The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 1: I’m really good

“I’m a good person.”

It’s weird. Everyone knows that I’m a good person and a good citizen of Zunji law-abiding. Why is the Public Security officer in front of me entangled? “

“As a law-abiding resident of Liu Huang Mountain City, I pay taxes on time and work enthusiastically. I am a good employee in the work department, a good neighbor and a good partner in the community. You see, I still love the Pet. This medal, my A’Bao Still Community Pet Superstar competition champion! “

The medals and ribbons as evidence are hung on the wall, which also says “The Seventh Liu Huang Mountain City Community Pet Superstar Competition champion” “I wish our strong and lovely A’Bao is always healthy”.

And A’Bao, who has been glorified for me, enjoys his dinner under the wall,

Unfortunately, no matter how I explain it, the Dark Elf city Public Security officer just stared at me silently and seemed to think that I was lying.

Pet? A’Bao? You said that terrible monster, he was one of the reasons for your complaint! entire Lop Family accused your Pet of attacking their son!”

Under the award in the corner, the stigmatized A’Bao is drooling and licking the bones. Seeing the owner look at himself, he also smirks out of the water, which is really cute.

Lop? who is it? There is nothing in memory.

Before I hesitated to use Reconnaissance Spell to trace back my worse and worse memories, I seemed to see my confusion, that Dark Elf Public Security officer sneered.

“…. Don’t you think it’s very persuasive? The monster you raised still has his son’s tibia bone in his mouth.”

Oh?! It turned out to be Skeleton Soldier family on the street. Their family especially likes to play with A’Bao. It’s really nice.”

Quickly floated over and pulled the bones out of the A’Bao mouth that grabbed tibia bone, but helplessly, I only had to raise my fist and knock this dumb dog‘s head.

“Let go, let go, you idiot. Let me go if you don’t want to be locked in the quarantine.”

It’s just a good obedient dog. When I saw that I was so persistent, the cute A’Bao sobbed and gave up my baby with a distressed expression.

“Relax, A’Bao. When the bitch in front of me is passed, I will let entire Lop Family play with you for a whole year.” I whispered.

This tibia bone has been arrested and it is really hard to argue. I put a smile on my face, tried to please the Public Security officer in front of me, and smiled flatteringly.

“Misunderstandings are misunderstandings. A’Bao is just too enthusiastic. It always likes to make new friends, and it is always reluctant to leave. Is it normal for me to get some souvenirs from friends?”

I tried to pass my bones, but the Public Security officer suddenly retreated.

“Don’t come over. Keep a safe distance. Who knows what evil curse you put in it. My colleagues are still outside. If I can’t go back, do you plan to face the Wrath of the entire Town Order Security Army (Town Security for short).”

My already is quiet enough. This little girl doesn’t give me face. I kindly handed in tibia bone. It seemed like I saw something disgusting. retreats took two steps and put on a deadly face full of guards.

“I am the Public Security officer representing the city. Do you know the consequences of attacking the police.”

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I am really a good person.” I sighed Dark Elf‘s sensitivity and vigilance to mana, but helplessly, I only quietly dispersed the Hypnotism Spell and Venom Snake Curse in tibia bone, let the vicious mana silently.

“I don’t care if you are a good person or not, according to the Liu Huang Mountain City Public Security management regulations, the compensation of 50 gold coins and home apology can not be less, and the deadline is three days.”

The pussy, leaving her ruthless words and taking back tibia bone, turned around and walked away.

“If you don’t want me to come to your door, remember to report to the Town Security team within three days!”

Close the door, and my face will look bad.

bitch, beware that someone was knocked out on the sap that day and sold to the slave market. In this dungeon world, Dark Elf has always been the best-selling and most valuable product.”

The vicious psychological curse, but did not say, because once the exit, if the girl is really sold, I am not the first suspect, I will not be that stupid.

“Big sister, you are so amazing. I dare to enforce such a terrible monster. As soon as I saw him, I was so scared.”

“Hmm, Armin, these guys are actually the same. Strong outside but strong, as a glorious Town Security of Liu Huang Mountain City, you have to know …”

Not far away, there are still two conversations between Dark Elf.

“Cut, dare to underestimate me. If it wasn’t for my already cleansing, and I plan to be a good person, you will be sold to brothel tonight.”

Lovely A’Bao saw his master a bit frustrated, and he came over to add my face with a huge tongue with a stinger.

