Phoenix Destiny Chapter 475: Earth Movement

In just a few months, there have been many more Xuanmen disciples in Tianyun City.

Early in the morning, Xie Lianzhen walked around the morning market and then returned to the palace.

“Big Brother!” The little prince Shi Yu saw him and ran over happily.

Shi Yu is seventeen, taller, just like an adult.

The two brothers are tall, but apart from that, they are not alike. Xie Lianzhen’s facial features are like a princess, and her profile and posture are said to resemble his premature father. Shi Yu’s facial features are more mature, but more like the king of Zhongzhou.

Xie Lianzhen put her hand on his head and compared: “Ah, it’s taller again!”

Shi Yu chuckled, and walked in with him: “Brother, will you go to see your mother?”

“Huh, together?”

“No!” Shi Yu said immediately, “Mother will definitely check my homework again after seeing me.”

“If you do your homework well, aren’t you afraid of it?”

Shi Yu sighed: “It’s good to be like this, but no matter what I do, my mother is not satisfied.” Then he mumbled, “I always think my mother likes elder brother more and she never only scolds me.”

“What is the kid’s sigh?” Xie Lianzhen snapped his forehead, “Mother scolds you because she expects you higher. It doesn’t matter if the eldest brother becomes a good man, even if he is a useless person, he will be glorious for a lifetime, you It’s different.”

Shi Yu’s eyes widened: “Big Brother, you are like this, you are not called a good man? Anyway, I can’t do it.”

I don’t want Xie Lianzhen to pull her face: “What can’t you do? Take this sentence back to me! You are the future king of Zhongzhou, and you have to do something different from me.”


Speaking of which, there are not many opportunities for the two brothers to meet, but Shi Yu is very close to this much older brother.

“Brother, why do you always feel that your return this time is different from before?” The little prince was confused.

Xie Lianzhen stopped and looked at him with a smile: “Where is it different?”

Shi Yu was frowned upon by him: “No, I don’t know, I just feel like I’m much happier.”

“I was not happy before?”

“Well, although the older brother always smiled, he always felt that the distance was very far…”

Xie Lianzhen laughed as she listened: “Is this bad?”

“Very good, that is, sometimes it’s a bit scary…”


Seeing Xie Lianzhen’s expression, Shi Yu’s head shrank: “Ah, I’m going to practice, eldest brother, go see mother by yourself.” He turned his head and ran away.

Looking at his back, Xie Lianzhen smiled and walked inside.

The time he came was just right, and the princess had finished discussing politics and was resting in the Zichen Hall.

Seeing him coming, the princess beckoned and smiled: “Why so early? Did you come here last night?”

Xie Lianzhen obediently walked over: “Well, I have nothing to do, come and have a look.”

The Qizhen Temple is in Taichen Mountain. He usually lives there. There are also mansions in Tianyun City, but he doesn’t live regularly.

“It doesn’t matter if you come, Tianhai Pavilion and Yuding Peak are here, and there is a lot of noise every day.”

Xie Lianzhen said: “I’m impatient with this, let Brother Wei go busy.”

Fu Jingtao has abdicated, and now the first suzerain is Wei Chunqiu.

If such a major event happens right now, it is time for the Qizhen View to change.

“You!” The princess groaned, “If you don’t do business, you are very keen on nosy.”

Think about what he did when he returned from Beiming. Now in the Qizhen View, I am afraid to hear his name. The fifth case was full of anger. Since obtaining the secret method, several disciples who were stuck on the bottleneck went into trance smoothly, and their strength rose greatly.

The princess also hates iron but not steel. Her two sons, young ones, are exactly the same as his father, and they have headaches when they hear about political affairs. The big one, clever is extremely clever, but has a weird temper, so you don’t always have to be on the right track.

In short, there is no peace of mind.

After a few gossips, the princess continued to deal with government affairs, and Xie Lianzhen wandered out of the Zichen Hall and wandered around in the palace.

After returning from Tianhai Pavilion, his heart has been uneasy.

Knowing that I am angry, I can’t find a place to vent my anger. Had no choice but to mess around in the martial arts and clean up those people again.

But after finishing cleaning up, he still feels awkward.

“It’s so boring, where can I find something to do…” Nowhere else to go, he muttered to himself while standing on the inner city wall.

He actually knows how angry he is, but the culprit is not here. What about even here? He couldn’t beat or beat, or scolded and scolded, he would lose if he met her anyway!

It’s really hot, I really want to vent a city or a mountain or something.

Just thinking about this, there was a sudden shaking under my feet.

He grabbed the wall in time, listening to the commotion outside.

“What’s going on? Where is the movement?”

“Did the earth dragon stand up? Whoops!”

“Quiet! Quiet!”

Under the control of the Princess of Zhongzhou, the Wangcheng was in order. As soon as he appeared, officials and troops ran out of the inner city to maintain order.

The ground movement lasted for a while before it stopped.

The houses in Tianyun City were well built, and there was no major incident. The riots were inevitable, and it took a while to clean up.

Xie Lianzhen didn’t bother to care about it, he was not Shi Yu. Besides, even if the person is does it have anything to do with him?

I was wondering whether to return to Taichen Mountain, so as not to stay in Tianyun City and make trouble. Suddenly, he turned around and looked up to the northwest as if he had sensed something.

At this glance, his face quickly sank.

In the northwest of Tianyun City, when the weather is clear, a faint outline can be seen in the sky, which is the shadow of a high mountain. There is no cloud today, but the blue-gray outline that should have appeared in the sky has no trace at all.

Xie Lianzhen flipped through the memories in her mind quickly. Did he see it when he went out in the morning? He didn’t pay attention.

That’s right! When I turned around from Dongda Street before, it seemed to have a glance.

Yes, yes!

So, is that mountain missing?

His complexion changed, and his breathing became heavy. Before he could say hello to the princess, he ran down the inner city wall and left the city.

As soon as he left Tianyun City, he immediately took control of Qingguang and rushed to Taichen Mountain.


The door was suddenly kicked open. Xie Changhui was startled. He was relieved when he saw the person who came in: “My son? Why did you come back so early?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Changhui felt that something was wrong. Xie Lianzhen’s face was extremely ugly, and there was no blood on her lips.

“My son, what’s wrong? What happened?”

Xie Lianzhen grabbed him: “Did Yinshan appear? The previous earth movement was from Yinshan, right?”

Xie Changhui’s lips trembled: “Yes…”

“Where are the others?”

There is no explicit reference, but Xie Changhui knows who he is talking about.

“Meeting, meeting hall!”

Xie Lianzhen dropped him, strode away.

“Young Master!” Xie Changhui reached the door, and the person was gone.

Xie Changhui stood for a while, then suddenly jumped up: “No way, no way, you have to inform the princess quickly, who knows what the son will do…”

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