The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 108: The secret of Lich

Undead Calamity‘s over-reliance on the top-level undead is flawed. With the fall of Lich, the undead legion of Carlohin also collapsed.

In our eyes, which was once Undead Lord, this directly shows that this legion constitutes chaos. The more mature the undead legion, the more middle- and high-end undeads, the more middle-level commanders, and the lower-level cannon fodder will also be in command. The stronger China becomes, the less afraid it is to beheaded.

But after the fall of Great Emperor Yongye, the Yongye legion immediately fell apart, and obviously went to the other extreme. Among them, there were too many high- and middle-level undeads. After losing the Great Emperor Yongye co-owner, there were the country of the dead and Yongye Scepter. Temptation, too many strong people can try to climb to the top and fall directly into civil war.

“In other words, that Lich master is really stupid, actually holding a curse in front of melee, and still reading such a long spell of prostitution, isn’t it fast enough? Is this what you taught, actual combat? The experience is so bad that it seems that your school running level is getting worse and worse. “

The dead cat hair on my shoulders is upright. If I hadn’t bitten my teeth just now, I’m still feeling uncomfortable, and I will definitely pounce again.

I know her. She usually has the same skin as me, and she does n’t care what she says, but if she questioned her level of magic and teaching, she would definitely jump straight.

“That’s … that’s not what I teach! I won’t teach such basic things, it’s obviously that stupid person who lacks practical experience. I’m not a kindergarten teacher, and I need to teach such basic things over and over again.”

Yes, foundation, as a fragile legal profession, keeping distance from melee is the first rule.

High-level Mage battle against melee. It is often in the melee profession to constantly strive to get closer. Mage people use the magic of body protection to avoid, space shift to avoid and distance. The two loop back and forth until one party finally reveals a flaw, which is when the victory is decided.

The final result, or Mage with enough distance and time to concentrate firepower to kill melee, or the melee has consumed the opponent’s bodyguard magic, escape magic, control magic, and was finally chopped by the chopper team.

To be honest, this is very unfair. Legal professions can make mistakes several times. Melee career mistakes are about to be killed once. In most cases, it is true that melee careers are desperate to catch up with legal professions and are played to death.

But there is no absolute fairness in the world. Legal professions have very high requirements for talents. French professions in human do not have one-tenth of the same level, and they need a lot of time and wealth accumulation to cultivate. Therefore, it is often easier for legal professions to gain a honorable position in human society than for melee professions.

As a court prince and royal prince, Carlohin is undoubtedly a true power. However, on the other hand, the status is high, but it lacks opportunities for practical exercises. He traveled with a large number of bodyguards, how could he let him fight and kill himself.

Should I be immature? This teacher and brother actually chanted in front of melee. Even if my rank is much lower than him, he won’t ignore me so much. Even if I don’t tear him down, the pale justice will take several rounds, sooner or later. Finished.

“I … I think Carlohin was expelled from the school. I’ve never taught such a shameful disciple. You’re stealthily. If it’s not for the lack of actual combat experience to the point where it’s funny, then Semi-God Item and You ca n’t win the strength of his Saint Rank Lich. “

Harloys is very true, this really can’t blame the teacher for not teaching well. Obviously usually rely on the strength of Semi-God Item and Saint Rank to kill everything with high-circle spells. Now when I encounter an undead, I will panic, if not Carlohin is stupid enough, relying on the strength of his fire department Legend, undead Saint Rank, with that Semi-God Item, patient response, there are at least a dozen ways to win, no matter how to be killed and beheaded.

This fully confirms the old saying that no matter how high your kung fu is, your brain is not good, and sooner or later you will be caught by a brick.

I nodded heavily, but the corner of my mouth already smiled.

“Oh, this brother is simply the captain of the transport and delivery team, and he is really well equipped. I will smile with this Semi-God Item.”

