The Six Immortals Chapter 251: Tianbao Tower, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

? Chapter 251  天宝楼

Long Yun Mansion has a lot of things. Bi Fan helped Nie Yunfei deal with many things, which was actually his own business. –<>-.

When Bi Fan went out, many difficult forces expressed obedience.

Bi Fan didn’t mean to subdue them, as long as they obey the control of Longyun Mansion.

If there is any dissatisfaction, Niu Batian’s fist is not soft at all. Such dissatisfaction will be forced to subdue directly.

Every day, Bi Fan brought Bi Gang, Kuangyuanba, Niu Batian and others to visit the heads of many powers. As long as he was in charge, nothing was unsuccessful.

Actually, Bi Fan’s reputation has played a big role. Many forces heard that Bi Fan had come in person, and they were afraid to make things difficult.

“Nie Yunfei, what?” Bi Fan said with a smile.

“The name Bi Fan is still useful. It seems we need to use it.” Nie Yunfei smiled.

“Find some substitutes for you to help you deal with things. I know you have a lot of work and don’t want to take up too much time. Then we will select some credible and capable people and let them make up your appearance. , Under your banner, go to the cities below to handle things. Longyun Mansion has 8,000 cities under its jurisdiction. If you let you go out in person, it will probably take a lot of time. If we send more than ten substitutes at the same time, it will be easy.” Nie Yunfei Said with a smile.

Bi Fan said happily: “This is a good idea, it suits me!”

He was originally not a manager or material for handling affairs. The last time he received Liujue Shenfu, he was exhausted enough.

Now the city of Longyun Mansion is nearly twice as large as that of Liujue Divine Mansion. If he goes out in person, he will have to be exhausted.

So, Nie Yunfei’s suggestion, he immediately agreed.

There are so many Luotianxian-level powerhouses in the Liujue Adventure Group, and they can’t let them all be idle, so let them act as substitutes.

Just do what he thinks. Bi Fan personally selected thirteen powerhouses, all of whom are at the level of Luo Tianshang. He personally disfigured them, and then trained them to learn Bi Fan’s speaking and dealing styles. , It’s best to have a similar aura, and that’s the best.

The people selected by Bi Fan are all highly talented and powerful. They have to learn these, very easy things.

In less than five days, they have the appearance of Bi Fan, who are not familiar with it, and it is difficult to tell them apart.

Bi Fan saw that it was almost done, so he sent them all out to deal with the matter.

Before he picked them, he knew about them and they were very good at doing things.

Sure enough, these stand-ins quickly solved many problems.

Bi Fan put his heart down and waited quietly for news from the three major families.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed, and the three major families finally have news.

The three big families are very sincere, and they all dispatched the Patriarch to discuss major issues in Longyun Mansion.

Bi Fan personally received them, but because of the importance of the relationship, they were very low-key, and even Bi Fan was wearing makeup.

“Wen Yuan, the head of the Wen family, it’s a good time to meet.” The head of the Wen family is gentle, with a strong smell of scrolls on his body.

“Long Bobin, the Patriarch of the Long Family, is polite.” The Patriarch of the Long Family, who is tall and mighty, knows that the fighting power is amazing at a glance.

“Zhong Li Chuhong, the master of the Zhongli family, hello.” Zhong Li Chuhong, the master of the Zhongli family, is handsome and handsome, and he must be a romantic figure when he was young.

In addition to the patrons of the three great masters, even Wenbo, Long Botian, and Zhong Li Chufei have arrived.

Bi Fan removed his makeup and said with a smile: “Under Bi Fan, I have seen you all, please sit down!”

“Everyone can sit here, I believe you also agree with my proposal, then we will discuss the details directly!”

Seeing that Bi Fan went straight to the subject, Zhong Li and Chuhong and others did not want to delay time.

“His Excellency Bi Fan, our three major families are already discussing alliances. Since you are willing to join in, of course we are welcome.” Zhong Li Chuhong said with a smile.

“I don’t know what your plan is.” Bi Fan asked.

“Our three major families combine advantageous resources to create a Tianbao Building. It is based on the Jubao Pavilion. It can buy and sell various treasures and hold auctions every once in a while. Because of resource problems, For the first time, we are preparing to launch a million Tianbao Buildings, distributed in most cities of several sects such as Wuyi Sect, Huajian Sect, and Shenjian Sect.” Long Bobin said.

“Millions of Tianbao Towers.” Bi Fan was slightly surprised. He did not expect that the three major families had such ambitions.

It seems that the three major families are far more than the Huajian Sect’s information.

Although the three major families have not established sects, they definitely have the strength to establish sects.

Otherwise, they would not dare to open the Tianbao Tower to the cities of several major sects.

This handwriting is much bigger than Bi Fan imagined. He knew that he had not found the wrong partner.

Being able to cooperate with such forces, the growth of the Liujue Adventure Group will be even faster.

Wen Yuan said: “Millions of Tianbao Buildings, we have to invest hundreds of billions of Seven-Star Soul Jade, I don’t know how much Bifan Palace is going to invest and how much share it will occupy!”

Hearing Wen Yuan’s words, Bi Fan was stunned again. The hundred billion seven-star soul jade is definitely an astronomical figure for the Liujue Adventure Group.

