The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 106: Air combat

“Know yourselves and know yourselves.

Although this is not a new motto, it is the war and the rules of conduct that I have always believed in. If it is not clear how much power the opponent has, then this battle should not be fought from the beginning.

“Fu Temple counts more wins, less wins, not to mention nothing.” And the outcome of negotiations is often determined by the situation of the two parties before the negotiation. I also believe that the victory or defeat of the war situation will also be determined before the war. A battle without a win is not advisable.

Due to the sudden appearance of the 9-Headed Dragon emperor, Auland and the sea race are in a deadlock, but the deadlock will always be short-lived. I expect that the war will soon take a major turn, regardless of which side gained the upper hand, both for me and East Mist. Not good.

If Auland wins, the status of Darsos will be stabilized. According to his personality, something will probably happen. If the sea tribe wins … I am afraid that this city will no longer be the site of human, and In the legend, the underwater city of Yasuo is generally not completely impossible to sink into the water.

So, take advantage of the deadlock to lay down this underwater base, and then use it as a base point to obtain the technology and samples of the floating boat. Then, if you can gain some benefits, if the situation is not good, already will have enough money.

The contract may be reached at any time, but time is running out. There is only one chance. If the first attack fails, then the next time is really troublesome.

With the help of Queen of Banshees, it is not difficult to mix a few low-level undeads. already did enough investigation and preparation beforehand.

The structure of this base is not complicated. harbor area is a floating boat under construction, Mage area is the research institute and residence of Mages and craftsmen, and the six Mage Towers are the most dangerous defense buildings here.

There is a squadron of White Wolf Guard here, about 300 people, and the remaining ones that have combat power are probably only Mage. With a conventional conversion ratio of ten to one, there are probably more than 30 qualified to become existence of Death Knight. As for the banshee and corpse witch transformed from Mage, Wake up can have high-end undead of Silver-Rank and Intelligence, and the conversion success rate is even lower. I do n’t think it will exceed the number of Death Knight, that is, high-level undead. The number should not exceed one hundred.

But judging from the current situation, the Death Knight group alone exceeds one hundred. So, such a high conversion rate. There is only one possibility.

“Should the prince of Carlohin secretly practice undead magic from human? The prince of a country is actually Necromancer above Saint Rank, and it seems that it is not small.”

Soon, several hundred pits were found at the sentry. It seems to be that they have been isolated in order to reduce food consumption. The slaughter was carried out directly, and then I saw that the situation was wrong. I am afraid that it will not be able to communicate with the outside world in a short time. Carlohin simply exposed its identity of Necromancer, converted itself to Lich, and turned it into undead, even the help of the sleepless undead workers. . Make construction faster than expected.

In fact, during the investigation, already found the Necromancer and Soul Tower that converted the living being to undead, but they were not sure whether it was built secretly before or was isolated after being built. The evil instrument that is transformed into a brainless low-level necrosis alive in endless pain is definitely the evil in evil.

Undead converters are taboo in Xiluo. After all, this thing can convert undead on a large scale. But no matter what goes in, it comes out of cannon fodder such as skulls and zombies, and this mass-produced undead is inherently inadequate and difficult to grow advanced, let alone awaken to become a high-end undead with intelligence, and Xiluo is not without Living residents (although most of them are slaves and vassals), plus dozens of undead masters can meet various conversion needs. This efficient but low-quality conversion method is only suitable for converting cannon fodder during the war.

already has touched the bottom of the law of God before the hundreds of pits of the massacre. The massacre plus this infamous necrotic converter, Prince Carlohin cannot do too much to describe already. It also gives our law profession a reason to sue Carlohin, otherwise I will try to fill in the loopholes of Krose.

At this time, the main force of the opponent should be brainless skeletons and zombies transformed by craftsmen and their families. From the number of mountains and mountains, the necrotic converter that is regarded as a taboo is really powerful. Carlohin has no lower limit. Has achieved “make the best use of it.”