[Death Breath of the Black God]

[Attack power: 1-2, Semi-God Item]

[One-handed scepter, use requirements Intelligence15 +, high-level Necromancer identity]

[Death Breath: You can stock up to three octal ring (Legend Rank) mortal spells, as long as they are activated, you can instantly. If it is the Ninth Ring Spell (Epic Rank), you can save it silently, and there is only one Nine Ring magic. 】

[Immediate death field: with the scepter as the core, existence is an invisible death field. In this category, the effect caused by death mana increased by 50%, and the success rate of death effect increased by 30%]

[The face of the deceased: user Intelligence increased by 2 points, physical strength increased by 2 points, and is immune to fear and death-like abilities, but Charm is reduced by 10 points (this attribute can be deducted as a negative number)]

[Shelter of the Black God: Summon an invisible shield that attracts 200 magic damage / magic weapon damage. Before the shield is broken, it is immune to stun and deformation control spells for 10 seconds. 】

[Fury of Black God; active ability. After use, the user’s next magic will have an immediate effect, even if it is only a Normal magic missile. The immediate effect is the level of the magic. 】

[Soul Transformation: Extract the soul of the deceased and transform into pure death mana]

[Ancient Undead Emperor The black **** once reached the pinnacle of death. According to legend, he can let the living person enter the state of death only by breathing. Even though it fell already, this Semi-God Item still contains some of his soul fragments. Perhaps, Undead Lord can understand the mystery of death and enter the supreme throne of demigod Undead Emperor. 】

This is a typical combat Semi-God Item, let alone the mystery of Undead Emperor soul fragments that can make Undead Lords crazy, after all, it is the opportunity to touch the mirror of the flower, the three instantaneous death spells of death breathing, just already is a shocking super killer.

With this “Death Breath”, other abilities already can be ignored, who can throw away three dying magics who can withstand it, and equipped with “Soul Transformation” ability, so that he does not have to worry about running out of mana.

No wonder Carlohin‘s actual combat experience is poor, with this Semi-God Item. He’s afraid already is used to the thrill of killing everything. Even if blocked. Extract a few more souls and bomb it again.

“Say that I am a battery turret, this student is obviously a super battery turret.”

And the protection of the black god, it seems that I also looked down on the other side. When he was at the same time, he should be wearing this shield. I’m afraid that at least 200 points of damage will kill me at least seven or eight. Breaking the shield also had time to make a second response. However, I did not expect that I was completely different from my past opponents. I challenged the powerful Lich without using Magical Armaments. Instead, I removed his bones empty-handed. After removing his chin, the mantra could not be performed normally, and the army was defeated.

If this thing is taken outside, I am afraid that once it appears, it will be smashed by Holy Church. I intend to eat it for Harloys, but devour a Semi-God Item. She can’t do it now and needs a lot of preparation. So I put it away with joy.

Just because I had a slightly improved evaluation of Carlohin because of the defensive ability that did not have the expected effect, this overly high evaluation collapsed again five minutes later.

“This … I really didn’t teach it. I … I don’t know him!”

“I believe that such a stupid student can’t be explained by the teacher who didn’t teach it well. This is a congenital type of brainless medicine. This Intelligence can be more beautiful than Dasha Niu, how to advance to Saint Rank.”

I just walked into the room of Carlohin in Mage Tower. We naturally intend to “collect the loot”, but just started to find, and found a boxy box from under the bed.

When you open it, the velvet envelope is a sapphire bottle. In the bottle, there is the silent fire of the soul.

If there is no second Lich, this thing must be Phylactery of Carlohin.

The bottle of the soul, which is made entirely in textbooks and is in the standard mode, is afraid that it will be lost. Pack it in a box and interpret the term “Phylactery” to such a degree.

When other Lichs repeatedly disguised their Phylactery, fearing that this weakness would be discovered, this upright and undisguised Phylactery scared us.

“Hey, Harloys, if you transform Lich here, how would you make Phylactery.”

“Let’s find a sundries, and when it’s transformed, throw it in the water to make sure no one can find it. You?”

“I will put him in a brick that is Normal, and then spread the brick into the main road here, let pedestrians pass by every day, but I never think that Phylactery of Lich is at my feet.”

The two looked at each other, and they both saw a smile in each other’s eyes.

“Hey, the teacher is unfortunate! At the beginning of the entrance examination, a Intelligence test should be added.”

“Don’t tell others I’m his brother, we can’t afford to lose this person.”

The sighs of the two are together, and finally, cold words and irony are in front of them, and some people can’t listen.

