Auland garrison who was overwhelmed by strange phenomena and floods will face one of the most difficult times in history. Water battle.

evil dragon! Go to death!”

Silver lightning cuts through the sky. 9-Headed Dragon, one of the most advanced faucets, was split directly, and the green Dragon Blood sprayed out, polluting the river with stench and rot.

“Ahhhhh! Damn butcher !!!”

When mortals face the aggressive sea race retreats, the first to declare war is Heroic Spirit Basra. (To be continued …)

ps: It seems that I still can’t stay up late. I was tired of writing and closed my eyes and rested, and fell asleep. As a result, I woke up and stayed up late. Turn the update time to daytime as soon as possible. By the way, please get a recommendation ticket and a guaranteed monthly pass …..

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