My intelligence work already is quite in place, but I ca n’t do anything on the battlefield. Unexpectedly, the progress is too advanced. already has four light assault boats already into the warehouse.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

The sound of artillery in the air roared, the smoke billowed, and metal fragments and wooden boards fell from time to time. The bombardment between the same type of warships became more cruel and fierce.

The “Vulture” type assault ship, the prototype of which is a small gunboat for surface combat, is also a trial work of the floating fleet. It has a magically charged main gun, two engineering side guns, and a harpoon rope gun. Both were originally used as weapons for surface combat. They were designed to carry 30 people, but five or six members were also able to operate.

The current floating ship is still in the stage of imitating the surface ship. It is far from flying over the sky more than ten years later. The sudden attack of the cloud army is overbearing and powerful. Even in my eyes, two Legend Mage can use it. Beat it down.

Although not too strong, it is also a very important prototype ship. The floating turbine system on it and the aerial operating system of the ship are the most classic initial models, and “initial” also represents the structure at the same time. Simple, easy to analyze and imitate, so even if Auland starts to sell some low-level floating ships in the future, this original vulture type is always not for sale.

We must have a disadvantage in terms of personnel, but with the addition of several Gnome engineers brought by Yingou, our crews are more powerful than the blunt newcomer undead.

Which trump hunter has played a rifle for more than two hundred years, and has shown amazing strength in operating very similar artillery. He not only operates every shot of his main gun, but also calculates another one in his spare time. Ship’s gun angle.

The new undead is still very fragile. The Carlohin‘s Legion of the Dead lacks the intelligence. The undead in his hand is very limited. Even if he is controlled by his undead magic, I am afraid that there are not a few who hate it. After all, for most of the Normal human who believe in the Order gods In other words, they would rather enter God’s Domain after death than turn into Bloodthirsty Undeads, which is hostile to the world.

There are not many “people” that he can use. On the opposite ship, there are only one or two corpses and two intermediate rank undead who can barely speak. Then I used a ticket as a zombie as a sailor. The captain’s corpse witch was mostly a Mage before. I forgot to fire the gun or found that I couldn’t hit it. I jumped onto the deck and started casting.

But it reminded Krose instead, and thunderstorms were all over.

Intervention of Krose as Legend. The balance of the air combat was overturned directly. The thunderstorm broke, the opponent’s ship was repeatedly struck by lightning, the sails were lit, and the deck couldn’t stop smoking.

In Elf, Storm Druid is a turret class that is comparable to fire. With full strength, it’s like adding more Sectmaster cannons. Vigor doubles directly.

“Wow!” was hit by heavy artillery and thunderstorm at the same time. The vulture battleship with “3” printed on the deck was the first to disintegrate. The hull cracked from the middle, and the latter half of the power system exploded into a spark. Began to fall.

At the same time, the Mage Tower in which Lich Carlohin is located also burst into a fierce red light. A huge fireball with crimson brilliance was launched.


Even though the thunderstorm of Krose tried to intercept, the giant fireball still hit the battleship No.1 where Diana is located. The fire department was extremely aggressive in magic, and the strategic-grade explosion of Carlohin through Mage Tower was not comparable to that of Krose. The next moment, the same doom as No. 3 happened to its brother, and No. 1 began to disintegrate in the explosion.


Starting the jump without hesitation, Gnome engineers rescued them by always doing a good job of explosion prevention. Next, white parachutes floated in the air, which were dwarf parachutes hanging on the side of the ship.

But unfortunately ………

“Ah ah ah ah!”

As a long-term heavy armored melee Holy Knight, the Diana was almost useless in air combat. After the success of the ship capture, it became a little bit idle, but then, the Auland specialty rice was found on the vulture assault ship’s cabin. She was ecstatic when she was wearing Cyclops Mithril. This is a treasure that can’t be found on the market. Thinking of fighting now, she put on it without hesitation …

Well, we can understand the desire of a melee knight who has long served as a meat shield for good armor. However, it is clear that the simple parachute is absolutely heavy armored Holy Knight, and the Legend Holy Knight screaming and falling fully illustrates with its own example, even if it is Holy Knight, it is necessary to add Intelligence … even if it may not help the battle , But stupid death is too ugly.

