The Six Immortals Chapter 447: Jiuyou Overseas, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter 447 Jiuyou Overseas

Anyway, Bi Fan and the others seem to be experienced, and they are not in a hurry to go to Jiuyouhai.

Along the way, Bi Fan and Qingxuan stop and go, and even stop to practice for a while.

After several years of walking, they did not arrive at Jiuyou.

In the past few years, Bi Fan has taken care of Qingxuan in every possible way, which moved Qingxuan very much.

Qing Xuan also has a good impression of Bi Fan, otherwise she would not follow Bi Fan around.

For characters like Zi Yuji and Bing Ningyu, Qing Xuan is too lazy to take a look, and get along with them, and even feel upset.

She feels very comfortable with Bi Fan, although Bi Fan seems to have a lot of secrets, but getting along with him always feels that he is sincere.

Bi Fan is really sincere to Qingxuan, but his identity cannot be told to Qingxuan.

The relationship between the two is getting closer and closer, Bi Fan is a little worried, once he reveals his identity, the two will immediately separate.

Bi Fan has already thought about it. After Jiuyou Hailili is over, he will confess to Qingxuan.

No matter what the result is, he can’t keep Qing Xuan from hiding.

In the past few years, Bi Fan has practiced several times, and finally he is familiar with the Hunyuan Demon Suppression Demon Tower.

The Hunyuan Tower of Demons and Demons is extremely powerful, its various functions are magical, and it even has the ability to travel through time and space.

If Hun Yuan wants to take Bi Fan to leave, even if he is a powerhouse at the level of the Destiny Immortal King, he can’t stop it.

With such confidence, Bi Fan has nothing to worry about.

The magical powers of all aspects of the Hunyuan Demon Suppressing Demon Tower are extremely powerful. Whether it is defense or attack, whether it is physical defense or protecting the soul, they are all top-notch. With Hunyuan Demon Suppressing Demon Tower, they are all top-notch. After that, Bi Fan no longer needed the Netherworld Soul Calming Bell and Nine Palaces Immortal Source Map.

For these two treasures, he gave the Netherworld Soul Suppressing Bell to Bai Ming, and the Nine Palaces Xianyuan Tu to Cyclone, and he also bought dozens of top-quality fairy artifacts to Bai Ming and the others.

Of course, the seven-star soul jade veins in the Netherworld Soul Bell have been moved by Bi Fan to the Hunyuan Demon Falling Demons Tower. The wealth is necessary for the development of the Liujue Divine Sect and cannot be given to Bai Ming and the others. .

In the final analysis, Liujue Shenzong is the most important one. As long as Liujue Shenzong becomes stronger in the future, Bi Fan can dominate the Six Realms.

Bi Fan also counted the gains in the 36th Heavenly Palace. In addition to Bai Ming and the others, he also left 69 top-grade immortal artifacts, 195 top-grade offensive artifacts, One hundred and eighty-six defensive top-quality fairy artifacts, twenty-five palace-type top-quality fairy artifacts, 23 soul-type top-quality fairy artifacts, one divine artifact, 136 king-level elixir, and emperor-level spirit There are three kinds of medicines, 15 kinds of strange things, totaling 568 yuan, and countless kinds of rare materials.

This hasn’t counted the treasures in the Hunyuan Demon-Down Demon and Demon Tower. The Hunyuan Demon-Down Demon and Demon Tower contains all the treasures of the 36th Heavenly Palace. There must be a lot of them, which is probably beyond imagination.

It’s just that Bi Fan couldn’t take out those treasures. Purgatory said that he had to wait until he reached the level of the Destiny Immortal King before he could use those treasures.

If Bi Fan took out too many top-quality immortal artifacts at once, it would attract envy, and it would cause catastrophe.

These gains, waiting for Bi Fan to return to Liujue Shenzong and hand over the treasure to the powerhouse of Liujue Shenzong, can more than double the strength of Liujue Shenzong.

Bi Fan didn’t think so much, he decided to practice for a while before entering Jiuyouhai.

