Sword and Love Chapter 211: Tears

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Qi You sighed slightly. Nothing knows that he may not be an opponent, but he still has to go as before and rush forward bravely.

And now, when he heard that he might hear the news of his second uncle, Qi You sighed and did not understand why he obviously hated Qi Lie, but now, suddenly he is deep in the deep, deep The deepest hidden place is the softest memory.

Even if it was just a disciple who was the least concerned and least optimistic back then, Qi You, you will always keep that love for your loved ones in your heart!

With a light smile, Qi You made a decision in his heart instantly! Qi You felt that as long as he could, he would give up some things that he had already given up!

Qi You smiled slightly and made a decision silently in his heart.

However, without waiting for him to speak, a dangerous feeling enveloped his heart for an instant, and then he only felt a deep trance in his own mind, as if there was a string pulling himself deep in his mind. Of mind.

There was a thump in my heart, Qi You secretly said: It’s broken.

Then, I saw infinite murderous aura in the eyes of the Taoist Xiaoyao.

I saw Xiaoyao Soul Devouring Banner, at this time bursts of scarlet evil spirits appeared, and there was a strong evil evil spirit on them. Then, I saw an evil spirit surrounding Qi You’s mind, as long as he relaxed, Qi You would be swallowed by Xiaoyao Soul Devouring Banner.

Qi You feels like something has firmly grasped his brain!

The “rumbling” voice was ringing.

In Qi You’s mind, it seems like a knife is cutting through his own mind now.

A huge pain came, Qi You clenched his teeth tightly, shaking slightly!

Qi You smiled and saw that his expression was already distorted at this time. Qi You knew that he couldn’t go on like this, and then, lightly nodded, Qi You slowly struggled to get up, Yi Tianjue also slowly moved.

Qi You knows that if you don’t use Yi Tian Jue to fight back quickly, then it will be very difficult for Qi You. It is impossible for a person whose mind has been swallowed by the Xiaoyao Soul Eater banner to break away from the Soul Eater banner again.

Qi You knows this, so at this time, he doesn’t plan to let the resistance go.

The Taoist Xiaoyao laughed and said: “Qiyou, give up the resistance, you will always be my prey, haha!”

Then the Taoist Xiaoyao shook his head: “Actually, what your second uncle is there, who wants to take care of you?”

The second uncle’s figure quickly appeared in Qi You’s mind, and then a cold face appeared again after a while. Ningshuang, Qi You sighed slightly, only to feel a burst of discomfort in his heart.

And, the evil spirit that has been deeply suppressed by himself somewhere, has also begun to move around, trying to choose someone to eat, Qi You’s face is like ashes, and suddenly it floods at this most critical time.

Then, a ray of light filled Qi You’s body in an instant.

At this time, I saw a little turbulence in Qi You’s heart at the place covered by the light.

Qi You felt countless evil spirits engulfing his mind at the last moment.

I saw two red eyes, and Qi You at this time became completely ignored.

Slowly moving, at this time, the Xiaoyao Taoist’s Xiaoyao Soul Eater flag is still moving, and has no intention of letting Qi You go like this.

However, Qi You continued to move, seeming to have no effect at all. Astonishment appeared in front of everyone, and I didn’t understand why Qi You became like this!

Xu Tianfan said in surprise: “Master, be careful, this kid seems to have become very stupid and easy to deal with, I just seem to feel the evil spirit on his body. Master should deal with this kid!” The following words did not continue. Going on, obviously, Xu Tianfan is also afraid of facing Xiaoyao Taoist!

The Taoist Xiaoyao smiled, only to see that at this time, the very ugly segment of rapid change occurred, and the ray of light stones instantly engulfed around the Taoist Xiaoyao.

I saw the appearance of the Xiaoyao Taoist at this time has been magically changed! A young girl appeared in an instant.

Qi You was surprised.

And, soon, Qi You looked at Xiaoyao Dao and smiled blankly.

Being hooked on the heart and soul by the Happy Soul Eater banner, people will become dementia, become a fool,

Of course Qi You knows this, so he is very cautious when facing the Xiaoyao Soul Eater Banner. But this is the case, the Xiaoyao Taoist in the deep city used a strategy to make Qi You’s mind a loophole, and grasping this loophole, the Xiaoyao Taoist quickly moved the Xiaoyao Soul Eater’s attack.

Sure enough, the attack worked, and Qi You was about to be swallowed up by Xiaoyao Soul Eater.

However, at this time, the strong will to survive, coupled with the strong hatred of Xiaoyao Taoist, and the reason why Zhou Xiaoxia is around. Anyway, just like this, Qi You’s evil spirit that had been deliberately suppressed suddenly became out of control and burst out.

Perhaps, everyone still remembers that this evil spirit was the result of Qi You devouring a spirit snake spirit pill. At that time, there was not much suffocation in the spirit pill, but after so many years, the consequences brought by the heaven-defying magical weapon like the Sky Devouring Mirror, and Qi You’s own constant changes in his emotions, have made this suffocation continue to grow.

Now, it’s time to gradually become out of control. Qi You knows that maybe, soon, he will be completely controlled by evil spirits, but even so, the most important thing for Qi You is I hope my strength can be stronger.

So, when encountering difficulties, I did not suppress too much subconsciously.


Now Qi You’s eyes are blazing, and he doesn’t seem to see anyone in his eyes anymore! Only endless crimson and endless killing.

“No!” Zhou Xiaoxia’s figure flew out anxiously. Others may not know, but Zhou Xiaoxia is very clear. Qi You can’t be controlled by the evil spirit again, if one is not good, maybe he won’t be able to come back forever.

In Zhou Xiaoxia’s mind, at this time, it was the scene in the Demon Refining Valley at that time, and Zhikong exhausted all his energy to heal Qi You. Zhou Xiaoxia remembered everything at that time.

And these are all because of the person Zhou Xiaoxia deeply likes in the depths of her mind. And that person, now completely controlled, the power of evil spirits is so strong that ordinary people can no longer resist.

However, now being controlled by the evil spirit again, Zhou Xiaoxia has a strong worry in her heart.

The figure walked continuously, Zhou Xiaoxia dragged Qi You, but the tears in her eyes could no longer stand, and she rolled down diagonally to the ground.

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