“Okay, okay, A’Bao, remember that you are a noble Chromaggus, not a stupid dog who just drools everywhere. Go, let’s go to the ‘Lop‘ family and apologize, and have a dinner by the way. Well, Have a ‘dinner’. “

This dumb dog heard something to eat at night, and both heads shed water at the same time, and hugged me desperately and licked more happily.

The dog is indeed a good partner of human, and Two-headed Hellhound is even more so. This feed is a bit expensive. Well, mana‘s bones are the best food for them, but with the enthusiastic support of entire Lop Family, it can probably save another one. Feed for the month.

By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I, Roland Mist, who is 376 years old this year, is a good person, oh no, rightly, a good Lich.


If you want to ask people’s opinions about Lich, I’m afraid there will not be much praise.

“Ten evil unpardonable villains.” “The ultimate existence of undead and dark magic.” “The nightmare of the living, not King of the Dead.”

Although I have always regarded it as the envy of the mediocre and the frame of the hypocrite, it cannot be denied that sometimes the discrimination of these prejudices does cause a lot of trouble.

At least, even in the Liu Huang City where infighting is prohibited, I have to deal with several “Evil-slaying Hero Teams” or “Solo Evil Lair Raiding Adventurer” every month.

Although most of the time, they ca n’t even break through the Law Elder array of this old house, but sometimes, I still welcome their arrival, such as when there is a lack of experimental products, such as now …

“….. I must … kill you … don’t touch it! Damn tentacle demon! ….. not here too! My where is very sensitive. Ha … ha … don’t … Please, kill me, kill me !!! You have the courage to kill me. “

The Demi-Elf ranger in front of me is threatening to get rid of my villain for the Skywalk, but now I can only paralyze on the filthy dungeons **.

“Let me go, at least … kill me … don’t do it!” After several accumulations finally reached the top, after a fierce **, she reached a certain ** first, her whole body was tight, and then For a second, the whole weakness collapsed.

The eyes that were originally full of hate, even though already lost focus, still looked at me instinctively, Death Qi‘s heavy eyes, it took a long time to refill hatred.

“Oh, don’t look at me like this, overexcitation is bad for your health.”

Bastard !!! Bastard !!! Bastard !!!”

“….. Is there too few cursing words in Elf, or your language teacher died too early? The same words are not enough to excite me.”

“Rogue, ** ……” Several days of jail and torture have torn through the Willpower of the female ranger, but High Elf‘s always high head and her pride have not been wiped out, even if the physical exhaustion is excessive, the blonde girl The curse that still speaks to me.

“Well, enough rest, come again in the next round!”

“Da!” With a ring finger, countless black tentacles acted again, and these enchanters greeted by the Pink Book, already couldn’t hold back the ** close to women.

“Don’t !!!!!! … Please, let me go !!!”

But unfortunately, how did my demon obey the prisoner’s begging for mercy?

I’m afraid of tickling! !!”

Yes, just just tickling. I’m a good person. I don’t do anything destined to be harmonious.

“You can’t help it, tentacles, give me the highlights of her tickling around her waist and neck! That’s her weakness!”

“Haha ….. hehe … kill me, you Bastard !!! ….. haha”

It is indeed the punishment that the female ranger fears most. Soon, under countless tentacles, she laughs and rolls on the ground.

“Huh! Deserve it, who told you to break into my house without permission. This is an obvious criminal act. I do n’t want to take care of you, and I thought I was easy target!”

Of course, I wouldn’t say anything that hurts people, but just waste her mana just to punish her. How is that possible?

“I beg you, I confess, I surrender … I will agree to any conditions !!!”

“No, you are so uncomfortable that you are contributing to me.”

Looking at the slowly increasing numbers on my panel, I can’t help but sigh.

“Ah, it’s been three days before I gave 2 evil points. This will make up 100,000 points of resurrection‘s physical body, and wait until that year.”

I remembered turning to the long-awaited sexual life of Zhongzhong, and looked down at the body of my bones. Soon, my eyes turned to the unlucky ones in the cell.

“Punish evil is also to promote goodness. For the sake of points …. No, for justice, for our sexual well-being … No, for being a good person. Your suffering is my wealth, let ’s take it!

In each cage, there are various prisoners, including Tauren and Elf. The most are human.