Throw a can of apple from a height of more than 100 meters. Regardless of whether the tin of the can can fall into several pieces, the apple will definitely become a jam directly. If Diana really falls, whether it is a Legend knight or something , Will directly become the Elf sauce in the armor pieces.

With her Legend Rank position, if she does n’t wear the full body armor, she can still find a way to survive, but now, even if she no longer feels regretful, there is no way.

The Moon Knight Diana, died in AD1897, the cause of death: easy sheep and too stupid. Damn girl, why are you so stupid … She already can think of what those guys with bad habits will write on their goals.

“ah ah ah, ah help, so dead so ashamed, I have not yet completed their goals in life, I …… my savings single hidden in my boots, please help me to Victoria, and …… adult Patricia guides my path, I confess to Holy Light, adult Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One) ……… I haven’t been in love yet, I don’t want to die, adult Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One) Help me, “

Okay, I started praying with my eyes closed, but suddenly, as I was light, my descent slowed down, and then it seemed to stop.

“Stupid! Remember to call me for help, it’s not completely unhelpful.”

Open your eyes, but it is the familiar person, but the golden wings are spreading out, and the flame halo on the head is burning, which is like a legendary gesture, which reminds Diana of a certain legend directly.

Angel? Am I already dead? Lord, why are you here? Are you dead too?”

The scared and stunned Legend knight was shocked, and when he opened his mouth, he completely exposed the essence of his mature appearance.

In mythology, Angel is indeed used to attract the soul of the deceased, but as soon as she spoke, how could I be so awkward.

“If you take back what you said, you really are not saved. Why did you come here too? I haven’t gone to heaven that day in my life ….. hmm?”

I fluttered a wing, crossed an arc, and avoided the storm arrows and fireballs of Mage Tower.

“Go back and talk to you about the inexplicable end-of-life confession. If the three true gods really heard it, if you have a believer like you, you will be amused by you. Now, let ’s start with Do something serious together. “

During the glide, I lowered my head and looked down, and the already below formed a ball.

Except for the boundless brainless cannon fodder, the opponent’s main force is obviously Death Knight transformed from White Wolf Guard.

Most of the recovered White Wolf Guard is still in the confused period just after recovery. Without regaining sufficient wisdom, it is impossible to use dark magic and talents at all. It is said that Death Knight is reluctant, more like a slightly higher zombie warrior, but it is still difficult to deal with.

Without him, the equipment of White Wolf Guard is great. Misilol’s slam sword with crimson brilliance, the corrugated blade seemed to be screaming, the refined long swords of the East Mist royal knights were fragile in front of him, and the misilol burst shot was large-scale Killing weapons exploded a big pit at a time, and if they were not careful, they might die.

Fortunately, their IQ is not high now, but they are frequently injured by accident. Throwing the gun and throwing it out are basically the cannon fodder on your side. The Death Knight and the corpse witch led by the gas jumped wildly.

Because of the undead‘s large Mage status of the Prince of Carlohin, Death Knight is several times as expected, and when I flew up, the ground was only a powerful meat shield of the Snowman Knight, plus the spell support of the opposite Mage Tower, for a moment . The following battle was at an impasse.

Fortunately, both Beifeng and Casio are here. For threatening burst shotguns, their bows can be easily detonated in advance without causing significant losses on our side.

But I did n’t mean to intervene. After all, we must take the initiative in battle. After a short time of transformation, we must make the mobile combat power to the maximum effect, as for the ground battlefield. It’s almost time to calculate the time.

“Boom!”, “Boom!”

Sure enough, soon, the sound of explosions not far away caught the attention. The dark chess I arranged really worked.

“Sure enough, the two boys, Clint and Yingou, lost the frontal battlefield is completely wasteful, and letting them do destruction behind the enemy is just suitable for them.”

But after the explosion, the light on the three Mage Towers started to contact poorly, and then lightened and then darkened, and then it was completely dimmed. Obviously Clint they fulfilled my requirements for the target of the explosion. This base The energy pool was successfully destroyed.

