Phoenix Destiny Chapter 538: The origin of ancestors

The female beast whispered to comfort it, then went to see the male beast.

The male beast yelled “King-King”, very irritable.

I mean Xiaodai, I want them to stay together. But they are different from Xiaodai. They were born freely in the forest. How could they be willing to be human pets?

The matter just reached a deadlock. The three members of this family are listless, their heads hanging down.

Looking at them like this, Lu Mingshu smiled: “Since you all have no idea, how about let me make an opinion?”

The three raised their heads at the same time, crying dumbly, biting her sleeve, looking like she couldn’t wait.

“In some time, we have to go back to Jiuyao Palace to do something.” She said deliberately, “After this is done, Jiuyao Palace will no longer have any unstable factors. Go there. At that time, I can let the people in Jiuyao Palace stop hurting you.”

That’s what I said, the two snow-winged cloud riding horses still showed unwilling expressions.

Lu Mingshu said: “Don’t worry, I don’t want you to be spirit beasts in Jiuyao Palace.”

The two looked suspicious.

“You can live here.” She said, “It’s very close to Jiuyao Palace. It only takes one day to fly at your speed. Xiaodai can go back with me or live here with you.” /

The two snow-winged horses stepping on the clouds showed deep thought.

They lived here more than ten years ago, and would not move to the depths of Yaoxi if they were not besieged by the Jiuyao Palace. The ground veins here are very good, and the original nest is also very suitable for living. The most worrying issue is the interruption of human beings.

After passing through the Nine Dragon Ding, this person, they are willing to believe, but other people, rooted in their vigilance, make them afraid to give trust easily.

“Hey!” Xiaodai looked very happy, biting this, biting that.

The mother animal felt so happy when she saw it.

“You don’t need to make a decision in a hurry.” Lu Mingshu said again, “Anyway, in the short term, will you not leave? I will notify you when the matter is finished, and then you will decide again.”

The male beast and the female beast rubbed against each other, finally satisfied.

“Okay.” The male beast replied, “If you fail to abide by the agreement, we will take the child away immediately.”

The two snow-winged cloud riding horses wake up, and the atmosphere in the valley relaxes a lot.

They returned to their old homes. Xiaodai spends most of the time playing with them, but will definitely be back in the evening.

Lu Mingshu bought two gems from the sky wheel, and after replacing it with Xiaobu, it finally came over.

In the early morning of this day, Lu Mingshu was practicing swords outside, Xiao Bu ran out, yelling as he ran, “Master, the son is awake, the son is awake!”

As soon as Lu Mingshu took his sword back, he saw Xie Xingchen slowly coming out of it with his hands behind his back.

The posture and demeanor are quite modest, except for–

Lu Mingshu coughed: “All right?”

Xie Xing Shen nodded happily: “I’m almost able to evolve things. Hey, why are you…”

“They are Xiaodai’s parents. They passed on most of their skills to me and Xiaodai, saving decades of hard work.”

Xie Xing said Shen Xinran: “I know, you won’t suffer.”

“Cough!” Lu Mingshu coughed again, twisting his head, with a faint smile on his face.

Xie Xing frowned and smiled: “Seeing that I wake up so happy?”


He is in a great mood and can’t wait to share with her: “By the way, I finally got what happened to the emperor. Tell you…”

Lu Mingshu interrupted him: “Are you sure you just talk to me like this?”

Xie Xing Shen is inexplicable: “Then how do you want to talk?”

Lu Mingshu finally couldn’t help it, stretched out his hand to block the uncontrollable smile on his face, and pointed to the pool next to him: “You…Let’s take a look first!”

Look at it? What to look at?

Xie Xingshen was inexplicable, walked to the water’s edge, looked down, and suddenly his whole body seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he froze there.

Who is this unshaven, dusty uncle!

Frozen for two seconds, he suddenly reacted and yelled: “I, I will wash first, don’t watch it!”

It’s so fame! He was so sloppy, he came out to see her!

Lu Mingshu held back a smile and waved his hand: “Whoever wants to see you, I’ll go there to find a little dad, and come over by myself when I’m done.”

The answer to her was a “plop” falling into the water.

Half an hour later, Lu Mingshu sat on a rock on the top of the peak, boringly using his sword energy to form a ball and play with it.

Xie Xingchen came over with water vapor.

The clothes were changed, the hair was washed, and the beard was shaved off. I still feel that I am so handsome and handsome. However, with a pair of Lu Mingshu’s smiling eyes, he fainted, completely devoid of any handsome mood.

“That,” he took the initiative to say, “I forgot, it’s been many days…”


“It’s not usually like that, this time I’m too addicted.”


“Can you… forget what you just saw…”

“Ahem!” Lu Mingshu said, “Why don’t you beat me to amnesia?”


Lu Mingshu invited let it come to play with Xiaobu and say: “Don’t you have something to talk about?”

“Oh.” Xie Xing said Shen Muran, “Jiulong told me something about the Emperor.”


“Your guess is correct. The ancient Xia people all moved from the world below Yinshan Mountain.”

Lu Mingshu nodded: “The Yin world is not easy to pass. If there is no special reason, how can so many people take the risk? What happened to them? Why did they move here collectively?”

Xie Xing Shen said: “The specific reason is not known to Jiulong. It was made by the emperor when he arrived in this realm. It said that the ancient Xia people who came to this realm were originally an army, and later, one after another. Escorted some women and children. They had to take a risk after experiencing a catastrophe.”

“So that’s it.” She thought for a while, and then asked, “Why didn’t this matter have been circulated afterwards? What was the reason for the human emperor to erase the origin of the ancient Xia people?”

“Because the enemy is too powerful.” Xie Xing Shen said, “The Emperor hopes that they will take root here and never know the origin of their ancestors.”

Lu Mingshu nodded silently. The Emperor did not want to tell the descendants of the origin, and the Demon Emperor deliberately broke the inheritance, so for thousands of years, the ancient Xia people knew nothing about their ancestors.

“The Devil Sovereign, I will definitely go back.” Xie Xing Shen said softly, “Human Sovereign’s experience is his experience. He can’t let go of the things that Human Sovereign can let go. So, all he has to do is let himself More powerful, even if you make this world a paradise for Yin soldiers, you will never hesitate. Then, go to that world to take revenge.”

“Where is the emperor?” Lu Mingshu asked, “he left the inheritance in the Nine Dragon Ding, is he planning to use the hand of future generations to destroy the demon emperor? What then?”

Xie Xingchen looked at her: “You don’t seem to agree with Renhuang’s actions?”

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