Jiuyouhai is a sacred place of adventure, it is extremely dangerous, a little carelessness, even the strongest of the ten golden immortal level may fall.

Don’t look at Bi Fan and Qingxuan’s strength, but when you get to the depths of Jiuyouhai, you have to be careful.

As for the periphery of Jiuyouhai, there is not much attraction to Bi Fan and the others. Since they came to take risks, they naturally went to the depths of Jiuyouhai.

Adventure in Jiuyouhai, in addition to encountering extremely powerful monsters, it is also possible to obtain treasures.

The Nine Nether Sea Monster Beasts are endless, it is definitely a good place to experience.

Some powerhouses who have confidence in their own strength will enter the Jiuyouhai tempering. I believe they will encounter many top powerhouses in the fairy world on this trip.

Bi Fan wants to go to Jiuyouhai, and there is another thought, that is, he wants to conquer a few more powerhouses of the ten golden immortal level.

The powerhouses at the ten-ground golden immortal level are extremely powerful. It is naturally a good thing to be able to conquer one more powerhouse at the ten-ground golden immortal level.

“Qingxuan, let’s practice for a while, and then enter Jiuyouhai.” Bi Fan said his thoughts.

“Okay.” Qing Xuan was originally a very assertive person, but when she gets along with Bi Fan, she becomes very docile and listens to Bi Fan’s words very much.

Qing Xuan feels a little strange to herself, she hasn’t figured out what’s going on with her heart, anyway, she is out of her control.

As for Bi Fan, his attitude towards Qingxuan has explained everything. He didn’t deliberately hide his feelings, which would be detrimental to his cultivation.

Of course, Bi Fan has not forgotten his wife in the chaos world, he is not the kind of person who loves the new and forgets the old.

Bi Fan stopped and was really cultivating. Recently, he has been trying to mobilize the energy under the two-color odd lotus rosette.

When he passed the test, Bi Fan’s body was fused with a hint of aura, which made his strength improved a lot, especially the power of the army, which was already very powerful to a terrifying level.

Furthermore, he has been able to withstand the six-color startling rune, increasing his strength by thirty-two times.

Although, under the law of destruction, power does not seem to have any effect, but once the power of the law cannot tell the victory or defeat, it will rely on power to rule the roost.

It took him some time to upgrade the colorful startling runes to six-color startling runes. He was lucky and succeeded in one shot.

With the six-color surprise rune, Bi Fan’s strength has reached the strongest.

However, he was not in a hurry, and became familiar with various god-level martial arts and supernatural powers before leaving.

The treasures on Bi Fan’s body are getting less and less, and only the extreme flame ice, the Hunyuan descending the demon demon tower, the eight-treasure gourd, the glazed startling **** armor, and the storm glove, of which the eight-treasure gourd is only produced Liquor, Liuli Jingshen Armor and Storm Gloves are already the best immortal weapons, their defensive power is not bad, they mainly increase strength, so he stayed.

There are fewer treasures, but Bi Fan’s strength has increased a lot.

Just a Hunyuan Demon Suppressing Demon Tower, it can be worth countless pieces of the best immortal artifacts.

Hunyuan descends the demon and defeats the demon tower. Not only does it defend against attacks, but it also assists in cultivation. It is stronger than the combination of the Hundred Wars Sacred Palace and the Netherworld Soul Calming Bell.

When Bi Fan was cultivating, he always practiced in the Hunyuan Demon Suppression Demon Pagoda, and his progress was extremely fast, and even the strength of his cultivation laws had to be much faster.

After he left the customs, he contacted Qing Xuan, but Qing Xuan had already left the customs.

Qing Xuan is very active and doesn’t like to practice in retreat.

It was only when Bi Fan wanted to practice, she agreed to stay and practice together. If he had been in the past, he would have rushed into Jiuyou Sea.

If someone familiar with Qing Xuan sees her performance now, he would definitely not believe it.

Qing Xuan has changed so much that even he himself can’t believe it, let alone someone else.

“Yu Jia, how well we cultivate, we can enter Jiuyou Sea.” Qing Xuan said.