“Let me go out!” “I have no sin!” “Don’t come over!” The wailing and begging for one after another, but Lich ignored it and said, if it was ruthless, then the Skeleton Soldier as a guard would, A fierce whip made them shut up.

“Ruhr, human, guilty of six crimes, was arrested three times, but because of a good brother of the harbor area gang boss, the victims were threatened to report the case, and Liu Huang City High Court was released twice because of insufficient evidence. . “

Just now, this young master of gang is the worst.

“You like mating so much, I’ll let you mate enough.”

So, I found a few Ogre more than three meters high, and played with him every day … However, it is public, or it is thicker than human calf …..

Okay, now he’s terrible in his cage. I feel sick when I say it. Let’s talk about his neighbors.

Dia Gold, Gnome Race professional scammers, although accused in dozens of cases at the same time, have very good skills and the victims often lack conclusive evidence. This is why they are willing to spend money on the best barrister in Liu Huang City. Impunity. “

At this moment, the gambler is betting with bloodshot eyes.

“I… .I won !!! Your money is mine, you have to let me go as promised! I’m four K !!!”

The undead player on the other side smiled. He spread his hole cards, four aces, just a little bigger than the opponent.

“No, no, no, impossible! You won 767 in a row with already! You cheated !!!”

“Cheat not caught is a legitimate method, isn’t it Correct your famous quote? Well, tell your last hidden property and secret!”

“I ….. I, I must turn over!”

Of course the undead player is cheating. This is my magic card with special enchantment. He can come to the one he wants, and how can Diya win.

If it is an ordinary person, losing hundreds of games in a row would have been discouraged, but Diya, a gambler who has lost red eyes for a long time, looked at the opportunity to obtain freedom and wealth, and how he would let go.

undead players do not need to persuade Diya to be fooled at all. He only uses where to play cards by himself. The greed from the bones of the Gnome gambler will let the idle Diya in the prison cage come together.

“In case … if I can win one, I won’t be able to get back to it.”

So, like the victim he had been deceived by in the past, he was brought to the bottomless abyss by greed, and already lost all his possessions.

Actually I have no interest in his deception and secrets, but every time he loses, the unwillingness and Wrath from the bottom of his heart will give me more evil points, and his neighbor’s already numb guy, But less and less.

This is a prison. It belongs to my personal prison. Most of the prisoners here are Bastard, which cannot be punished by the Liu Huang City official for some reason.

My unreliable system can gain strength from the pain and misfortunes of others, but in order to be a good person, I have no choice but to choose the path of eliminating evil and doing good.

So, I got these Bastard here through some relationships as food for my ‘Evil Lich System‘.

The treatment of Hero of “Solo Hell Raider” ​​is the best. Anyway, she only broke a few vases, scattered a few Skeleton Gardeners, teased her for a few days, and threw them out.

Others are miscellaneous enough to judge death penalty, so I let them enjoy what they have done to others, or people who eat bad results,

For example, let the perpetrators taste the taste of being persecuted, let the scammers taste the taste of being deceived, and let the robbers and thieves taste the taste of being stolen and stolen, and let the malicious store Juqi, a famine traitor, enjoyed sleeping on Jinshan but could not buy a slice of bread.

“Crazy !!! You mad!”

“Please, let me go!”

It’s boring to do things that harm others, and their pain will be transformed into my strength and the cornerstone of my resurrection through the nameless system.

“I’m not crazy, you’re crazy!”

Crazy Lich !!! Please let me go, I’m willing to do anything!”

Crazy Lich? Indeed, many people said that I had gone mad long ago, but it was the one who said the earliest.

I stroked my chin with my phalanx and remembered it carefully.

“When did I start going crazy? As a judge who insisted on fairness and justice, my previous life was stripped of public office by criminal officials, and eventually was pushed out to the point that even lawyers could not afford it?”

“Reincarnation into this world with that strange system, thinking that he is the protagonist of destiny, vowing to make the people and loved ones happier, but found that the cruel destiny is irreversible, and the country, family and all loved ones have been lost step by step. When? “

“I swear revenge on the gods and hypocrite, and formed Great Legion of Undead with a torn body, but found that in the road of revenge, behind me, already is a body and ruins, my already and hypocrite, ambitionists, like, When the sounding banner is constantly creating disasters and tragedies? “

“Oh, maybe, from the beginning, I have memories of two generations, after discovering the truth of the world, already is crazy.”

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