Darsos‘s mixed dog cub, do you think the husband can be insulted if he loses? Why am I the prince of Auland. Brother? Do you know where the husband is from, do you know … just do n’t shake. Don’t shake it! “

One of the reasons why the textbook-style bottle of soul was eliminated by most Lich is that the bottled soul is too fragile, shaken a little, and Carlohin surrendered without hesitation.

“This technique is familiar.”

“Well, take your training, dead cat.”

Okay, ignoring the dead cat who got out and bit again, I turned my attention to the Carlohin Phylactery, which was silent again.

“Well, re-introduction, why I will be your elder brother, um, it should be the oldest elder brother who has survived to this day. I am Roland Mist. This dead cat is your teacher, Harloys. It’s over. “

“How is it possible!”

Carlohin can no longer remain silent, and was never mentioned in a word. How can the frightening Queen of Banshees become a soft kitten.

But the black cat glared at her angrily. A ghostly figure flickered behind it. The familiar soul wave was the best business card.

“Do n’t come here, by the way, do n’t say that you are my disciple in the future, it is too shameful. By the way, Harlock (Carlohin pseudonym), I ’ve lost my temper, you and I passed The grievances are written off, of course, you can also refuse, our account already will be counted again.

The Soul Fire is stirred in the bottle. If the bottle can nod freely, I am afraid it will become a tumbler.

“Teacher Harloys. What you said is like I’m sorry for you. Obviously we are both pitted by you. If you want revenge, we should find you … well, I won’t say any more.”

I found that the black cat was grinning its teeth, remembering this usual careful eyes and the character of post-autumn accounting, remembering that already fell into the hands of the other party, Carlohin immediately

“Wait, the oldest brother? Which legend is also a disciple of Harloys, and it is said that he is indeed a native of the country of Lan …. Yong Yong Yong Yong. Great Emperor Yongye!”

Okay, the shock of the soul is pulsating back and forth in the room, and the terror and shock are revealed.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, as the only modern Undead Emperor and the founder of the strongest modern Undead Calamity Yongye catastrophe, Great Emperor Yongye is the unavoidable existence of all Necromancer. He is both a monument that cannot be surpassed, but also a frightening existence .

“Well, it’s me. Don’t be so surprised. You are now immortal existence, do I surprise you like this before I die?”

It is long expected to lose your identity. The world of undead is actually much simpler than the living. It is a common phenomenon for the strong to be respected. The gold signboard of Great Emperor Yongye is suppressed, and the reality of the recent failure is pressed. In addition, Phylactery is held by me. I do n’t think he What tricks can I play.

“I won’t talk too much nonsense. You will listen to me in the future. Everyone is traveling together. There are many ways to torture the soul. If you want to play tricks, please come. But if the tricks are too It ’s not decent, it ’s too low-grade for me to watch, I wo n’t say much in the end. ”

Needless to say = think on your own = frighten yourself. The imagination of wisdom creature has no lower limit. The more people who are used to being cruel to others, the easier it is to come up with more cruel torture. This trick induces Intimidation has always been unsatisfactory, especially when the other party is still good at torturing the soul of Necromancer.

If Carlohin is really an unyielding martyr, he will not turn himself into Lich. Seeing that even the powerful Harloys has become Pet, what else can he resist.

So, the next time is when I said, Lich obediently do the same.

“… That’s it. Anyway, I see that you have vengeance with Darsos. After he opens the door, you will take your legion to fight him. Naturally, you lose, but remember to come in vigorously. The self-detonation of the warship, by the way, the information of the fleet still has to be left, don’t blow up together. “

I do n’t think that after we develop the floating fleet, we can still hide Darsos, but it is completely feasible to create chaos. The survival trace of undead already cannot be concealed, and the trace of the war that just happened is even more traceable. The easiest way to hide the traces of war is to erupt another war.

Of course, Skynet is unobtrusive and undisclosed. If you do n’t do something, leave traces sooner or later. There will be a day of exposure.

For East Mist, which lacks everything, the rare alloy equipment of the light White Wolf Guard is invaluable. We can’t let go of the loot collected here. The next series of layouts can only delay the exposure. time.

