Kung Fu Way: Point of No End Chapter 610: Mental confrontation is the most terrifying to defeat the realm

In fact, although Su Jie’s current realm is very high, there are still many flaws, because knowledge has no boundaries. The more you know, the more ignorance you have.

The knowledge possessed by the entire human race is probably a water molecule in the ocean as a whole for the truth of the entire universe.

He helped Liu Shi achieve the realm of the living dead. It seems that Liu Shi has taken a big advantage, but some of his own experience is not very valuable. The experience of Liu Shi’s promotion made Su Jie thoroughly understand the psychological catalysis and The dual role of the external environment has confirmed some of his theories.

Liu Shi’s most feared thing was completely disappointed in hypnosis, coupled with external pressure to increase some catalysis, so everything was ready, only the east wind was owed to Su Jie’s role in the east wind. Immediately there was a psychological transformation.

The improvement of the mental state has the advantage that it can suddenly evolve in a leap.

In ancient history, there was also a saying of epiphany, standing on the ground to become a Buddha.

This is completely different from the promotion on **.

The improvement in ** is a gradual process. It takes at least one year for a change in the human body, and three to five years for the more. Talents can change a lot, and this also requires perseverance and external factors. A combination of nutrient conditions.

Even the simplest way of fitness and weight loss, it takes at least half a year to achieve the effect of losing weight and gaining muscle.

And the spiritual realm is just a moment.

“Although you have reached the realm of the living dead, you still have to be vigilant at all times and never slack off. You should fix your behavior and abandon what you can discard. Otherwise, over time, you will regress and fall into the realm. “Su Jie warned Liu Shi.

“Can the realm be turned back?” Liu Shi was startled.

“Of course, in the Buddhist scriptures, once you have cultivated to the realm of Bodhisattva, you will immediately retreat due to an inadvertent thought, become a mortal, and even degenerate into the hell. The deeper you practice, the less you can move other thoughts. , Because your spiritual realm is strong, and your thoughts are also strong. The thoughts of ordinary people are nothing, because it will pass quickly, and the thoughts of practitioners will turn the river and the sea, and the earth will be overwhelmed.” Su Jie said: “Yin. Isn’t it said in the Talisman that the heavens are killing intent, the stars are moving, the earth is killing intent, the dragon and the snake rise to the land, the people are killing intent, and the earth is turned upside down. For example, an ordinary person suddenly has evil thoughts and wants to burn, kill and looting, but he He’s inadequate, just think about it in his mind, but the strong is different. He has the ability, and his thoughts are extremely strong throughout his life. The realm of the dead is not the end of the practice, but just the beginning, just like a baby, just coming out of the mother’s womb, breathing the first breath of fresh air. The road ahead is still long, everything depends on itself.”

“The truth is profound…” Liu Shi sighed, “I have spent my entire life staying in the doggou. I never thought that when I reached this grade, I was able to comprehend the principles of practice and walk on the path of immortality. I really didn’t know it was from the previous life. What good deeds did you do?”

“You are wrong again to think so. For our entire race, this is the inevitable path of evolution. Moreover, as a human elite, you have a lot of wealth and social resources, and you can get in touch with the most high-end of the race. Things, it will inevitably be more advanced than ordinary people. This is a natural law, not a blessing in the past life. Cultivation has reached the present. Sometimes we should break away from human thinking and use the objective truths of nature. Look at the problem.”

Su Jie’s thinking is very peculiar, but it is also very normal, because his thinking sometimes looks at problems away from the human worldview.

“Then, how should I practice? Is there a special method? Let me practice step by step?” Liu Shi asked.

“Then no, you have to enlighten and explore by yourself. At this level, in ancient times, you were the master of the founding sect. No one can teach you. You should explore the truth yourself, and then teach others. “Su Jie said: “And everyone has their own set of psychological practice methods. If you learn from others, it will create psychological dependence, which is not conducive to practice. After the seventh sense, everyone is a pioneer. This is the independence of psychological practice.”

“That’s the same. Actually, everyone in this world is different, even the leaves are the same. You can never find two identical leaves. The same is true for humans, even if they are twins, fingerprints, looks, figures, etc. There will be a big difference.” Liu Shi said.

“In the future, there may be physically the same individuals that can be cloned and replicated, but even human clones are two separate creatures at the psychological level, with absolutely different soul essences.” Su Jie said: ” However, I can give you a lot of information, including a lot of the path of self-psychological evolution after the seventh touching practice. These data are the secret information inside Typhon. Since Typhon established the database, there has been a vast expanse of Cain organization in history. Hundreds of years ago, a top-secret psychological database for people in the seventh sense realm was established. After you study these data, you can learn from the gains and losses of the predecessors and find your own suitable path.”