“Before the backup energy pool and the small energy source inside the Mage Tower are activated, complete the primary goal.”

The primary goal? It is Carlohin himself. It is the stupidest to fight the attrition war with the undead legion. The boundless and never-ending undead has no idea of ​​fatigue and morale. It can always consume all the physical strength and blood of the opponent in a protracted battle against such a legion. Beheading is the best choice. As long as Undead Lord falls, his legion will naturally become meaningless and even disintegrate.

At this time, the opposite Mage Tower went out briefly, I was able to fly again, and I also took a silly girl ace fighter, it was really stupid not to go straight to the theme.

Expand your wings and glide in the sky. My twenty-point base strength keeps the female knight in the right hand from being too heavy and unaffordable.


I accidentally bumped into the sail of the No. 6 assault boat. I was fine, but there was a large hole like a female Elf in that sail.

Break off the mast, watching the chaos on the boat, I pulled it up again, and Roman did not miss this opportunity, while the other party stopped moving, a precise detonation bomb hit the ammunition depot, let The number six became a spark.

The situation in the air already has become a one-on-two, but there are Legend druids and ace shooters on the smaller side. I am not worried about it.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t see it.”

“You must be intentional.”

“No, I was really unintentional just now, but this time, it was intentional.”


Looking at Matsuguchi ’s right hand and the screaming Diana below, I smiled proudly, this time it seemed to be aimed accurately.


The poor deck No. 5 was smashed directly, the corpse witch I was staring at was smashed into pieces of flesh, and Diana even fell directly to the second floor.

“Give you two minutes! Clean this up and put on all the high-end undead.”

But it’s strange that I didn’t hear the expected slash, but after a rumbling footstep, Diana ran back on the deck again.

“Master …. Master, take me away. This ship is about to explode!”

Well, I still trust her words. I have doubts to say on the road. Sure enough, I just picked her up and didn’t fly far.


The explosion was louder than before, apparently the powder magazine exploded with something else.

“What’s going on? Did you fall in the powder magazine?”

“…. How so bad these days.” Diana muttered to himself after hearing my question, and then reacted.

“I killed another undead knight when I was on the second floor. Judging from the captain’s cap, it should be the captain, but it fell into the third floor directly, just into the power room, and it fell on the main engine. … “

“The engine is broken? If the engine is broken, it will explode directly. It seems that the stability of the floating boat is really poor.”

“No.” Diana was crying, but there was more embarrassment on his face.

“As soon as I got up, I felt a button with a red skull on it, and I pressed already.”

Okay, it’s all Liu Huang Mountain City. That’s enough. Gnome project knows the bad habit of leaving a red skull mark.

“Falling down and smashing two high-end undeads, got up and just touched the self-detonation button? That luck ….. it is really right to choose you as my bodyguard.”

What a bad luck lightning rod, no wonder you feel lucky at this time, you have been absorbed by the bad luck.

I nodded with satisfaction, but Diana heard the words full of helplessness and helplessness, but at the moment, there is no time to sigh and explain.

At the highest Mage Tower spire, under the guard of a group of Death Knight, Carlohin is calling out explosives, and his goal is obviously that already threatens us.

“The cursed Darsos! You traitors, my Carlohin should be the next emperor of Auland!”

Okay, this Lich now thinks we are Darsos people, but I do n’t need to explain it.

“Well, Your Majesty, let me show you off the road.”

Suddenly, the voice of Queen of Banshees sounded in my ear.

“It’s an old acquaintance, look at the ring on his hand.”

I looked closely and found the astrologer mark on Lich‘s right hand, and immediately became angry.

“Damn Celestial Tower, they even have theirs here.”

“I’m not talking about that. Look at the magic book emblem on the ring on the left thumb of the left hand. He should be my named disciple, your master.”

“Even my teacher? Is there a difference?”

“No, I just remind you to be careful. My named disciples are not easy to deal with. Everyone has at least a few tricks. Don’t treat him as Lich of Normal.”

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