This time, Bi Fan conquered hundreds of experts at the level of Luo Tianshang, and obtained many seven-star soul jade from them, but the total number of seven-star soul jade in the Liujue Adventure Group is only more than 10 billion. Seven-star soul jade, he wants to take out the seven-star soul jade directly, that is impossible.

However, Bi Fan had already thought about it, so he calmed down quickly: “I don’t know how you distribute it, but I want to occupy a quarter of the share!”

“Bi Fan Palace, can you come up with 25 billion Seven-Star Soul Jade.” Zhong Li Chu Fei sneered.

“Of course, I can’t bring out so many seven-star soul jade, but I can use the space sacred stone and the shocking rune to get the seven-star soul jade. The seven-star soul jade that will be auctioned at that time, I will not only get the dividends I deserve, auction All the income goes to you.” Bi Fan was not angry, still smiling.

Zhong Li and Chuhong’s eyes lit up, and they most wanted Bi Fan to bring out the surprise rune and the space **** stone.

Zhong Li Chuhong said: “The space **** stone, a piece of ninety million seven-star soul jade, worth some invisible value, will be discounted to one hundred million seven-star soul jade, and the magic rune can increase its power twice. At the previous auction price, we can give you a price of 200 million Seven-Star Soul Jade. If you are willing to take out the Surprise Rune and the Space God Stone, there is no need to auction it. Our three major families will eat it all!”

“No problem, then it’s okay for me to occupy a quarter of the share.” Bi Fan smiled.

The price mentioned by Zhong Li and Chuhong is fair, and Bi Fan doesn’t have to bargain with them.

Long Bobin said: “In this case, our four families will each have 25 billion seven-star soul jade, each occupying a quarter of the share, and we will build Tianbaolou together!”


The big parties have reached an agreement, and the details are easy to talk about.

However, because the Tianbao Building is so big, it is not easy to negotiate the details. Three days later, they formally signed the contract, and they both made the blood oath.

In order to win a quarter of the share, Bi Fan took out 60 startling runes and 130 space gods. He had time gods, but he didn’t want to expose that he had hunted and killed the land in another world. A real fairy level monster, so he won’t take the time **** stone out.

Tianbao Building, the management is all given to the three families of Wen Jia, Long Jia, and Zhong Li Family. Bi Fan does not participate, he just takes the dividends.

Furthermore, the fact that Bi Fan joined is top secret, and only the people present know it, and the three big families have also agreed to let the ancestors of the family know about this matter, and will never leak it out.

Actually, letting people know that Bi Fan has joined, it will not do any good for Tianbaolou.

Let’s talk about Wuyizong. If you know that Bi Fan has joined Tianbaolou, you will definitely embarrass Tianbaolou.

And Bi Fan also needs to make some contributions, that is, every period of time, he puts out the surprise rune auction.

After the matter was confirmed, the people of the three major families left quickly. They were planning to build the Tianbao Building, and there were still many things that needed to be dealt with by them.

What’s more, they were very satisfied with this trip, and they were very excited to get the surprise rune.

If it weren’t for the surprise rune, they would definitely not agree to join Bi Fan.

When Zhongli Chuhong and the others left, Bi Fan also took out a hundred surprise runes, handed them to them, and put them out for auction when Tianbaolou opened.

Of course, not all Tianbao Towers in the city are auctioned with Shocking Runes, only some large-scale Tianbao Buildings will be auctioned with Shocking Runes.

Otherwise, Bi Fan couldn’t bring out so many surprise runes, and he didn’t dare to bring out so many surprise runes.

Things are rare and precious, and Bi Fan took out the Shocking Rune, just to make the Tianbaolou famous, not just to earn the Seven-Star Soul Jade.

After opening, every ten years, it is enough to put out a few surprise runes for auction.

If there are too many startling runes, it will reduce the value of the startling runes, which is not good for Tianbaolou’s reputation.

After finishing the three major families, Bi Fan is in a very good mood.

Actually, Bi Fan didn’t pay much. Whether it was the space **** stone or the surprise rune, he had a lot of them. With a little bit, he could occupy a quarter of the Tianbao building. He was too cost-effective.

Furthermore, the three major families can get the surprise rune, and they think it is worth it, so their alliance is a win-win situation.

“Bi Fan Mansion, you are really amazing, and that’s okay.” Nie Yunfei smiled.

The three major families have solid foundations in several sects. It is a very simple matter for them to form Tianbaolou.

To build the Tianbao Tower, it does not cost much. Each Tianbao Tower requires 100 million to billions of seven-star soul jade turnover, and some treasures need to be prepared.

The three major families have been preparing for a long time, and naturally they have prepared the treasures long ago. They have been converted into Seven-Star Soul Jade, and I believe that Tianbao Tower will be on track soon.

There are startling magic talismans to gain fame, and some space sacred stones are auctioned off, I believe Tianbaolou will soon become famous and rich in wealth.

Bi Fan doesn’t have to worry about Tianbao Tower at all. The three big families will naturally hand over dividends to Bi Fan every month.

It won’t be long before Liujue Adventure Group will have a large amount of Seven-Star Soul Jade booked into the account. In the future, the funds will be abundant and many things can be done.

(Dear book friends, Lao Yun is going to be a father, so he is busy and the update is not stable. Forgive me, I hope you will always support it.) Please go to –<>-.

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