“Of course, we can enter Jiuyou Sea at any time.” Bi Fan smiled.

Jiuyou Sea, has a huge reputation, has existed since ancient times. There is the Lord of Jiuyou Sea in Jiuyou Sea, as long as it is in Jiuyou Sea, the Lord of Jiuyou Sea is immortal.

It is said that the Lord of the Nine Nethers is a powerhouse at the top ten golden immortal level, but even a powerhouse at the level of the Destiny Immortal King cannot kill the Nine Nether Lords in the Sea of ​​Nine Nethers.

Some monsters in Jiuyouhai have also inherited some of the skills of the lord of Jiuyou. They are difficult to kill, and they are best used to sharpen them.

Only, in the depths of Jiuyouhai, there are monsters with magical powers.

Bi Fan’s goal this time is to go deep into the Jiuyou Sea, looking for monsters with special magical powers.

So, after they entered Jiuyouhai, they went straight to the depths of Jiuyouhai. The monsters and human cultivators in the periphery did not pay attention to them.

With their speed, it is impossible to find them if they are not the powerhouses at the level of ten golden immortals.

A few days later, Bi Fan and Qingxuan entered the depths of Jiuyouhai, and they stopped here.

“Yu Jia, we can practice in the depths of Jiuyouhai, but we must not provoke the Lord of Jiuyou.” Qing Xuan said.

“I know that the Lord of Nine Nethers is powerful, and even the Destiny Immortal King can’t help the Lord of Nine Nethers. I don’t want to ask for trouble.” Bi Fan said with a smile.

“It’s fine if you know, we have to kill monsters, and there must be a limit. If we kill too much, it will lead to the Lord of Nine Nethers.” Qing Xuan said.

Bi Fan smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I don’t want to die yet, I won’t be so stupid to provoke the Lord of the Nine Nethers.”

“Let’s start, and be careful of other strong people. When encountering other human strong people, be careful.” Qing Xuan said.

The two began to rush, and they hadn’t walked a few steps before they encountered a monster beast of the ten golden immortal level.

The monsters of the Ten-Divine Golden Immortal level are extremely powerful. Fortunately, only one monster of the Ten-Divine Golden Immortal level appeared, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

“You come, or me.” Qing Xuan is still humbly.

“Let me come. I like fighting monsters the most. It just happens to be able to see how strong the powerhouses of the Ten Golden Immortals are.” Bi Fan said with a smile.

Bi Fan took out the extreme flame and ice, ready to fight.

Seeing the extreme flames and ice, Qing Xuan said in surprise: “Yu Jia, your weapon seems to be much stronger.”

The aura of Extreme Flame Ice is ten times stronger, and it can be seen at a glance.

Bi Fan smiled and said: “Qingxuan, you have good eyesight. In the 36th Heavenly Palace, I got some chances. The extreme flames and ice have evolved and become stronger.”

“Yu Jia, congratulations.” Qing Xuan also appeared very happy.

For a cultivator of their level, getting a powerful imperial weapon is not as powerful as the original imperial weapon.

It’s like Bi Fan, he has already used Jiyan Hanbing smoothly. Even when Jiyanhanbing was still a top-grade fairy tool, he was unwilling to replace it with a top-grade fairy tool.

The power of the extreme flame ice is increased, and Bi Fan can directly exert the strongest power without having to be proficient.

“Thank you, if you hadn’t taken me into the 36th Heavenly Palace, I wouldn’t have such a chance.” Bi Fan said gratefully.

“If you thank me, next time you meet people like Zi Xiaosheng and Bing Ningyu, please help me stand in the way.” Qing Xuan said with a light smile.

“Stop driving, do you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend.” Bi Fan said in surprise.

Qing Xuan smiled and said: “Yes, as long as you pretend to be my boyfriend, there will be no such annoying flies. Let’s say it, don’t shrink back then.”

“Qingxuan, I haven’t promised you yet.” Bi Fan smiled bitterly.

Actually, he couldn’t ask for it in his heart, and he would refuse there,

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