“Oh, when Auland finishes processing the sea clan, the time for war among the nations in ‘War Vulture’ should also come. After the war, the underground coalition forces and Undead Calamity should also come. As long as the trouble before us is gone, I do n’t believe it At that time, he will still have the trouble to find the country of the extreme north, and when the East Mist becomes powerful, the trouble of who to look for will not be known. By the way, the seven countries of the extreme north will not be so peaceful, since they intend to settle in East Mist , We must also be prepared to deal with war. “

Of course, here is the site of Lich Carlohin after all. If you want to clean up quickly, it ’s best to get help from the other party. The most important thing right now is to make him obedient and want to make people feel at ease and slap. You ca n’t help but give a sweet date. .

“I’m not unreasonable. If you are obedient, what magical mysteries, god armament treasures, and so on, just ask for any requirements. You should also have heard that I am not stingy. People, and my reputation has always been good.

How precious is the inheritance of Great Emperor Yongye? When I heard what I said, the fire of the soul in the bottle stagnated suddenly, and then it burned frantically again.

“I’ve taken the liberty, you and your mentor now look like this? Did you live again?”

There is nothing to hide, I nodded directly.

“Do you have any sense of touch? Do you have physical **?”

I nodded again. Although Harloys is still half undead, her abilities in all aspects are the same as those of the living.

“The Harloys ** is made by me. You should know my ability in this area. Why, do you want me to make a copy for you?”

“Of course! I had enough already days to be undead. I did n’t have the hunger and thirst, but I did n’t have the desire to enjoy food. I really did n’t have the desire. The desire for instinct, but it also made me worse than death. My lord, please, as long as you let me restore my physical sense and desire, I am willing to give anything! “

“Yes, it ’s just a man ’s body. It ’s simple, but I ’ll first explain that even though there are no doubts in all aspects and normal people, in fact, the immortal undead is still immortal, and we will not be able to leave offspring. Restore consciousness and desire. Hope I do Get, but crossing the realm of life and death, not what I can do now. “

“It is enough to restore desire. It is enough to restore desire.”

I smiled proudly. I’m not afraid that you are asking too much. I’m afraid you are not pursuing. If you ask me, then you will naturally have better control.

“Okay, leave it to me. You will give me a portrait of your past, and I promise it will be exactly the same.”

“Why … women’s **** would you do?”

Immediately, as soon as I slipped my feet and loosened my hands, I almost hit Phylactery on the ground.

Based on my many years of experience in being pitted, the next development of pit father, I guessed all already.

“That, cute boy, that is a little hobby of the aristocracy, I believe that adults can understand it. Although it was good before, but if you have a chance, you still want to change the trick!”

It seemed to be scared by my increasingly blue face. In the next instant, Carlohin shouted his desire with a feeling of extrication.

“No, let me tell you honestly, this is my lifelong pursuit and the root of learning the magic of undead!”

“Shut up, guys!”

Ignore the urge to smash the bottle and ignore the dead cat in front of which already laughs. Obviously she already already knew that this Perverts I do n’t want to communicate at all, next time I turn around and leave

“Sir! Don’t go, please, this is the deepest desire of a fool who has a wrong body …”

“Oh!” There are enough Gentleman alreadys around me. This type of guy Perverts challenges my bottom line and tolerance as a man, so I still have not stopped.

“Sir! Have you heard of the Cassomes number?”

Of course I have heard that the flagship of the future Auland floating fleet, the unsinkable Cassomes, is a super battleship that will become a household name in the future.

“Hum, of course I heard it, but if it’s finished now, wouldn’t you see it? Besides, it’s the flagship of the Floating Fleet, but it’s not so easy to do.”

“Of course, it hasn’t been completed yet, but his prototype ship, the Prince Carlohin I secretly built, already is about to be completed! Lord, as long as you complete your wish for me, he is yours.” (To be continued. .)

ps: Some bookmates report that the 106 air combat is a bit messy. Let’s go and see for yourself. It is a bit messy. It seems that staying up late will still affect the quality.

OCD has recurred and was revised in the morning. The original text didn’t change much. It was mainly adjusted, added a few overdrafts, revised some errors and omissions, and facilitated reading. The original 5500 words became 6500 … already subscription book readers can click and read directly, but the plot is not Do n’t expect too much, after all, it is not rewriting.

Well, there should be a chapter at night, but it will be very late, and it will be the same tomorrow.

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