“Have many people reached the realm of the living dead? Then why are there so many famous people in history? Very few?” Liu Shi said: “It was Wang Chongyang who first proposed the concept of the living dead.”

“In fact, in the database established by the Cain organization and Typhon Group, many people have temporarily broken through the seventh sense. Their physiology and psychology have also undergone tremendous changes, but most people will I didn’t find a suitable path in the game, so I regressed more and more, and finally regressed, and I still became an ordinary person.” Su Jie said: “Tell you a cruel fact. Most people who have gained the seventh sense will regress. .”

“Is that because the foundation is unstable?” Liu Shi asked: “I know that some people will get the seventh sense inexplicably. For example, according to historical records, some people suddenly become extremely smart, and some are born with supernatural powers. Some are exported as chapters, writing like gods. Cheng Yaojin of the Tang Dynasty is said to have met a **** in a dream and immediately became a master.”

“There is such a thing, I said, the spiritual realm can be sudden, it is a leap-type evolutionary phenomenon. In fact, it is related to the accumulation of wealth. For example, your wealth is accumulated by yourself, but Some people’s wealth is a windfall, and they get rich overnight. For example, those who win the lottery jackpot. But most of the people who win the lottery will fall into poverty in the future. Even if it’s you, the wealth and status that you have worked so hard to accumulate will actually fall. It’s easy to get up, isn’t it?” Su Jie asked: “Even wealth accumulation is true, let alone practice.”

“This is the truth.” Liu Shi said, “It seems that I should be more worried about falling into the realm now. My current mind has changed. As long as the realm of practice is still there, even if I am impoverished overnight, I go to jail. But I still don’t have any fear. I think it’s commonplace, but if I fall in my current state, I really can’t stand it. I’m afraid I’ll commit suicide and I can’t keep on.”

“This psychology of gain and loss is worth studying.” Su Jie smiled: “For practitioners, things outside the body are really not worth mentioning, because the biggest role of things outside the body is to maintain their inner satisfaction and indirectly promote evolution. You should indeed be more afraid of falling to the realm than of losing your wealth and status. Otherwise, your mentality is still the same, and there is no way to improve your realm.”

“Speaking of which.” Liu Shi said: “What can you do to fight the current trouble.”

“Didn’t I just say that? The most fearful thing for practitioners is to fall into the realm. In fact, the reason why this organization is so strong is not because of how much social relations they have, nor how much wealth they have. The greatest Dependence, in fact, is that their realm is high and powerful.” Su Jie stood up proudly: “If they can’t see the general situation clearly, then I have nothing to do. Only sweep down their realm and knock them all down to earth. This In ancient practice, it was called cutting off the top three flowers and depriving the immortal books.”

“Falling down to the realm?” Liu Shi is now horrified. Before he reaches the realm of the living dead ~ IndoMTL.com~ He has no sense of the realm of spiritual practice, but now his mind is very clear and his whole body is full of energy. , He was almost twenty years younger, and he felt that his spirit had returned to his prime of life, and even deep in his heart he vaguely felt that he would definitely live for another twenty years, or even longer.

More importantly, in the years to come, the quality of life will be greatly improved, and the physical fitness and mental state will be the same as those of the middle-aged boys.

This feeling is really good.

He would rather die than give up this state.

“Things like knocking down the realm are incredible to outsiders. Basically, people with a high spiritual realm can kill but not take their will, but that is not the realm. The realm is really high and deep to a certain level. , You can forcibly knock down the realm of others, and even change and distort people’s values ​​and world outlook.” Su Jie said: “So, for people with advanced realms, spiritual confrontation is the most terrible. In fact, there are examples of this in ancient times. A typical example is the debate between the high monks of the ancient Nalanda Temple and Shankara. In fact, it was a spiritual confrontation between the practitioners. In the end, Nalanda Temple lost, closed the temple, and a large number of disciples changed their beliefs. Finally, it slowly declined, but But because Xuanzang brought Dharma meaning to the East Aurora, he prospered. When Xuanzang went west, he studied at Nalanda Temple. At that time, the vicinity of Nalanda Temple was really prosperous, and countless great thinkers studied here. Cultivation has become a shining jewel in cultural history, and it seems that it will never decline. But in the hundred years after Xuanzang left, Shankara appeared, and with his own power, Bodhgaya Nalanda declined. This rise and fall changes. It’s so fast, it’s really amazing.”

Su Jie talked about the rise and fall of thought in history from the realm of defeating and falling. In fact, they are all terrifying areas of spiritual confrontation.

Can make a civilization decay.

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